Extraterrestrials Have Infiltrated Our Government

Extraterrestrials Have Infiltrated Our Government

Extraterrestrials Have Infiltrated Our Government
Searching the world for the craziest things you can find.

By Hawthorne Tarry

At ease!

No, I’m not about to go all military on you. I just want to set your minds at ease because I am about to provide you with information that will shock, upset and terrify you to such a degree that it will likely put you in a life-long state of despair.

Extraterrestrials  have infiltrated our government.

It is well established that extraterrestrials, aliens if you will, have long been abducting Earth people — frankly I find the term “Earthling” to be quite offensive and refuse to be addressed by it — for perverse experiments. Professors at such elite schools such as Harvard University and Temple University have written extensively on this subject to such a degree that it can no longer be doubted and well-regarded news sources such as the Discovery Channel have aired documentaries about this.

Unfortunately, the American public would rather watch a Charlie Sheen rant or some cooking show than acquire the necessary knowledge to enable them to defend themselves.

For shame.

Of course, it has now gotten much worse over the last three decades. No longer are these aliens simply satisfied with sick games, they now wish to govern us.

Do you need an example? Minister Louis Abdul-Haleem Farrakhan Muhammad, Sr., one America’s most influential leaders and a clear member of our elite, openly boasts about communing with the aliens’ “mothership.” Why hasn’t he been taken into custody? Why hasn’t his skinny ass been waterboarded to wring like a dishtowel every bit of intelligence from him about this “mothership” so we can mount a defense?

People, can’t you connect the dots?

Every one of our presidents since James Earl Carter – the last honest Earthman — has been working hand in glove with these monsters. President Carter actually observed one of the alien craft. Tragically, he had neither the intelligence nor competence to do much about it.

Yes, my friends Ronald Reagan was but a genial movie actor in their employ. The Bushes, with their financial interests and dreams of a “new world order” — or perhaps “new otherworld order” — were easily co-opted. Bill Clinton was obviously a willing and joyful participant in their twisted experiments.

And that brings us to today and Barack Hussein Obama. Naive people think he is merely hiding his birth certificate because he had been born in Kenya. On no, it is not Kenya from whence he comes. People, look at those ears!! I am telling you

Ed note: Time to say goodnight, Hawthorne.

Extraterrestrials Have Infiltrated Our Government

4 thoughts on “Extraterrestrials Have Infiltrated Our Government”

  1. The MIB agency must appear before the House, and justify their apparent shoddy investigative process for qualifying aliens to live here.

  2. James Earl Carter was certainly one of our greatest (Hah) presidents. We are certainly aware of his association with UFOs and rabbits. We are a big fan of his brother Billy (Is he still alive?) and whatever became of Billy Beer?
    Didn’t Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama star in a great movie together? I remember the ears. Didn’t the Gipper put Baby Barack to bed.
    It is obvious to me that the exterrestrials have landed and as Daan Rather would say “once the herd starts moving in one direction it’s very hard to turn it.”
    Dan also said, “don’t taunt the alligator until after you’ve crossed the creek.”
    But remember that Rather is well past his sellby date and is as credible as a forged National Guard memo.
    Another thing! We may already being ruled by exterrestrials. Take another look at the ears.

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