Which World do You Want to Live in?

There have been horrible protests taking place in New York City and all over the country because some of our fellow citizens would like to build a mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero (the former site of the Twin Towers and five blocks away from their present mosque they have outgrown) in New York.  Several people have been protesting.  They feel insulted that that group would dare to want to build a mosque there, mainly because it is Islamic.


In the street day after day we find people protesting, almost coming to blows because this mosque is moving from 12th to 2nd St. and building a community center.  Some protest for religious freedom, to allow the to build the mosque.  Others protest in the name of patriotism, thinking that the Moslems are all guilty for the attack on the Twin Towers.  It is a real fiasco. 



In contrast 

Moslems, Christians, Mormons, Unitarian Universalists, and various other religious organizations, met together at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Philadelphia to provide for the homeless, poor, and unemployed.  Thousands of people who were in need showed up.  


While all of the fighting and bigotry, xenophobia, and hatred are being played out  the real religious people who are dedicated to the principles of love, are working to make the world better by providing for the poor and broken-hearted.  I think it is important nowadays to find a group  that does similar things.  I want to be a part of that group.

All the anger, hollering and fighting to stop people from building a religious institution and community center has little to do with God and much to do with unresolved anger and deeply entrenched egos.

What can we do about this?  Find a group working to heal the world so you can channel your creativity into that.  Leave a great legacy to your children and grandchildren;  a legacy of a better world and the memory of a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle who made the right decision, when times got rough, and stood on the side of love.  For love is all that we really have to improve things.  The ability to love and to create is probably the most important thing that we can give to the next generation.   The self-righteousness is something we should just as soon leave behind.

Dr. John W. Gilmore


SCOTUS (Barely) Stands Up To U.S. Taliban

The Supreme Court, yesterday, said that lower court judges were  wrong in considering solely the religious aspects when they ordered removed  a cross erected Mojave National Preserve by World War I veterans in 1934 as a remembrance of fallen comrades. By a 5-4 vote they sent the case back for the lower court judges to get it right and presumably allow the symbol, which has been covered in plywood, to stay.

The dissenters were as expected the crowd that takes its cues from the Washington Post —  Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Stevens.

I suspect that the confused quartet fail to see that the destruction of an historic cross isn’t much different than the destruction of historic Buddhist statues by the Taliban. Perhaps the Washington Post should point it out to them.


Appeals Court Continues Torment For Marine Dad

Albert Snyder of York, Pa. lost his son Matthew, a Marine lance corporal, in Iraq on March 3, 2006. Matthew was 20. Matthew’s funeral was held seven days later at St. John’s Catholic Church in Westminster, Md., where he grew up.

A Kansas-based religious cult called the Westboro Baptist Church, most of whose 60 or so members are related to founder Fred Phelps by either blood or marriage, hates America because it perceives it as being overly tolerant of homosexuals. It has taken to picketing the funerals of military personnel with signs saying things such as “You’re going to hell,” “God hates you,” “Semper fi fags,” and “Thank God for dead soldiers.”

One of the funerals they picketed was Matthew’s. They then posted video of what they did on their web site.

Snyder sued Phelps, the church and other church leaders that June in U.S. District Court alleging state law tort claims of defamation, intrusion upon seclusion, publicity given to private life, civil conspiracy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Judge Richard Bennett, a Bush 43 appointee, threw out the claims of defamation and publicity given to private life but held the others for trial.

During the trial Snyder testified “I think about the sign  (Thank God for dead soldiers) every day of my life. . . . I see that sign when I lay in bed at nights. I (had) one chance to bury my son and they took the dignity away from it. I cannot re-bury my son. And for the rest of my life, I will remember what they did to me and it has tarnished the memory of my son’s last hour on earth.”

“Somebody could have stabbed me in the arm or in the back and the wound would have healed,” he said. “But I don’t think this will heal.”

He appeared visibly shaken and was often reduced to tears.

On Oct. 31, 2007, the jury ruled for Snyder awarding him $2.9 million in compensatory damages and  $8 million in punitive damages.

