Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA

Strike the king you better kill him.

Bummer CIA. You missed.

Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA
Hey CIA, you missed.

As did the rest of the Washington/Wall Street swamp.

The government-connected media has been filling the airwaves all week with reports that Russia “hacked” our election. It’s based on CIA claims that leave dupes with the implicit conclusion that Donald Trump is not a legitimate president.

“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency,” according to the government (i.e. Obama Administration) report. “We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.”

The claim has seriously underwhelmed cyber security people.

And the guy who is taking over in a couple of weeks is not happy so expect a lot of out-of-work spy types.

What should be especially disconcerting to the intelligence community is that conservatives who have had an almost knee-jerk instinct to defend it are now starting to say, well, maybe the progressives have a point about them.

Especially damning is the realization that the “intelligence” agencies tasked to understand what is going on in the world are either clueless about what is happening outside the little swamp in which they live, or they are so terrified of losing their wealth and power they are resorting to desperate measures to undermine a duly elected president.

If you are really concerned as to whether the Russians “hacked” into the Democrat National Committee database to reveal that Hillary Clinton told foreign groups that her campaign promises are lies and had squelched a primary opponent via unfair party manipulation, ask yourself if you’d rather had not known she did these things.

Ask yourself  if the intelligence community was really concerned about security why did it tolerate the Secretary of State having a private email server not subject to government oversight and in violation of every protocol imaginable, not to mention common sense.

Ask yourself why the Russians (and the Saudis and the Chinese) wouldn’t want someone to whom they siphoned millions for tangible benefits.

Ask yourself why the Democrat Party would twist arms so badly to get this person as their nominee.

Jan. 20 can’t come soon enough.

Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA