Murder Statistics And Gun Bans

Courtesy Cathy Craddock

From the World Health Organization:

The latest Murder Statistics for the world:

Murders per 100,000 citizens

Honduras 91.6
El Salvador 69.2
Cote d’lvoire 56.9
Jamaica 52.2
Venezuela 45.1
Belize 41.4
US Virgin Islands 39.2
Guatemala 38.5
Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2
Zambia 38.0
Uganda 36.3
Malawi 36.0
Lesotho 35.2
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
Colombia 33.4
South Africa 31.8
Congo 30.8
Central African Republic 29.3
Bahamas 27.4
Puerto Rico 26.2
Saint Lucia 25.2
Dominican Republic 25.0
Tanzania 24.5
Sudan 24.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
Ethiopia 22.5
Guinea 22.5
Dominica 22.1
Burundi 21.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
Panama 21.6
Brazil 21.0
Equatorial Guinea 20.7
Guinea-Bissau 20.2
Kenya 20.1
Kyrgyzstan 20.1
Cameroon 19.7
Montserrat 19.7
Greenland 19.2
Angola 19.0
Guyana 18.6
Burkina Faso 18.0
Eritrea 17.8
Namibia 17.2
Rwanda 17.1
Mexico 16.9
Chad 15.8
Ghana 15.7
Ecuador 15.2
North Korea 15.2
Benin 15.1
Sierra Leone 14.9
Mauritania 14.7
Botswana 14.5
Zimbabwe 14.3
Gabon 13.8
Nicaragua 13.6
French Guiana 13.3
Papua New Guinea 13.0
Swaziland 12.9
Bermuda 12.3
Comoros 12.2
Nigeria 12.2
Cape Verde 11.6
Grenada 11.5
Paraguay 11.5
Barbados 11.3
Togo 10.9
Gambia 10.8
Peru 10.8
Myanmar 10.2
Russia 10.2
Liberia 10.1
Costa Rica 10.0
Nauru 9.8
Bolivia 8.9
Mozambique 8.8
Kazakhstan 8.8
Senegal 8.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
Mongolia 8.7
British Virgin Islands 8.6
Cayman Islands 8.4
Seychelles 8.3
Madagascar 8.1
Indonesia 8.1
Mali 8.0
Pakistan 7.8
Moldova 7.5
Kiribati 7.3
Guadeloupe 7.0
Haiti 6.9
Timor-Leste 6.9
Anguilla 6.8
Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
Lithuania 6.6
Uruguay 5.9
Philippines 5.4
Ukraine 5.2
Estonia 5.2
Cuba 5.0
Belarus 4.9
Thailand 4.8
Suriname 4.6
Laos 4.6
Georgia 4.3
Martinique 4.2


The United States 4.2

ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans


Murder Statistics And Gun Bans

4 thoughts on “Murder Statistics And Gun Bans”

  1. Aside from the fact that the majority of these countries DO have guns and are constantly at war, there are most definitely more than 4.2 murders per 100,000 people in America.

    You ALSO forgot to mention the countries that have 100% gun bans that have a LOWER homicide rate than 4.2, such as Australia. Cherry picking – you could teach a class on it.

  2. Actually I do think before I write and I don’t get my statistics off of blogs. That specific BLOG is also dated 2011, with it’s information going off 2010 info. It’s 2013 now.

    And no Jamaica hasn’t gone to war, but that’s why I said the MAJORITY, not ALL. And Mexico? Really? You think that’s the best example of a safe country?

  3. The majority of these countries have gun bans . Or course, there are people in these countries that have guns. It’s just that they are not the ones who want to be left alone.

    And those countries are not “constantly at war” especially compared to, well, this one.

    When was the last time Jamaica went to war? How about Mexico?

    And regarding “there are most definitely more than 4.2 murders per 100,000 people in America.” um, think before you write and don’t make assumptions.

    Otherwise, a fairly good response.

  4. That “blog” is an official release from the Department of Justice. Note the .gov extension.

    Do you have more up to date statistics?

    Mexico is not an example of a safe country. It is an an example of a country with strict gun control.

    Majority means most. Are you saying that most of those countries on the list are in constant war? Of the top 10 the only nation I see that had a war in the last 10 years is Cote d’Ivoire.

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