William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-10-16

Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria was not a galleon but a carrack. It was 32-years-old when The Admiral set sail. It was about the size of a modern day yacht. It's owner was a guy named Juan de la Cosa.Christopher Columbus’ Santa Maria was not a galleon but a carrack. It was 32-years-old when The Admiral set sail. It was about the size of a modern day yacht. Its owner was a guy named Juan de la Cosa.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-10-16 Juan de la Cosa

Hillary Victimized Kathleen Willey Too

Hillary Victimized Kathleen Willey Too — Maybe the most important factor regarding the election last night did not occur in debate but in the spin room afterwards when the women victimized by Bill — and most certainly Hillary — came forward to tell their stories. Hillary Victimized Kathleen Willey Too

If you missed it, here is Kathleen Willey, a native Philadelphian, who was groped by Bill in the White House on the day of her husband’s suicide, explaining why they attended the debate and how difficult it was.


Hillary Victimized Kathleen Willey Too