Conan Doyle JM Barrie William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-14-20

Conan Doyle  JM Barrie — Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and  JM Barrie were on the same cricket team. Doyle was the author of Sherlock Holmes stores. Barrie wrote Peter Pan.

Conan Doyle  JM Barrie William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-14-20
Conan Doyle  JM Barrie William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-14-20

For putting a hat William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 1-14-20

For putting a hat William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 1-14-20

Krqhvwb lv wkh iluvw fkdswhu lq wkh errn ri zlvgrp.
Wkrpdv Mhiihuvrq

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Your head is not only for putting a hat on.
Ukrainian Folk Saying

For putting a hat William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 1-14-20
For putting a hat William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 1-14-20