William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-1-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-1-15 Quintilis was the original name for this time of year. It means fifth in Latin and was the fifth month on the Roman calendar. Mark Antony, though, wanted to honor his recently deceased friend so he had Quintilis -- which frankly had not made sense as a name for about 700 years as King Numa Pompilius added Januarius and Februarius to the calendar shortly after it was designed -- renamed Iulius which we know as July.

Quintilis was the original name for this time of year. It means fifth in Latin and was the fifth month on the Roman calendar. Mark Antony, though, wanted to honor his recently deceased friend so he had Quintilis — which frankly had not made sense as a name for about 700 years as King Numa Pompilius added Januarius and Februarius to the calendar shortly after it was designed — renamed Iulius which we know as July.


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