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The Joke Was On Us, Arlen

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On the Third Day of Christmas (Dec. 27), the former senator who resided in Pennsylvania but represented himself for 30 years took to the stage of the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia to really let we Keystone Staters know what kind of cue balls we have been.

"I've been in comedy for 30 years," Arlen Specter told the crowd. "The only difference is it's not stand up, we all have comfortable chairs. It costs about $27 million to win a seat in the United States Senate, so when you win one you like to sit down. It's sit-down comedy."

Hey, it wasn't your money Arlen and the people who spent it got what they paid for in most cases.

"Bill Clinton is a friend of mine because I was a friend of his," he joshed. "I voted not to impeach him. And that's a hell of a thing to do considering the evidence."

So much for "Scottish law".

Well, the joke was on us.

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