County GOPs Told Welch Or Else

The state Republican Party is warning  the county organizations about associating with those unendorsed, fiscally responsible types favored by the Tea Party.

They seem particularly concerned about U.S. candidate Steve Welch whose votes for President Obama and support for Congressman Joe Sestak isn’t sitting real well with people who think the Republican Party shouldn’t pick candidates who support Democrats.

In a letter sent to every county GOP chairman, the state honchos say:

— Only candidates endorsed by the PA GOP should be recognized and/or allowed to speak at official party events and that they should be able to attend events as complimentary guests.

— All endorsed candidates should be given an opportunity to speak at such events

— County organizations should only be circulating petitions for state-endorsed candidates.

— County chairs should decline promotional materials from non-endorsed candidates.

If the state GOP has such a handle on things, one kind of wonders how this unflattering memo is getting circulated.

Here it is in full:

2 thoughts on “County GOPs Told Welch Or Else”

  1. — “Only candidates endorsed by the PA GOP should be recognized and/or allowed to speak at official party events and that they should be able to attend events as complimentary guests.”

    Who and what is the PA GOP?

    I thought that as a registered Pennsylvania Republican, I was part of that group.

    Apparently a group of ( choose any obscenity)has decided that they will decide who I should choose to represent me.

    They say,As you know PA GOP members spent months talking with candidates…”

    No, I didn’t know that. And I don’t have any idea of who these “GOP’ interogators are.

    Who in the world would think that I would approve of selecting Steve Welch, an obvious left-wing Democrat who has his nose under the GOP big top, to represent me?

    Who said “follow the money?”

    Let’s identify these GPO honchos who spent months selecting our candidates and send them far away.

    Let’ have open primaries and let the hoi polloi decide what’s best for us.

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