Are Muslims Exempt From Obamacare? II

Back in March, we investigated claims that Muslims are exempt from the Obamacare mandate to buy health insurance — which is basically the heart of the law — and concluded “maybe” but that you couldn’t really tell from the garbage that was passed.

It turns out Snopes has also investigated the claims and has arrived at the same conclusion.

“The bottom line is that the health insurance  provision of (the law) doesn’t kick in until the year 2014, and between then and now many challenges will likely be launched regarding who might be exempt from it,” it said.

That’s a more polite way of saying “this was one badly written bill” but it means the same thing.

This is the sanest Supreme Court in the last 60 years. Hopefully, it will find from these challenges that the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” is unconstitutional.

Still to  provide insurance in case the court should fail, as we have become almost conditioned to expect, it is vital to vote Nov. 2 to throw out the Democrat fools who voted for this nation-killing, senior-citizen-killing, baby-killing monstrosity and put people in who will repeal it, and actually read the laws they pass.

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