Blunt Letter From Joe Biden

Just got this in my inbox from Vice President Biden:

Bill —

This isn’t hyperbole or exaggeration:

If we don’t win this election, it will be because we didn’t close the spending gap when we could.

Because right now we’re seeing that voters have a choice between two very different men.

And the only way someone like Mitt Romney — who’s asking Americans to put him in charge of their taxes while refusing to come clean about his own, who wants to repeal Obamacare, end Medicare as we know it and give more tax breaks to billionaires who don’t need them — defeats someone like Barack Obama, is if the other side spends us into oblivion.

Tomorrow is the most urgent fundraising deadline of this campaign so far. Will you make a donation of $3 or more today to make sure we can keep this close over the last 100 days?

It’s already starting on TVs and radios in swing states, and it’s not going to stop.

In the last two weeks of this month, Romney and his allies had an almost 2:1 spending advantage in Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia — and that could be the election right there.

We’ve got more than 2.4 million grassroots donors building this the right way.

But we’re running out of time to close the money gap when it really matters.

Please donate $3 today, and help make sure our message can get through to as many voters as Mitt Romney’s does:
Barack and I honestly wish we could thank everyone who contributes to this campaign personally. You’re our second family, you know.



Joe — I guess I can call you that as that is how you signed the letter — I can’t help. Maybe after next January when I expect things to be get a little better economy wise, I might be able to send a few bucks your way. Keep in touch.

Blunt Letter From Joe Biden

4 thoughts on “Blunt Letter From Joe Biden”

  1. Bill…are you nuts? That’s BS about giving tax breaks to Billionaires…I beg your pardon but Obama’s plan is to TAX couples who make more than $250,000 a year. That’s about what my wife and I USED to make before Obama came into office. Our incomes have dwindled and in case you haven’t NOTICED the price of GAS IS STILL ASTRONOMICALLY HIGH all because of Obama’s policies. Further, consumer confidence is at an all time and the cost of food, clothing, etc is going up!!!

    If you’re still not paying attention here’s a paraphrasing of Reagan and Clinton’s campaign slogans that might get your attention…”No, I am not better off now than I was four years ago and YES, it’s the economy, STUPID.”

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