Pro Pedophile Antifa? These People Are Sick

Pro Pedophile Antifa? These People Are Sick — If you missed it this photo defending pedophilia was taken at an leftist demonstration at Columbia University on Oct. 30, 2017. Pro Pedophile Antifa?

The leftists are saying that it wasn’t their banner but had been brought to the rally by counter-demonstrators in an act of sabotage.

There is more than one photo, however, of the  bannar at the rally along with video of it being carried.

Considering the revelations about Democrat-supporting Hollywood bigwigs Bryan Singer, James Gunn, Dan Harmon and others, we suspect the pedo defenders were sincere.

Pro Pedophile Antifa? These People Are Sick



2 thoughts on “Pro Pedophile Antifa? These People Are Sick”

  1. Keep up the good work Bill. I challenge all to boycott Hollywood products. These people need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  2. I’m not surprised. It stands to reason, that if we follow Leftism/Progressivism to its logical conclusion, its core principle of moral relativism means that ultimately there is no standard that can be enforced. Nothing is sick, because everything is correct in the mind of the person engaging in the behavior. So, even if a person who holds that worldview is sickened by the idea of adults preying on children, he won’t condemn it, can’t condemn it, because then he’d see himself as imposing his view on someone else.
    It really is a worldview without wisdom.

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