Politicians And Primal(ary) Fear — Bill Shuster coming from the most Republican district in Pennsylvania, voted YEA to the bankrupting 2008 Farm Bill but changed his tune this year due to a serious primary challenge from a competent opponent says activist Bob Guzzardi
He submits for your enlightenment the evidence:
“‘Primary’ is the only word incumbents hear,” said Guzzardi and he urged all who cared to support Shuster’s 9th District primary opponent, Art Halvorson
He praised HeritageAction and specifically Mike Henry and Kurt Brown for changing Shuster’s stance regarding agricultural crony capitalism.
He also praised Donna Ellingsen and Jamie Cox who visited Congressman Joe Pitts in the 16th District who had voted NAY in 2008 but appeared to be waffling this time. Guzzardi says Pitts’ district had become “less conservative” and his vote was in question. He did the right thing in the end, though.