President Pushes Pennsylvania Audit

President Pushes Pennsylvania Audit — President Trump just put on his Telegram channel this exhortation for Pennsylvania to do a full audit of the Nov. 3 vote.

Great patriots led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, Senator Cris Dush, and State Representative Rob Kauffman went to Maricopa County, Arizona, to learn the best practices for conducting a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election. Now the Pennsylvania Senate needs to act. Senate President Jake Corman needs to fulfill his promise to his constituents to conduct a full Forensic Audit. Senator Dave Argall, Chairman of the State Government Committee, has to authorize the subpoenas, if necessary. The people of Pennsylvania and America deserve to know the truth. If the Pennsylvania Senate leadership doesn’t act, there is no way they will ever get re-elected!

Why would there be any objection? A full and fair audit would reveal a full and fair election and a major source of division would be resolved. Right?


President Pushes Pennsylvania Audit
President Pushes Pennsylvania Audit
Keeping his promises

2 thoughts on “President Pushes Pennsylvania Audit”

  1. “Great patriots led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, Senator Cris Dush, and State Representative Rob Kauffman went to Maricopa County, Arizona, to learn the best practices for conducting a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election.”

    That’s OK that they went to AZ, but wouldn’t it be wise to have the people who are doing the AZ audit come here to conduct the audit for us? I don’t think, Mastriano, Dush, and Kauffman will be conducting the audit themselves.

  2. Why wouldn’t they start the audit immediately, with the next election in 2022, why are they waiting? Or like they last election they did not protect or were involved with this last phony election? Both sides need the truth put out there now to find out how much fraud there was or are they waiting for the Democrats to come out with some new kind of “truth”to layer on all their other foibles and lies. No wonder both Parties were so scared of new comer Pres. Trump as he exposed all this duplicity publicly.

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