Well, Phelps crew appealed and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit after deciding that the First Amendment gave one the right to intrude on funerals and mock the grieving, on Friday, it not just merely overturned the jury verdict but ordered Snyder to pay $16,500 in legal fees to Phelps.

The case has been appealed to the Supreme Court.

In case, you happen to think Westboro Baptist Church is some kind of conservative organization, well, Phelps and his mob are Democrats.

In fact, Phelps Jr. hosted Al Gore at his home for a fundraiser and was a Gore delegate to the 1988 Democratic National Convention.

Little Threat Makes Luzerne County Remove Nativity Scene

Little Threat Makes Luzerne County Remove Nativity Scene — In a spectacular display of spinelessness, Luzerne County, Wednesday, removed a decades-old nativity scene — along with a menorah — from the county courthouse lawn.

The action occurred immediately after a Pittsburgh lawyer from the ACLU contacted County Solicitor Vito DeLuca  “to give the county an opportunity to remove the
items” before the ACLU filed court action, according to the Times Leader of Wilkes Barre.

The county was threatened with a suit over the matter in 1990, which never materialized.

What a display of courage. But then in 1990, Luzerne County wasn’t sending kids to prison to make a buck.

Little Threat Makes Luzerne County Remove Nativity Scene

Nazi Midwinter Holiday

The Nazis hated Christianity and Christmas posed a problem to them since it was Germany’s most popular holiday. Rather than ban it, they tried to replace it as described in this story at the TimesOnline, the website for the paper most of us in the U.S. know as The Times of London albeit in the U.K. it is simply the Times.

The Nazis replaced carols praising Jesus with secular songs about the season — winter wonderlands so to speak. They insisted Christmas trees be called fir trees, light trees or Jultrees.

They insisted the event, Julfest or Wintersonnenwende (Winter Solstice), be one  to remember Germanic ancestors and soldiers. Here is an example of how it was supposed to be done according to a popular women’s magazine at the time:

Nazi Midwinter Holiday Wintersonnenwende

Something like that could never happen in Pennsylvania or the United States, right?

As you enter a store during the next several weeks and are greeted for the season as attempts are made to sell you gifts for some undefined holiday; and if you see fir trees being sold for some unnameable event and if  you see displays of such  trees decorated with lights and called “festivals of light”, and if the local public school holds a “Winter Solstice” concert, well, just remember the tradition being followed.

Nazi Midwinter Holiday

Establishing Religion Through Science

Establishing Religion Through Science — It has come to my attention that a Scientific American article seemingly endorsed as legitimate the concern that many don’t believe in the theory of evolution — about 60 percent of Americans — even though they understand it.

From the Q&A between author Steve Miller and  Cognitive psychologist Tania Lombrozo from the University of California, Berkeley:

Steve: So it may be justifiable to say, “Here’s what we understand
about evolution as a science. We don’t care whether you accept it; we
just want you to understand it.”

Lombrozo: I think that’s the way a lot of people think about
education, and I think that’s a way to sidestep some complicated
ethical issues about whether or not it’s appropriate to present ideas
that could conflict with people’s beliefs. On the other hand, people’s
policy making decisions, their medical decisions and a lot of other
decisions might depend not only on whether or not they understand
evolution, but on whether or not they accept it. So in some sense, I
think the public has a lot at stake in whether or not people accept
evolution; but I am not sure the best way to proceed given these kinds
of findings about the dissociation between acceptance and belief.

Somebody is clearly trying to turn science into a cult and establish a religion with values significantly different that the ones taught by Jesus.

Establishing Religion Through Science

Facing Jail For Praying In The USA

Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and school athletic director Robert Freeman face up to 6 months in jail and a $5,000 fine for offering a mealtime prayer at the school in Florida. They are accused of breaching the conditions of a lawsuit settlement reached last year with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Pray for these brave and decent men and pray that America gets it common sense back.

Also work to pull the teeth of the totalitarians who wrap themselves in the flag and the mantel of civil liberties. The ACLU is anti-liberty.


Facing Jail For Praying In The USA