Modern ‘Journalism’ Or How Obama Got Re-elected

CNN anchor Tom Foreman has revealed that he has written a letter to Barack Obama every day during his first term.

That’s 1,460 letters or a half-million words as per his own claims. Brad Pitt’s most infatuated fan could not that pace up.

You really think Foreman would have reported relevant information to his
viewers that might have shined a not-so-good light on Obama?

In his own words: Along the way it occurred to me that being president is probably much
harder than most of us suppose. After all, if it is this exhausting just
thinking about the job, imagine what it is like actually punching the
Oval Office clock. Truthfully, I offered very little advice. More often I
presented general notions about how one approaches problems; the same
notions I would pass on to anyone in any position who faces daily

I think it’s safe to say that Foreman is not the kind of guy willing to follow a story to wherever it leads and report the truth even if it hurts. So much for being a watchdog.

The sad thing is guys and gals like Foreman are the norm in the old media and people still trust them.

Hat tip Rick Moran at

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