William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-5-16

What are shawms and racketts? They were woodwind instruments popular in the Renaissance. You want brass? The sackbut was the Renaissance trombone.What are shawms and racketts? They were woodwind instruments popular in the Renaissance. You want brass? The sackbut was the Renaissance trombone.

Here is some shawm music:

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-5-16  shawms and racketts

Left Rigged Game With Strawman Labels

Left Rigged Game With Strawman Labels

By John Haenn

Does anyone even know what conservatism is anymore?  It’s this little idea that’s been grossly and probably purposely undersold to the American public since the days of Reagan.

Conservatism is the idea that given a strong country, strong economy and freedom, that people can fend for themselves.  This gets countered as conservatives wanting people to be poor and starve to death.  Thank goodness that we have all of these government programs to keep these people barely alive, barely eating, barely having shelter.

Conservatism is the idea that an intact country is a country that has a border.  It’s a country that has laws that allow people to immigrate in both directions legally through a process.  This gets countered as conservatives wanting America to be closed to the world, a racist and harsh America that looks down on peoples all over the world.

Conservatism is the idea that a smaller government is a better government.  This goes completely ignored, because while we are all holding onto our conservative values, the left is selling the idea that jobs, food, housing and happiness all come from the government.  They do a damn fine job selling this to the American public.

The American public is bought and paid for.  And it’s our fault.

For 20 years, we’ve done nothing to expand our base.  We don’t educate blacks and minorities about how better off they’d be living in a country that embraces conservative principles.  We don’t control the conversation at all.  We’re not doing any talking.  We’ve allowed ourselves to be demonized to the point where it will take a generation to undo the damage, and even that may not be enough.  We may simply be done.

A.  Did we feel we had safety in numbers?
B.  Did we feel that we’d win elections on principle, because the good guys always win?
C.  Did we think that since our ideas are good that people would just jump on board?
D.  Did we assume that blacks and minorities are unreachable?
E.  All of the above.

Answer, E.

Left Rigged Game With Strawman LabelsBut while we’ve slept, the left has undone everything that we accomplished under Reagan.  And they’ve done more.  They’ve infiltrated our party with left leaning Republicans who on some issues will side with the big government liberals every time.  Think of it like a casino.  We win some battles, but the game is rigged towards the Democrats.  This holds true regardless of who controls which chamber or both chambers.  In reality, we have 1 political party; The Elite.

Our Elite Overlords.
The elite whom decide our Freedoms.
The elite whom decide our Success.
The elite whom decide our very Survival.

From cradle to grave, this Elite Party controls every part of our lives, from birth, education, family, health and death.

What do we do?  As I said, we may simply be done.  Welcome to Rock Bottom, nation.  The national debt is unthinkable.  Total unemployment is 30 percent and probably higher.  There’s no manufacturing.  No innovation.  No invention and no drive.  We’ve run out of time.  Reagan’s City On A Hill is going dark.

If we have any hope of saving the country, we must begin first with honestly admitting where we currently are as a people.  The picture is not good.  The outlook is worse.  The kind of urgency needed in the righting of the ship is not often seen in human history, but we have no choice.  This land was chosen as the last best hope of mankind, and as Ronald Reagan once said, “How can we do any less; we’re Americans.”

A young nation turned to George Washington in their darkest hour.  Who will step up this time?  Who will be the voice to mend a torn nation?

Mr. Haenn is a resident of Collingdale, Pa.

Left Rigged Game With Strawman Labels