Wolf Tax Plan Rejected Unanimously

Gov. Tom Wolf has a tax plan that would place an additional $4.7 billion burden on Pennsylvania’s citizens.  Wolf Tax Plan Rejected Unanimously

Yesterday, June 1, legislation went before the State House that would have started the process of enacting it.

It failed 193-0. Yes, not one Democrat could bring himself or herself to vote for it.

The Democrat leadership is angry. They are calling the legislation “gamesmanship.” Maybe they should ask instead that government officials like Wolf  refrain from pandering and making impossible promises and seriously consider the effect of what they propose.

Of course, that would mean that a Democrat would never again get elected.

Wolf Tax Plan Rejected Unanimously

5 thoughts on “Wolf Tax Plan Rejected Unanimously”

  1. I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you! There’s political gamesmanship going on at the Capitol! Just kidding…Tom Wolfe is a dope who bows down before the union thugs and in essence NOTHING CHANGES.

  2. Keystone Obama. Just as his federal namesake found out, so does Keystone Obama see that his platform is so transparently foolish, that his own party comrades won’t risk re-election by supporting it.

  3. Every committeeman in the 161st district would have backed Wolf and his break -the-bank and elderly plan. They voted for Paul Mellon and his goon backers didn’t they?

    1. You got that right Charlie!

      Let’s back Lisa Esler and her write-in campaign.

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