Hillary Cheats Women On Pay

Some are concerned that women will flock to Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrat nominee in 2016 out of gender loyalty. Hillary Cheats Women On Pay

We are not among them. We don’t believe they are that dumb. They are, however, more inclined to trust media outlets that men have long since discounted and these outlets are nothing more than shills for those who want money transferred from middle class taxpayers — or foreign interests — to themselves.

The Clinton’s are perfect examples of this, by the way.

So, the Republicans are going to have address the lies spread by these outlets along with revealing the facts they try to cover up.

The Republicans cannot be afraid of being called sexist, as they were afraid of being called racist when they failed to address Barack Obama’s shortcomings in their campaigns against him.

There are signs of hope this is being done, if not by the GOP establishment at least by intelligent people with a sense of humor.

OK, definitely not by the GOP establishment

This YouTube video brilliantly illustrates Mrs. Clinton’s hypocrisy — she pays her women staffers far less than her male ones — and shows what happens when her supporters find out.

Hat tip IJReview.com

Hillary Cheats Women On Pay

SB1 Pension Reform Explained

Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania has a pretty good explanation of SB1, the pension reform bill passed, yesterday, May 13, by the Pennsylvania Senate. SB1 Pension Reform Explained

CAP notes the bill calls for new state workers and public school teachers to enroll in a defined contribution type plan similar to the 401Ks most of us have. They also have an option to enroll in a cash balance plan which are like savings accounts with a interest rate equal to a 30-year US Treasury Bond with a cap at 4 percent.

New employees would not be eligible for the existing defined benefit plan.

Existing employees would be prevented from spiking their average salary during their final years to hike their pension by maxing out on overtime. It would also change how future benefits are calculated for employees in the current system and require increased employee contributions.

It is estimated that the reforms would save the taxpayers $1.7 billion over the next four years and a total savings of $18 billion.

The bill is now before the House.

Kudos but why wasn’t this done four years ago when the GOP ran everything? Expect our Democrat governor, Tom Wolf, to do what he can to gut it as the unions basically own him.

And, really, the morality of someone making a $477,591 public pension must be addressed before asking the working class and those down on the luck to bail out the system.

Hat tip Lisa Esler.

SB1 Pension Reform Explained