Blame Lazy Catholicism for School Closings

Blame Lazy Catholicism for School Closings

By Chris Freind

The message from headquarters was sent to field agents worldwide:
“This is your mission, if you choose to accept it. Take one of the most
powerful institutions in the history of mankind and change it so
radically—in all the wrong ways—that in the span of 50 years, it will be
a shell of its former self, relegated to a backwater shaped only by the
sad ghosts of the past.”

Was this a Mission Impossible communiqué sent at the height
of the Cold War to implode the Soviet Union? Or a message pertaining to
another mammoth entity: the Roman Catholic Church? There is one
critical difference. The Soviets fell due to outside forces. The
Church, while admittedly having its fair share of outside “attackers,”
is falling from within, and most of its decline is entirely of its own

The above message could well have come from St. Peter’s Basilica in
1965. The “field agents?” Cardinals, bishops and priests. The objective:
Implement Vatican II.

The result? Disaster.

In the tumultuous 1960s, the world was on fire as secularism and
moral relativism were in vogue. Rather than standing its ground and
fighting those undesirable concepts, the Church went in the opposite
direction. In effect, Vatican II allowed Catholics to be “Catholic” in
pretty much any way they wanted, playing right into the hands of the
Woodstock culture. That carte-blanche decree served as a launching point
for the now-dominant “do whatever you want to do and whatever makes you
feel good without remorse” mentality.

In an instant, the things that made Roman Catholicism the world’s
dominant force vanished. To many, the “rock” upon which St. Peter built
the Church no longer seemed solid, but more “flexible.”

Some Church officials, to be sure, disagreed with the new direction,
but they were powerless to stop it. Not only were they forced to follow
orders, but in a much more practical sense, they were no longer able to
hold their flock accountable when the Church abandoned many of the
tenets that made it so attractive in the first place.

When a political party strives to become a very large “tent,” trying
to be all things to all people rather than affirming its platform—what it stands for—it
eventually becomes impotent. It’s one thing for a position to evolve as
circumstances change, so long as the basic belief structure isn’t
irreparably compromised as to make the original tenets unrecognizable.
When that occurs—and both U.S. political parties are guilty of it—no one is pleased, and people abandon the organization.

Has a football team ever won a championship when the coach told his
players to practice in “whatever way made them feel good”? Has a team
ever been successful after making mandatory team meetings optional? And
how long will a team remain a cohesive unit if players simply ignore the
coach’s play-calling and do their own thing?

Morale and pride mean everything in building a successful team or
institution, but they can only exist when sacrifice and dedication is demanded of the individuals who make up that entity. The only part of JFK’s inaugural address that people remember was when he demanded greatness of Americans by asking “what you can do for your country.”

The Church lost those things when it stopped demanding greatness from
its rank and file, instead letting folks off the hook by making things
“easier.” Holy Day of Obligation falls on a Saturday or Monday? You
don’t have to go to church that day; we’ll just make Sunday mass count
for both. Want to wear cut-off shorts, sports jerseys and flip-flops to church?
No problem. Fasting from meat on Fridays get in the way of ordering
sausage on your pizza? The hell with it. Just do it. We’ll eliminate
that rule, too.

The list goes on and on, and the more the Church gave in, the more
people stopped going to mass, and yes, the more parents stopped sending
their children to Catholic schools. Since the Church took away the
essence of Catholic identity—the very point of being a proud Roman
Catholic—what was the point of doing either?

And now, several generations later, the carnage is everywhere.

Mosques are full, as are many evangelical churches, and the Catholic churches are empty.

And in those evangelical churches, a significant percentage of the
congregation is former Catholics who left the Church not because it was
too “hard,” but because it stopped demanding.

Vocations are nonexistent; elderly out-of-touch priests have no
replacements; schools are being shuttered at a staggering rate that goes
way beyond this latest round of closings; and scandal and corruption
are rampant with no end in sight; more billion-dollar settlements loom.

And worst of all, the cover-ups continue, serving for many as the
final nail in the coffin. Why go to church to listen to a long-winded
uninsprational sermon about “morality” when your Church leaders actively stonewall investigations and protect society’s absolute worst—child predators?

So what does the Church do?

Despite all that baggage, the Church has fast-tracked Pope John Paul II to sainthood—faster
than anyone else in history. This was a man who either was asleep at
the switch during the height of the sex-abuse sandal, or chose to look
the other way. He could have aggressively rooted out the perpetrators
with a take-no-prisoners attitude, sending an unmistakable message that
the Church won’t tolerate pedophiles filling its ranks, regardless of
the dearth of priests. But he didn’t.

And recently, the Church rolled out language changes in the liturgy
that are ridiculous and inexplicable. Was it just another example of
how out-of-touch the Church has become, or a deliberate distraction, as
some theorize?

Either way, it doesn’t matter.

Until the Church implements real reforms that will start the road to recovery, the numbers will continue to dwindle.

What are they?

For starters, demand more of its followers. Don’t
cower behind the “if I demand that people dress better for Church, they
won’t come at all” mentality. Make them look presentable and act
appropriately when entering the House of God—or tell them they aren’t

Motivate the flock by relating to them, not talking in platitudes with rhetoric that puts the congregation to sleep.

Make it tougher to be a Catholic. Be the religious
equivalent of the Marines. Sure, a kid taking the forbidden cookie
wants it, but deep down, he is really looking for discipline. And sure,
we complain when we have to sacrifice, but we feel good about it.

Market the wonderful aspects of the Church (including the fact that it’s the largest provider of social services in the entire world).

Stop being a paper tiger politically. What’s the
point of having so much muscle if you’re too scared to use it? A
different approach could have prevented school closings. (See my post
for more on this tomorrow.)

Most important, eliminate the correct perception that the Church is close-minded and sexist.
Allow priests to marry. And yes, allow women to become priests. Not
only would these common-sense changes enable all priest to better relate
to their flocks, but they would also attract non-pedophile priests to
fill the ranks.

Neither change would violate Church dogma, since priests married for
at least four centuries and quite possibly much longer. The practice was
stopped not for religious reasons, but because of disputes over
property rights.

In 1911, there were 68,000 Catholic school students in the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia. That number peaked in the 1960s at 250,000.
Vatican II took hold, and the number plummeted— back to 68,000 in 2011,
despite a U.S. population explosion.

Now, 49 more schools just went on the chopping block.
The biggest irony is that the closings are not a solution, but the
symptom of a much greater illness. To save the remaining schools—and
that’s by no means a sure thing—the Church needs to solve the problem.
Check back tomorrow for my post addressing how to save Catholic
education in America.


Blame Lazy Catholicism for School Closings

One thought on “Blame Lazy Catholicism for School Closings”

  1. Wow!!!What a great and long over due post.
    A)I agree 100% that John Paul II was not only “asleep on the job”,but he profaned the St Francis of
    Assisi Church and the Catholic religion in 2006.He removed the crucifix from the altar ,had the statue of the Blessed Virgin removed ,because it might offend the participants at this ecumencial worship!!Score one form religous relaqtivism
    B)IMO the changes in the Liturgy/Mass at Vatican II helped destroy the sense of the sacred and sublime in the Mass.Imagine the priest leaving the altar in the middle of Mass and shaking the hands of the people.Outrageous.

    I was so incensed at the”changes” that I formally changed my rite from the Latin rite to the Byzantince Catholic rite.

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