Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship — is a news website that reports unflattering things about Democrats and nice things about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Because of this it is disparaged as “right wing” and “conservative” but, unlike the Washington Post and NBC, it doesn’t make things up, and it corrects its mistakes.

It has been learned that Google has suppressed Breitbart’s search visibility by 99.7 percent since 2016, when it was a major source of accurate information about both Clinton and Trump. Note that this accurate reporting did not make Google happy.

Anyway, Google has pledged to pull out all stops to defeat Trump and all stops have been pulled.

So if you don’t want to live in a feudalistic society with wannabe queens and kings pushing you around what do you do?

Don’t be afraid, don’t be discouraged by what you hear in the media and vote Republican, in person, on Nov. 3. There are far more people who see the evil that has taken over the Democratic Party than one would think via the establishment mouthpieces.

The cure for Silicon Valley censorship is Samizdat. Samizdat is what dissidents in the Soviet Union and other nations under the communist boot did to spread the truth. Individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.

We can still use social media.

Join Parler and Gab but don’t quit Twitter or Facebook. Especially Facebook as that is by far the largest social media outlet. Spread honest information about Biden and Trump and issues of the day — yes, the Biden’s kid flew to China on Air Force 2 and came back with $1.5 billion; yes, federal agents may have been blinded by rioters in Portland; yes the rioters are organized; no, Antifa is not a myth; yes, crime is soaring in Democrat-run cities; yes, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s murderous nursing home policy is responsible for the deaths of thousands; yes, high ranking FBI agents violated all sorts of well-established protocols and civil rights safeguards to get warrants on President Trump’s staff members etc. etc.

Spread these links yourselves via email, Facebook, Twitter and any other mainstream social media network to which you belong. Make screenshots of stories you think the censors might filter. It is harder to censor screenshots. Always be honest. Don’t be like MSNBC.

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship
Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship

One thought on “Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship”

  1. “We can still use social media. Join Parler and Gab but don’t quit Twitter or Facebook. Especially Facebook as that is by far the largest social media outlet.”

    I’m glad you say this, Bill. When the last wave of interest and new subscriptions to Parler went around, I heard many people say that they would abandon Facebook and Twitter. I told them that in doing so, they were abandoning the field to the Left, and that they were forming their own little bubble, their own echo chamber, which is precisely what the Left has done.

    We conservatives have always been able to say that we can beat the Left with our arguments, because we know theirs. We hear them all the time, in the news, in schools, in entertainment media. But they don’t know ours, because they never even hear them. They’ve cut themselves off. And in a debate, it’s a dangerous tactic to stop listening to your opponent.

    It’s also childish, which is another hallmark of Leftism-it’s adolescence expressed as a worldview.

    We’re better than that, stronger than that.

    Your comparison to samizdat is extremely appropriate. I think, too, of pamphleteers in the 1770s, spreading the ideas of liberty as we broke away from Britain.

    Engage, don’t run away.

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