First presidential press secretary William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-11-20

Who was George E. Akerson? He was the first presidential press secretary. He served from March 4, 1929 to March 16, 1931 under Herbert Hoover.

First presidential press secretary William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-11-20
First presidential press secretary William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-11-20

Delco Refugee Resettlement Endorsed By Council

Delco Refugee Resettlement Endorsed By Council — The new all-Democrat Delaware County Council started its term, Jan. 8, by waving its middle finger at the vast majority of county residents who just want things like safe streets and reasonable taxes.

It voted 5-0 to send a letter to the Department of State, directing them to authorize “refugee resettlement consistent with the authorization provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

Hey Chester residents, how does this help you?

Delco Refugee Resettlement Endorsed By Council
Delco Refugee Resettlement Endorsed By Council

Small minds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-11-20

Small minds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-11-20

Pkhanwjya eilheao jk hwyg kb ykiiepiajp pk kja’o ksj xaheabo. Nwpdan ep ykjzaijo pda kllnaooekj kn lanoayqpekj kb kpdano.
Fkdj B. Gajjazu

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.
Blaise Pascal

Small minds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-11-20
Small minds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-11-20