William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-13-16

Remember those cartoons where the cowboy has a gun with a bent barrel that allows him to shoot around corners? The Nazis actually invented something like that. They called it the krummlauf.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-13-16

Joe Biden Lurks

Joe Biden Lurks
Will he be the D nominee?

Joe Biden Lurks — We are going to make a prediction that Hillary Clinton will not be the Democrat candidate on the presidential ballot this November.

This is not one of those prognostications that one should bet the farm on and take to the bank. In fact, we figure there is a  49 percent shot that the Bwicked Bwitch will be the donkey nominee. But that still means we think the odds are that she won’t so we have crawled out on our limb.

So will it be Bernie Sanders? The corporate cronyists that control the Democrat machine want a sincere socialist even less then does the American people. We think they will succeed in torpedoing him, unlike the cronyists in the RNC did with the USS Trump.

So who will it be? Well, Joe Biden lurks and he is a tame sock puppet. Now, Cousin Joe is not very bright and he has serious family issues but he’s likeable and popular with Middle America.

Hopefully, The Donald has a contingency for dealing with him.

By the way, did you see where Trump has now taken on Jeff Bezos of Amazon and vice versa? Bezos who keeps the Washington Post alive as a useful tool has sicced 20 of the paper’s operatives on Trump. Trump notes that Amazon benefits from tax policies that are unfair to other retailers and has been escaping anti-trust enforcement. He notes that his election would change that status.

Joe Biden Lurks