Tojo inquiring phone calls William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-7-18

General Hideki Tojo inquiring phone calls –General Hideki Tojo was the prime minister when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Throughout his tenure he preached self sacrifice, and, when necessary, suicide. When the Marianas were occupied, Tojo was sacked. As the war situation got worse Tojo just sat back.

Finally when the US accepted Japans surrender, Tojo’s wife started getting phone calls. They politely asked “Has your husband committed suicide yet?” His doctor was kind enough to show Tojo where his heart was so he would be sure to kill himself and not survive.

Tojo sat and waited. Finally when the US authorities showed up Tojo shot himself. It was an insincere seppuku. He missed his own heart.

This was a good thing. True justice occurred when he was hanged as a war criminal.

Tojo inquiring phone calls
Tojo inquiring phone calls William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-7-18

Dishwasher is a miracle William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-7-18

Dishwasher is a miracle William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-7-18

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Dishwasher is a miracle William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-7-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: I have to admit that I’m one of those people that thinks the dishwasher is a miracle.
Clarence Thomas


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