Rebecca Warren Readying Petitions?

Rebecca Warren Readying Petitions? — Happy VALentine’s Day. Rebecca Warren, the popular ex-Montour County D.A., will be circulating petitions to get on the May 21 primary ballot we have been told.

Rebecca Warren Readying Petitions?
Rebecca Warren

Pennsylvania GOP bosses twisted themselves into pretzels to keep her from snaring the party endorsement, Feb. 2.

Their first choice, ex-state representative Kate Harper from Montco, was crushed in regional straw polls so Megan King, a deputy district attorney from Chester County — the bailiwick of state Party Chairman Val DiGiorgio — was drafted as a last minute replacement.

Ms. King participated in only the final straw poll in which she finished dead last.

The suspicion is that Ms King will take directions from the establishment whereas Ms. Warren would not.

Else why keep try to keep her off the ballot?

Two seats are being contested for 10-year terms on the court which is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state.

There is no controversy involving the other candidate, Cumberland County Common Pleas Court Judge Christylee Peck, who finished first in the straw polls.

Our birdie tells us that people from around the state have been contacting Ms. Warren asking her to run.

Our birdie has also told us that DiGirogio has been unsuccessfully trying to set up a meeting with Ms. Warren.

Here’s a thought. Stay out of the race and let her run. May the best gal win.

Rebecca Warren Readying Petitions?

First diamond engagement ring William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-14-19

The first diamond engagement ring was given in 1477 by Archduke Maximillian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy.

First diamond engagement ring William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-14-19
First diamond engagement ring William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-14-19

Happiness starts with a smile

Happiness starts with a smile — Good friend Katie sent us this link to a Coca-Cola ad by a Belgian advertising agency in which an actor randomly starts laughing on a train.

The tagline is “happiness starts with a smile.” May you start this Valentine’s Day with one.

Happiness starts with a smile

Soul-searching William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit  2-14-19

Soul-searching William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit  2-14-19

Max uxzbggbgz hy ehox bl mh exm mahlx px ehox ux ixkyxvmer maxflxeoxl, tgw ghm mh mpblm maxf mh ybm hnk hpg bftzx. Hmaxkpblx px ehox hger max kxyexvmbhg hy hnklxeoxl px ybgw bg maxf.
Mahftl Fxkmhg 

Soul-searching William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit  2-14-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: I don’t know one of my friends who is considered a conservative who has not had to go back and thoroughly think through everything. You do a lot of soul-searching – ’cause we are not going to win any popularity contests.
Clarence Thomas

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