11 11 Powerful Day Universal Year

11 11 Powerful Day — This came in our email. It’s been a while since we had a good “Off the Internet” and we wish to share for your enlightenment. We don’t know who Elaine is.

That every time you glance at your phone it seems to be exactly 11:11?

That repeating 1s are popping up all around you – on receipts, license plates, mile markers and digital notifications?

→ Well, it’s no coincidence.

This year more than ever before, countless people all over the planet have reported seeing the 11:11 code repeatedly appear in their daily lives.

It’s a worldwide phenomenon that’s intensifying as we approach the 11th day, of the 11th month, of an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8=11)…


That’s right. This year, November 11th is more magical than you ever could’ve imagined…

→ It’s the most powerful manifesting day of the decade.

11 is the Master Number of heightened intuition, supernatural abilities and miraculous creation. 

In sacred geometry, the Number 11 represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between divine inspiration and physical materialization…

And on November 11th, 2018, the 11:11:11 portal flies wide open, just days after tomorrow’s Scorpio New Moon darkens the skies and opens limitless possibilities.

This is it, Elaine.

Get ready for a massive expansion of your personal power and abundance potential!

→ We’re talking manifestation at lightning speed.

There is no doubt that something is shifting in the Universe right now. Can you feel it? We sure can…

The last time we experienced this 11:11:11 portal was back in 2009. Before that, it was 1910! That means over 99% of the world’s population have only ever experienced one or two of these days in their lifetimes.

No wonder the entire planet is feeling the effects of this incredibly rare vibration and waiting with great anticipation for November 11th, 2018 to arrive!

11 11 Powerful Day
I noticed an 11 on my clock.

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