ObamaCare: Check The Premise

Obama seems to think that by putting ink on paper and giving a command all will have health care, and this perfectly illustrates that Obama, his advisers and pretty much everyone in the Democratic Party are clueless as to what health care is and how we get it.

Health care does not come from shuffling papers and empowering bureaucrats. It comes from people with the right aptitude who have acquired knowledge and developed skills — a taxing and time consuming process — to cure the ills of the body. They are doctors and nurses and paramedics and pharmacists and chemists in drug companies. They are engineers who improve wheelchairs, and walkers and diagnostic machines. They are hands-on people who are the farthest thing one can get from a 10-4 suit who takes two-hours for lunch.

To better our health care system the thing to do would be to increase the number of the doctors/nurses/druggists etc. and increase their efficiency so they could serve more people. Obama’s plan does not do this, however.  It will actually likely decrease the number of competent professionals, who will then be motivated to serve the bare minimum they could get away with.

You think maybe this would be pointed out in the various reporting on the matter. Why isn’t it? It not so much a conspiracy but an incompetency. The dumbest have risen to the top of the pyramid at most old media outlets.

And so idiocracy has arrived.

One thought on “ObamaCare: Check The Premise”

  1. This sounds like a fishy letter. You will be reported to the White House. Be prepared to relocate. Some place nice like Dachau.

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