Chesco Inquisition Update

Chesco Inquisition Update
Donna Ellingsen

Chesco Inquisition Update — The Chester County Republican bosses appear to have dropped the matter against committeepersons Jane Ladley and Tom Ferro regarding alleged violations of party bylaws but continue their Javertesque pursuit of committeepeople Donna Ellingsen and Steve Mobley.

The county GOP sent a letter to the accused asking them to set a date in March for the hearing. The accused offered March 7, 8 or 9.

No can do said the county leaders and suggested March 29 or March 31.

The latest we hear is that those dates are problematic for the accused and new ones will have to be set.

The accused say they are looking forward to a hearing and that they will insist that it be open to the public and the press.

Chesco Inquisition Update

3 thoughts on “Chesco Inquisition Update”

  1. Mr. Lawerence
    Let’s not deceive your bloggers. The Republican bosses did not drop the matter I did. I am the individual that brought the complaint against Jane Ladley and Tom Ferro. You and Donna turned this into a slam against the Republican Party and mislead your readers. The fact is I dropped my complaint 2 weeks ago due to the fact that Jane Ladley and Tom Ferro have chosen to walk away as committee people. They are not running for reelection. Ask Donna why she did not tell you about it 2 weeks ago. She knew all about it, she was copied on the email that I sent to the RCCC. I have stated in my letter to the RCCC that if Ladley is reappointed as Area Chair after the primary I would resubmit my complaint and move to have her removed from the committee. Also why has Donna not come forward and stated that her side kick Steve Mobley is also not running for reelection. Three out of four walking away. As far as an open and transparent hearing, I am all for that. The public and the press should be made aware of the fact that there are republican committee people working against the will of the Republican voters that they were elected to represent. The fact is this was all about 4 elected Republican Committee People that worked against the Republican voter’s choice in the general election. If they do not like the rules then form your own party.

    1. Sorry, Mr. Orner, but it looks like you are the one playing games. Apparently, you would like to “drop” and “resubmit” complaints when the mood strikes you. Apparently, you don’t believe in the ballot box. According to your post, you did not want Jane Ladley and Tom Ferro to be reelected this year. Instead of trying to win at the polls, you make complaints (and then drop them, perhaps just to “resubmit” when you want).

      If you are all for open and transparent proceeding hearings (as every far-minded person should be), why don’t you and your fellow travelers insist on that with the party bosses or don’t participate in the Star Chamber yourselves? Put your money where your mouth is!

      Maybe our own party is not a bad idea. In fact, that seems to be happening in the Presidential primaries.

  2. There have been way too many efforts by the “party” to undermine those elected to office and those attempting to run for office based on being too conservative and not “supporting” the party mandates. Your argument bears no substance. The powers in WC and Harrisburg simply don’t want any competition. The party spends more time going after committee people and electing soft Republicans than it does defeating the Democrat candidates or supporting “Conservative” principles. Why is that?

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