Ben Carson Speaks Truth To Obama

Ben Carson Speaks Truth To Obama — Talk about speaking truth to power. Dr. Benjamin Carson, pediatric neurosurgery division director at Johns Hopkins University, was the speaker at yesterday’s (Feb. 7) National Prayer Breakfast in Washington attended by President and Michelle Obama along with many other political leaders.

Dr. Carson talked about a flat tax, unity, the damage caused by political correctness, the danger of a lawyer mentality, health savings accounts, the crisis of our national debt,   the need for morality, the decline in educational standards, Jesus and God.

The President sat on his hands during the entire speech and his expression appeared pained. To her credit Michelle applauded wildly more than once.

The speech is below and is 28 minutes long. We strongly recommend watching:


Ben Carson Speaks Truth To Obama


Ben Carson Speaks Truth To Obama

2 thoughts on “Ben Carson Speaks Truth To Obama”

  1. Now I know how a drowning person feels when someone throws her a lifeline. The good doctor gives me hope that common sense is still alive and well and this country will survive the next four years. Funny how the left is criticizing Dr. Carson for being rude and disrespectful to the President. Remember how pleased they were when Obama insulted the Supreme Court during his State of the Union speech? Weren’t they gloating when O invited Paul Ryan to sit in the front row and then mocked his budget ideas? There was no malice or arrogance in Doctor Carson’s speech. (Also no teleprompter!) He has a fine mind and proper principles and I just can’t wait to order his new book “America the Beautiful”.

  2. If Dr. Carson was being disrespectful would Michelle have applauded him?
    Of course not.
    The left is attacking him because he made Obama look bad without trying to. It was Obama’s fault that Obama looked bad.

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