Most Hillary Supporters Bigots, Most Trump Supporters Tolerant

Hillary Supporters Bigots, Most Trump Supporters Tolerant
Bigots back her

Most Hillary Supporters Bigots — Hillary supporters are bigots. To our friends and readers who want Mrs. Clinton as our next president, does the claim anger you?

Well don’t blame us. Blame Pew Research. The respected polling firm asked Clinton supporters whether they agreed with the statement: “I have a hard time respecting someone who supports Donald Trump for president” and 58 percent said yes.

Only 40 percent of Trump supporters said yes to the reverse.

We, who are outspoken in support of The Donald, have found this targeted hate to be true.

C’est la vie.

But we have not lost respect for our friends who back Mrs. Clinton nor do we hate them. We think what guides their choice is bad data, not bad character. If one gets one’s understanding of the world from the network news and Ellen Degeneres one is understandably going to hate and fear Trump. One is likely to change one’s mind, however, if one expands one’s horizons and finds other news sources.

It can’t be denied that Mrs. Clinton and her husband accepted millions in foreign money for personal enrichment — including money from the Saudis and the Russians. Nor can it be denied that Mrs. Clinton used a private, poorly secured computer system for matters of state in violation of the law and common sense.

These realities and the fact that she is a strident practitioner of the politics of personal destruction should be more than enough to make one vote against her no matter how much they dislike The Donald.

Most Hillary Supporters Bigots

5 thoughts on “Most Hillary Supporters Bigots, Most Trump Supporters Tolerant”

  1. I guess I’m one of the 40% bigots because it is very hard for me to respect those who vote for Hillary, considering the fact that she belongs in Jail — not the White House. I can understand why they might not want to vote for Trump, but cannot understand WHY they would give their vote to a criminal. They could always write someone else in. Perhaps they are uninformed, but it is the responsibility of voters to BE informed when casting an important vote such as this.

    1. I may not respect them, but then again, I have respect for a very few people indeed. But I don’t hate them. I think they’re wrong, and foolish, and I’m leery of being involved in any efforts with them, because of their poor judgment. They hate me.

      1. “Hillary Supporters Bigots, Most Trump Supporters Tolerant
        Bigots back her
        Most Hillary Supporters Bigots — Hillary supporters are bigots”

        That’s common knowledge.

  2. The survey fits in with this general statement about conservatives and Leftists. We think they’re wrong, but we don’t hate them, generally. They think we’re not only wrong, we’re evil, and we need to be eliminated.

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