7 Million Fewer Whites Voted In ’12

RealClearPolitics.com has a fascinating article indicating that after all the votes are counted 7 million fewer white voters will have voted than four years ago. 

The article takes into account that ballots are still being counted and estimated that as of yesterday, Nov. 8, the total outstanding was 7 million. Even so, it claims that this would make the final number of votes cast to be 125 million which will be 5 million less than ’08.
The article claims that exit polls indicate that these missing voters are 7 million whites as the turnout was up 300,000 among blacks and 1.7 million among Hispanics and 467,000 among others. 
As it appears that Romney will match McCain’s total of just under 60 million, the conclusion one can draw is that a lot of whites abandoned Obama this cycle without being able to bring themselves out to hit the R button.
Obama didn’t turnout to be much of a uniter after all. Voting is the best revenge.

7 thoughts on “7 Million Fewer Whites Voted In ’12”

  1. Tears fell on America the first Tuesday in November.
    The just don’t win every battle.
    But keep your head high. Do not surrender to evil.
    Do not give up.
    The cream will rise to the top if you remember that voting is the best revenge.

  2. With much thanks and recognition to Jimmy Buffett

    I never planned in my imagination, a situation so heavenly
    A fairy land that no one else could enter
    And in the center, just us,
    My heart will beat like a hammer, my arms wound around you tight
    And stars will again fall on America.

    Voting is the best revenge.
  3. Doesn’t matter if less people voted. The majority still wanted Obama. And I can proudly say I’m one white girl who voted for Obama!

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