Ernest Hewettt — Let’s Play Guess The Party

Ernest Hewettt,  Let’s Play Guess The Party — A 17-year-old girl testified before the Appropriations Committee of the Connecticut House on Feb. 20 about how the Connecticut Science Center helped her overcome her shyness and fear of snakes.

This prompted State Rep. Ernest Hewett to respond: “If you’re bashful, I got a snake sitting under my desk here.”

Now,  to what party does State Rep. Hewett belong?


He is a Democrat.

Hopefully, we will find a harder one for the next episode.


Ernest Hewettt Let’s Play Guess The Party

Ernest Hewettt Let's Play Guess The Party



10 thoughts on “Ernest Hewettt — Let’s Play Guess The Party”

  1. Why pick on this guy when we let Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and his big brother and his father, get away with it. Give me time I’ll think of a few others.

  2. Y’all racists! Rep. Hewett just trying to put the young girl at ease. He just easily said elephant or lion.

  3. My turn!

    Who said that it’s extremely “rare” for a woman to get pregnant after a “legitimate rape” because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Akin, right? And what party is he????

    Who said “If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it” (referring to rape) Clayton Williams!

    Who said “If you go down that road, some girls, they rape so easy.” Roger Rivard

    What party are these upstanding “men?” You guessed it! Republicans!

  4. Actually those quotes were NOT taken out of context. If you read the whole speech they made, you would know that.

    And I don’t need to be told what rape is. I don’t need an article linked to it. Especially not one that quotes faux news. I don’t need to be told what sexual assault is. I know for a fact I know better than you what that is. And don’t you DARE try and tell me I don’t.

    And yes, I’m saying what you think I am.

  5. And who did these guys sexually abuse, much less in the middle of a legislative hearing?

    Or well, rape?

    Republicans have to learn to be very careful about speaking to the press as it is now obvious that the not-so-impartial watchdogs are trying to set them up even if it means using quotes out of context as per the Rivard statement which was not a defense of rape but a warning to young men to avoid relations with the kind of women who turn around and accuse them of rape.

    Democrats simply have to learn how to avoid saying sexually loaded things to young girls during legislative hearings.

    Or groping them in the course of employing them.

    Or well, being this family

    What powerful Democrat congressman said I like to hit people and meant it unfortunately for his wife? Moran remains a congressmen btw. Democrats, like battered wives, are co-dependent and quick to overlook “flaws”.

  6. Another thing Akin, Rivard and Williams have in common is that their statements lost them their elections.

    Republicans get punished for political incorrectness.

    Democrats get rewarded for sexual misconduct.

    Bill Clinton is “Father of the Year”!!!???

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