Saint Lucifer William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 10-19-17

Yes, there is a Saint Lucifer. Well, maybe. The status is debated. Lucifer was the name of the bishop of Cagliari from 353 -370 and the Sardinians venerate him as a saint. Some, however, argue his holy deeds were done by another Lucifer who was martyred by the Vandals.

Lucifer appears to have been a fairly common name among courageous Christians of the late Roman Empire. The first bishop of Siena (306) was also named Lucifer.

And Lucifer never was the name for the Devil. It started as the name for the planet Venus and is used to denote the state from which Satan has fallen.

Saint Lucifer William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 10-19-17
St. Lucifer William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 10-19-17

Yes, there is a Saint Lucifer. Well, maybe. The status is debated. Lucifer was the name of the bishop of Cagliari from 353 -370 and the Sardinians

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