Largest prime number William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 1-11-18

What is the largest prime number? It’s called M77232917. It’s 23,249,425 digits long. If someone started writing it down, today, Jan. 11, they would finish on Sept. 22, 2081.

Largest prime number William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 1-11-18

What is the largest prime number? It's called M77232917. It's 23,249,425 digits long. If someone started writing it down, today, Jan. 11, they would finish on Sept. 22, 2081.  Largest prime number William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 1-11-18




Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas

This came via email from Gab and reveals Silicon Valley hypocrisy and Twitter untrustworthyness . Gab, is a social media site dedicated to free speech and is far superior to Twitter.  

Since August 2016 Gab has been leading the way with exposing the double standards, hypocrisy, and mass censorship of Big Social Media companies in Silicon Valley. We’ve told you about shadow-banning, hypocritical one-sided rule enforcement, unfair treatment of conservatives and Trump supporters, and one-sided political agendas being pushed by these multi-billion dollar communication platforms that are used by hundreds of millions of people.

Over the last several months we’ve been working closely with Project Veritas to help them infiltrate these big technology companies and expose the mass censorship and corruption happening each and everyday. Thanks to James O’Keefe and his team there is now undeniable proof of Twitter employees admitting that censorship, double standards, and hypocrisy are indeed happening on these platforms.

Olinda Hassan is a Policy Manager for Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team. Her team is responsible for the enforcement of Twitter’s rules and regulation, deciding who and what is allowed to be on the platform. Project Veritas caught her on camera saying this:

PV Journalist: “But how do you keep, like, my timeline… how do you keep certain things off my timeline? People will like retweet people.

Olinda: “We’re trying to down rank it, but you also need to have control of your timeline.”

PV Journalist: I’ve tried to, like block people like Cernovich and stuff like that and mute and stuff like that, but they still show up, like all the time.

Olinda: Yeah. That’s something we’re working on. It’s something we’re working on. We’re trying to get the shitty people to not show up. It’s a product thing we’re working on.”

Some of the other admissions captured by Project Veritas are staggering, and confirm everything that Gab has been saying since August 2016: Silicon Valley is censoring Trump supporters, conservatives, and anyone else they disagree with politically. Here’s a quote from a former member of Twitter’s Content Review Team:

PV Journalist: …a user end services person would deem it: “Pro-Trump,” and take it down?

Mo Norai: Yeah, if they said this is: “Pro-Trump” I don’t want it because it offends me, this, that. And I say I banned this whole thing, and it goes over here and they are like, Oh you know what? I don’t like it too. You know what? Mo’s right, let’s go, let’s carry on, what’s next?

PV Journalist: So, I flag something it’s going to go by you….

Mo Norai: Correct, and they you know you’re looking at it and you’re like: “Oh hey, this is Pro-Trump ….I don’t like it.

The full video is a must watch and you can check it out on Project Vertias’ website here.

The good news is that we are fighting back. We are building an alternative platform for The People, funded by The People. In just a few weeks we’ve reserved over $1.4 million dollars for Gab’s next funding round. Not from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists or special interests, but directly from our users.

You can join us on our journey to build an alternative platform that supports individual liberty, freedom of speech, and the free flow of information on the internet. Click here to reserve your investment in Gab and help us take on the hypocritical tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley.

Thanks and remember to speak freely!

Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas


Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas

Huma Weiner Divorce Is Off!!! Let Your Heart Be Warm

Huma Weiner Divorce Is Off!!! Let Your Heart Be Warm
Huma and Hillary probably discussing who has the better husband.

Huma Weiner Divorce Is Off!!!  — Happy news!!!  Huma Abedin is calling off her divorce to ex-Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner. Their marriage hit a rough spot when Anthony was sentenced to prison for sending obscene pictures of himself to a young girl.

This is good news as they were obviously in love. They shared everything.  Even laptop computers when Huma was Hillary’s top aide!!!

Is the reconciliation due to Huma’s returning to her strict Islamist upbringing and recognizing Little Tony as her rightful lord and master?  Her parents were big in the Muslim Brotherhood after all.

Or is it because under U.S. law spouses can’t be compelled to testify against each other?

Regardless, our hearts are warmed. Look for their story to be depicted on the Hallmark Channel next Ramadan.

Huma Weiner Divorce Is Off!!! Let Your Heart Be Warm