Rubio On Rush Explains Immigration Ideas

Florida Senator and Republican star Marco Rubio joined, Monday, Jan. 28, a group of his fellows including very liberal Democrat Chuck Schumer in unveiling a plan to deal with immigration, especially of the illegal variety. The plan includes allowing the illegals a path to citizenship. This had many, many, many conservatives outraged.

Rubio went on Rush Limbaugh, today, to explain his thinking. He was brilliant. 

One wishes, though, that Rubio and other conservative supporters of amnesty become more vocal about putting the burden on solving the issue on government agencies, where it far more belongs, than on businesses. The small restaurant owner who hires a busboy or small landscaper who hires an assistant is not the problem. What is the problem is the government bureaucrat who is prohibited from asking for proof of residency status when issuing public benefits or a school administrator forced by the courts to enroll a child at taxpayer expense.

Still, amnesty is not a bad word in itself — quick quiz if giving amnesty to one magic illegal solves the entire problem do you do it?  — and Rubio seems to get it.

Anyway, here he is on Rush:


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