High School Diploma Requirement Might Violate Fed Law

High School Diploma Requirement Might Violate Fed Law

Happy New Year business owners.

In its continuing crusade to discourage entrepreneurship and keep competents from returning to the workforce, the Obama-packed Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has aired the opinion that requiring a high school diploma may violate the American With Disabilities Act.

The “informal discussion letter”  posted on the EEOC’s website, Dec. 1, says businesses may be lawbreakers  if a high school diploma  requirement “‘screens out’ an individual who is unable to graduate because of a learning disability”.

That’s right! If you greedy pigs won’t hire someone who can’t be taught by the “caring professionals” of our educational establishment, Obama is going to bring down his mighty sword of justice on your head.

You’ve been warned.

Hat tip Washington Times

High School Diploma Requirement Might Violate Fed Law

Kyle Bass Gives BBC Econ 101 Lesson

Kyle Bass Gives BBC Econ 101 Lesson — Reader Tom C sent this link from an interview by Sarah Montague of BBC’s HARDTalk of Kyle Bass, the Texan who founded Hayman Capital Partners, a hedge fund that made a mint short selling mortgage bonds during the subprime disaster and, more recently, bonds issued by the government of Greece.

Ms. Montague implied he was profiting from the suffering of others. Bass replied that he was looking out for his investors and that blaming him for the fiscal implosion of governments and financial institutions is  akin to blaming the mirror for one being ugly.

Here is the interview. It is worth watching.

Tom also sent this link from FrontPageMag.Com regarding the on-going persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world. It’s not something you’d see in the Inquirer.

Thanks Tom.


Kyle Bass Gives BBC Econ 101 Lesson

Blame Democrats For Sunoco Closings

Sunoco announced, Sept. 6, that it will be closing its refineries in Philadelphia and Marcus Hook next July if it can’t find a buyer for them. Blame Democrats For Sunoco Closings

Sunoco CEO and Chairman Lynn Elsenhans said the refineries have lost $772 million since 2009, which not coincidentally is the first year of the Zerobama Administration.

It will be unfair to pin all the blame on President Zero, however. First year Congressman Pat Meehan, a Republican, has been practically screaming that this was going to happen since he took office, Jan. 3, while his Democrat predecessor Joe Sestak; and Democrat Chaka Fattah, whose 2nd District includes the Philadelphia plant; and Democrat Bob Brady, whose 1st District borders both facilities and includes many of the workers, have been silent partners in Obama’s plan to wreak economic ruin when they were not loudly marching in lockstep with it.

So blame the Democrats and remember to shake the hand of Meehan, who has still not surrendered on saving the plants.

By the way, the massive new unemployment that will result from the closings — the Marcus Hook plant has about 600 workers while the facility in southwest Philly has about 800 — may not even be biggest problem. What does one do with 2,200 idle acres of tanks, towers and hazardous waste?

The Philadelphia plant is 1,400 acres while the Delaware County facility weighs in at 788.

And let’s not forget how the loss of the property tax revenue is going to affect Marcus Hook Borough, the  Chichester School District and the City of Philadelphia.

And for those of you who do claim to care about the environment, do you really think it better that our oil be refined in Nigeria and Venezuela rather than Pennsylvania?

The Marcus Hook plant is where NASCAR racing fuel is produced.

Blame Democrats For Sunoco Closings

Be A Happy Hamster With A Treadmill Desk

It’s been around for a few years — one made by Steelcase was being discussed back in 2007 — but the day is dawning for the treadmill workstation.

Amazon is selling one for $479.

Anybody can be a happy hamster now. Burn calories by working smarter AND working harder.

Expect the caring fat cats in our progressive corporations such as Comcast  to start buying these in bulk.

Did you know that the employees of Philly-based Comcast have become Obama’s biggest contributors?

If these workplace treadmills were hooked to generators they could very well save the world. The rat race would become the green rat race as the lean and mean workforce gathers positive momentum and produces electricity while filling out TPS reports in pursuit of six sigma.

Obama stimulus money would certainly be available to hire the guy to beat the drum to set the pace and the large fellows with whips to inspire the slower hamsters.



Be A Happy Hamster With A Treadmill Desk


Proclaim Liberty Throughout All The Land

Barbara Bater, whose company Penncora  designed and decorated the ceremonial stage  for the “Liberty In Motion” Event which marked the 2003 moving of the Liberty Bell to its present location at the Liberty Bell Center, has some fascinating tidbits about the Bell on her site.

Check it out here.


Inevitable Gold Standard?

