Charity For All Monument

Charity For All Monument We always considered the Confederate flag a symbol to allow the losers of a war to maintain some dignity so bumper stickers and belt buckles containing it don't cause us to judge the one sporting them as a racist.  Of course, the one flown on the grounds of the South Carolina capitol is a different matter as it was raised by a friend of Hillary Clinton to defend Jim Crow and it should be taken down.  If they really want that flag to fly in Columbia, S.C. maybe the thing to do is to build a monument inscribed with the words of Lincoln's Second Inaugural just as at the memorial in Washington D.C., with  a bust of Lincoln on the top with the American and Confederate flags on the sides. You can call it the "With Charity For All" Monument.We always considered the Confederate flag a symbol to allow the losers of a war to maintain some dignity so bumper stickers and belt buckles containing it don’t cause us to judge the one sporting them as a racist.

Of course, the one flown on the grounds of the South Carolina capitol is a different matter as it was raised by a friend of Hillary Clinton to defend Jim Crow and it should be taken down.

If they really want that flag to fly in Columbia, S.C. maybe the thing to do is to build a monument inscribed with the words of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural just as at the memorial in Washington D.C., with  a bust of Lincoln on the top with the American and Confederate flags on the sides. You can call it the “With Charity For All” Monument.

And that should solve the problem and finally end the Civil War.

Charity For All Monument

5 thoughts on “Charity For All Monument”

  1. That’s a great idea, though I’d make one minor adjustment, and that would be to use more of Lincoln’s quote, and add “Malice toward non, charity for all”. In any case, we have to be careful about the word “charity”, because it’s really lost today the meaning Lincoln applied. People equate it today with “free stuff”, and I think he was using the more symbolic meaning.

  2. Also, I think Governor Haley would have done better to arrange for a ballot and let her citizens decide, rather than to decree removing the flag. I know it’s within her capacity as governor, but it would have been a better conservative gesture. To act by decree has a Statist flavor.

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