
By William W. Lawrence Sr

Uvdftirkj riv kf Rdviztr czbv rkfd sfdsj riv kf Argre.

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn’t need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about.
Henry Ford

Pennsylvania House Scholarship Applications

Pennsylvania House Scholarship Applications  — High school seniors can now apply for a Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship to help cover the costs of higher education, says state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129)

Each year, two students preparing for post-secondary education are awarded four-year scholarships. The program is privately funded by individual and corporate donors. No tax or other public funds are used.

The program is open to graduating high school seniors who are Pennsylvania residents with plans to attend a Pennsylvania college, university or career school as a full-time student. Students must have attained a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average in high school in order to be eligible for the scholarship. A student’s commitment to community, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities and financial need are also taken into consideration.

The scholarship program is administered through the Foundation for Enhancing Communities.

To apply, students can find at application at Cox’s  website   under the Student and Teacher Resources tab. The application deadline is March 1.

Scholarships are awarded through an independent panel of judges chosen by the foundation.


Pennsylvania House Scholarship Applications

Pennsylvania House Scholarship Applications

Bill Clinton Seeking Delco Council Seat?

Bill Clinton Seeking Delco Council Seat? — Bill Clinton, the Upper Providence councilman with the fortuitous name, is reportedly going to be one of the Democrat nominees taking on incumbents Mario Civera Jr. and David J. White for Delaware County Council this November.

His running mate is expected to be Patricia Worrell of Chester, the community activist who lost to  Dominic Pileggi in the 2012 9th District State Senate race.

The GOP is saying that Clinton and Ms. Worrell will be strong supporters of “urban diversification” which means giving Democrat voters from Philadelphia who are eligible for Section 8 Housing benefits extra money to buy homes in communities in which jobs are available such as Springfield, Concord and Middletown.

Why not give subsides to the homeowners already  in the communities? We can call them property tax cuts.

Someone is going to say that “Democrat voters from Philadelphia” is a racist “code word.” Understand that it is not. It is meant to be taken literally. We are saying that the goal of  programs like “urban diversification” is not fairness or “social justice” but greed. We are saying that supporters of such things seek to use the power of government to take money from their opponents to bribe others to give them support to ultimately empower, and enrich, themselves.

These programs are vile as are the people who support them.

Hey Democrats: Greed is bad. Start fighting injustice instead of perpetuating it.

Of course, maybe the GOP is wrong and that Clinton and Ms. Worrell don’t support this plan. In that case Clinton and Ms. Worrell should easily be able to articulate why this program is unjust and must be opposed, and come out against it as vocally as any Republican without fear of someone finding something in their background showing they once strongly supported such things.

In other races, the county GOP is endorsing Mary McFall Hopper of Ridley Park for county sheriff and Jennifer Holsten Maddaloni of Thornbury for register of wills.

The Democratic candidates are expected to be Rocco Polidoro of Springfield for sheriff and former Media Mayor Frank Daly for register of wills.

The GOP is endorsing incumbent Edware E. O’Lone for county controller. As of now, it appears he will be uncontested.

The GOP is endorsing for Common Pleas Court judges Richard Cappelli, a longtime magisterial district judge based in Concord, and William “Chip” Mackrides of Edgmont who is vice president of the Delaware County Bar Association.

Bill Clinton Seeking Delco Council Seat?

Bill Clinton Seeking Delco Council Seat? -- Bill Clinton, the Upper Providence councilman with the fortuitous name, is reportedly going to be one of the


By William W. Lawrence Sr

X qtaxtkt Vds xh bpcpvxcv puupxgh pcs iwpi Wt sdthc’i ctts pcn pskxrt ugdb bt. Lxiw Vds xc rwpgvt, X qtaxtkt tktgniwxcv lxaa ldgz dji udg iwt qthi xc iwt tcs. Hd lwpi xh iwtgt id ldggn pqdji.
Wtcgn Udgs

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.
Daniel Webster

Jerry Brown Paroles 377 Murderers

Jerry Brown Paroles 377 Murderers — California Gov. Jerry Brown (D)  has paroled  377 convicted murderers.

Look for similar things to happen in Pennsylvania if Allyson Schwartz should become our governor.


Jerry Brown Paroles 377 Murderers

Danish Free Speech Defender Nearly Killed

Danish Free Speech Defender Nearly Killed — Lars Hedegaard is a 70-year-old academic who founded Denmark’s Free Press Society in response to the threats and violence surrounding the publication of cartoons depicting Mohammed by Danish newspapers in 2005.

He is now living in secret after an attempt on his life. A young Muslim dressed as a postman came to his door and when Hedegaard answered he pulled a pistol — one should note he was violating Denmark’s restrictive gun laws by doing this — and fired at his head. The elderly scholar then punched him  causing him to drop his gun. The assassin wannabe then picked it up and tried to fire again only to have it jam, after which he scurried off.

Hat tips The Spectator and

Danish Free Speech Defender Nearly Killed

Danish Free Speech Defender Nearly Killed


More Truth To Power

Courtesy Cathy Craddock

This has been confirmed and was aired on Paul Harvey. One wonders if Chrysler knows.

The invocation by Pastor Joe Wright before the Kansas House of Representatives on Jan. 23, 1996.

It seems prayer still upsets some people.  When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the  Session of the Kansas House, everyone was expecting the usual  generalities, but this is what they heard:

‘Heavenly Father,
We come before you today
To ask your forgiveness and
To seek your direction and guidance.

We know Your Word says,
‘Woe to those who call evil good’
But that is exactly what we have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium
And reversed our values.

We have exploited the poor and
Called it the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness
And called it welfare.

We have killed our unborn
And called it choice.

We have shot abortionists
And called it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline
Our children and called it
Building self esteem.

We have abused power
And called it politics.

We have coveted our neighbor’s
Possessions and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air
With profanity and  Pornography and called it
Freedom of speech and expression.

We have ridiculed the time Honored
values of our   Forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, And know our hearts
today; Cleanse   Us from every sin
And set us free.


The response was immediate.  At least one legislator walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian   Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving equests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program,  The Rest of the Story,’ and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired.


More Truth To Power



By William W. Lawrence Sr

Tbq tenagf yvoregl bayl gb gubfr jub ybir vg, naq ner nyjnlf ernql gb thneq naq qrsraq vg.
Qnavry Jrofgre

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.
Henry Clay

Humanity Getting Dumber We Are DEVO

Humanity Getting Dumber We Are DEVO — Stanford University geneticist Dr. Gerald Crabtree reports that the human race is losing its cognitive capabilities and becoming more emotionally unstable, a claim that should be apparent to anyone who has followed the last election or has attempted to watch David Letterman.

Or read the Washington Post recently for that matter.

Crabtree wants every man, woman and mutant on this planet to know the truth about devolution.

“They tell us that we lost our tails, evolving up from little snails. I say it’s all just wind in sails,” Crabtree said.

He then spelled it out: “We are devo. D.E.V.O.”

Actually, he didn’t say that, which something that we feel is important to note as a Washington Post reporter might read it here and report that he did.

Popular culture figured devolution out way back in 1977. Here’s the video:

Humanity Getting Dumber We Are DEVO

Humanity Getting Dumber We Are DEVO