Inevitable Gold Standard? — Reader TomC, who knows a little bit about banking, sent a link to this fascinating Barron’s piece  in which respected financial guru James Grant “promises” that the United States will soon be on a gold standard.

Grant says doing so will result in more scrutiny about government spending, as is now happening.

“We have a credit card and the gold standard would be our debit card,” he said.

Oh, and for those who spend too much time watching old media and hence fear a government default, Grant also says the “the U.S. Treasury market is pretty fine”

Inevitable Gold Standard?

Farewell, Borders

Farewell, Borders — Borders Group Inc., which is the nation’s second largest bookstore chain, cannot not find a buyer and is going to liquidate.

It’s a shame as it has dramatically improved over the last year but creative destruction happens.

Not that that’s going to make any better the feelings of the chain’s 10,700 workers who will be added to the rolls of the unemployed in these Obama years.


Farewell, Borders

Eric Cantor Betting Against T-Bonds?

Eric Cantor Betting Against T-Bonds? — Old friend Tom Flocco of Upper Providence has noted that Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Va7) who led the walkout in negotiations regarding the raising of the debt ceiling has money invested in a fund that will rise if Treasury Bonds drop as would happen if the debt ceiling is not raised.

It’s a subject being discussed with suspicion at numerous small harbors on the great sea of the world wide web.

The fund is ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury ETF. Cantor has $15,000 invested in it as part of a diversified portfolio — which also includes Treasury Bonds.

If one has a halfway-decent money manager one very well might have similar amount of money in that fund or a similar one.

It has been said — by the left-leaning Daily Kos no less — that Cantor sabotaging U.S. Treasury Bonds to benefit his ProShares fund would be like burning down a “million dollar mansion to collect 100 grand in fire insurance.”

Eric Cantor Betting Against T-Bonds?

Looming Disaster Explained

Looming Disaster Explained — Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, an investment firm,  is getting some notice and causing some controversy on the World Wide Web with a video warning of an impending collapse of the dollar which it claims will usher in 1,000 percent inflation and months of domestic turmoil.

If you get to  the very end of it you’ll find it to be a sales pitch. Still, Porter Stansberry makes some points worth considering:

–If all Americans paid 100 percent of their income in taxes it would still not pay off the national debt.

–That our government owes more money to more people than anyone else in the world — and that was before the financial crisis.

–That we are repaying this debt by printing trillions of dollars and that our creditors will either stop accepting dollars in repayment or greatly discount their value.

–That Mexican banks are no longer accepting dollars for deposits and that there are 150 legal alternatives to U.S. currency being circulated in the United States, such as BerkShares.

One free bit of advice he gives that is probably worth taking as best as one can is that one should have at least a six-month supply of food, water and medicine on hand.

Here’s the latest link.

Here’s a more user friendly one on youtube.


Looming Disaster Explained

Productivity Booms In Obama Years

Productivity Booms In Obama Years — The U.S. economy produced a record $13.38 trillion worth of real gross domestic product, based on 2005 dollars, in the last quarter of 2010.

Just 139 million employees were used to achieve this feat which is 7 million fewer than in the last record quarter — fall 2007 — when $13.36 trillion in real GDP was produced.

The motivation for this achievement, which has good and bad sides, can be laid at the feet of President Obama. Businesses are bending over backwards not to hire people fearing they may be stuck paying for them forever via unemployment compensation insurance and various other mandates — new, proposed and unforeseen.

The bad side is many businesses are making the employees they didn’t lay off work far harder than they used to to make up for the smaller workforce, and these employees are stuck since they fear there is nothing else out there and if one quits without a good reason one is likely not to get unemployment compensation.

And truthfully, most Americans would rather work than be a useless drone.

The good side is many business are also making productivity gains by cutting red tape, removing communication bottlenecks and increasing the skills and flexibility of its workforce.

And, of course, by adopting new technology.

One example that has gotten quite a bit of publicity is Marlin Steel Wire Products of Baltimore. Marlin has replaced $6-an-hour workers, who did 300 bends an hour, with robots and a $22 an hour technician that do 20,000 bends per hour.

One can say that a whole lot of $6 an hour people got put out of work. Or one can say that $6-an-hour workers can now afford a product that had not been able to.

Back during the dot.com boom, a prediction was made of  era of 0 percent employment. The idea wasn’t that all would be in soup lines depending of government handouts but the world would become the Merry Old Land of Oz, where we would all sleep till noon, start work at one, an hour for lunch and at two we’re done.

We wouldn’t be drones but be free living under our own vines and fig trees.

Maybe Obama is going to bring this about in spite of himself.


Productivity Booms In Obama Years