Medicaid Hurts Poor

Medicaid, the state-managed health program for poor people, is not so good for poor people according to a new federal report.

The program gets its funding from federal and state tax collections. Obamacare — sorry DemoCare — encouraged states to expanded eligibility for it.

Pennsylvania under Gov. Tom Corbett was among those opting out of the expansion.

It turns out Corbett’s instincts were right.

The U.S. Office of the Inspector General has found that “slightly more than half of providers could not offer appointments to enrollees.” Also, 8 percent of practices said they weren’t taking new patients and of those that did more that quarter had wait times of over a month with 10 percent waiting in excess of two months.

People, putting ink on paper does not mean you get health care. Health care is a competent doctor willing to see you.

If a doctor is unwilling or unable to see you, don’t have health care. If doctors are retiring early or working fewer hours — and they are due to DemoCare  — that means there is less health care. One does not need to be Socrates to see this logic.

Gov.-elect Tom Wolf plans to implement a straightforward Medicaid expansion. The poor are going to suffer as they always do under Democrats.

We pointed this out months ago.

Medicaid Hurts Poor

Medicaid Hurts Poor