Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations — Peter Bernegger, president of Election Watch, posted on X, July 17,that there are 1,420,435 improperly registered voters in Pennsylvania.

His breakdown is:

  • Registered to a commercial address: 2,405
  • Missing or wrong APT, STE, Unit #: 323,524
  • Invalid address: 346,505
  • Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
  • Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
  • Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672 -Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
  • Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
  • Total: 1,420,435

He says the real danger is bad actors using these registrations to mail-in votes regardless of the intent of those in whose names the registrations are made.

This is the motivation for the push to register illegals.

The illegals will likely not try to vote but their names will be used.

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras

By Bob Small

In July and August, Swarthmore Borough Council cuts its meetings to once a month from two in July and August.

Due to our 2024 Covid, this post is based on the YouTube feed of council’s July 8 meeting The Swarthmorean article from July 12.

We begin with the Environment Committee. Chairman David Boonin, having realized that both sides had issues with the stalled combustion-powered outdoor maintenance equipment proposal, has embarked on a “listening tour” and has even floated the idea of a referendum. Imagine!. Citizens voting on a policy! I sent him an approving e-mail.

During the Finance Committee segment, Chairman Steve Karp instructed the public to pay with the tan copy of the tax bill, as the green copy is incorrect. Maybe we should increase the pay of our civil servants so they send out the right copies the first time.

Janna Garland of the General Government Committee had the difficult task of justifying the purchase and installation of security cameras in downtown Swarthmore. This is so we can catch the miscreants who vandalized our rainbow crosswalks.

Councilmember Scarlett McCahill spoke for many of us.

“Any potential benefits in public safety are outweighed by the potential challenges to privacy, civil liberty, and the sense of welcome and care we’re trying to create,” she said.

Mayor Marty Spiegel, wondered if those in the public square “have an expectation to privacy”.

It won’t bother me. I’ll just wear my Joe Biden mask.

Ms. McCahill, who chairs the Planning and Zoning Committee approved the use of “permitting campaign offices as a permitted temporary use in the Town Center District.”

Public Safety Chairwoman Kristen Seymore discussed the Swarthmore Fire Department joint request for proposal with the Nether Providence Fire Department. She said if there was a house fire “you really don’t want-per mutual aid, six different fire trucks, with guys who don’t know each other and haven’t worked together, showing up to put out your house fire,”

And Borough Manager Bill Webb explained that three entities wanted council to favor their position in front of the Swarthmore Zoning Hearing Board.

After much discussion, it was agreed that all the would be referred to zoning hearing without council taking a position.

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims — We missed last night’s (July 17) meeting of Delaware County (Pa) Council, but Tevin Dix tells us he called out Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther concerning an email conversation he had with her.

Christine told Tevin that Charlie Alexander and Leah Hoopes had “no facts” regarding their concerns, respectively, about the county facilitating illegal immigration and rigging elections.

Charlie has posted his share of videos regarding suspicious behavior concerning foreigners who appear to be in violation of immigration laws.

And why did Springfield call a special meeting in June to pass an ordinance bathing in parks?

Hey Christine, have you looked at the scars on Sharon Devaney’s knees yet?

Leah, of course, recently won a court case concerning voting irregularities in Delco.

And why did District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer publicly claim that he dismissed a criminal complaint by Leah, Greg Stenstrom and Ruth Moton because the evidence they presented was three doctored internet videos, when the truth was it was 37 raw videos from a whistleblower?

The reason for the suspicion is entirely your fault, Christine.

Tevin Calls Out Christine On 'Misinformation' Claims

Dangerous to be sincere William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-18-24

Dangerous to be sincere William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-18-24

Tu utk xkgrofky nuc hkgazolar oz oy zu zxgbkr atzor nk iusky nusk gtj xkyzy noy nkgj ut noy urj, lgsorogx vorruc.
Rot Eazgtm

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.
George Bernard Shaw

Dangerous to be sincere William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit
 It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.
George Bernard Shaw

Hot Dog Burrito

Hot Dog Burrito — An easy meal that’s fast, fun and delicious is the hot dog burrito.

Microwave a hot dog on a small plate for 45 seconds to a minute. Microwave a burrito shell for 15 seconds then for another 15 seconds with a couple of slices of cheese.

Put dog on the shell. Place a dollop of sour cream along with some hot sauce and roll it up.

Feel free to add onions or anything else that strikes your fancy.

If you don’t like it, the cat will.

But you will.

Hot Dog Burrito