Mom Had Lonely Death In Nursing Home As Guardianship Industry Kept Daughter Away

Mom Had Lonely Death In Nursing Home As Guardianship Industry Kept Daughter Away — This waking nightmare is in West Bradford, Chester County, Pa. and concerns Mary Bush and her mom, Genevieve.

The nightmare ended for Genevieve in 2021 when she died alone in Green Meadows Nursing Home in Paoli.

She had been kept in nursing homes since 2015 against her will since being declared incapacitated in 2011.

Genevieve’s husband and Mary’s father, Fabian, died in 2004. A money dispute between Genevieve and her sons led to her revoking their power of attorney in 2005.

Genevieve also sued the sons saying they wrongfully took money from the estate. Chester County Common Pleas Court Robert J. Shenkin, however, ruled for the sons saying the investments they used had been made in their name.

So she rewrote her will in 2007 giving what remained of the estate to Mary and created a trust naming Mary as trustee.

“They already got their inheritance,” Mary said her mom told her about the sons.

And what remained was a nice bit as the family Cape Cod sat on 15 acres of prime real estate.

Mary and Genevieve refurbished the Cape Cod making it a beautiful place in which Genevieve could live the remainder of her years.

In 2008, she gifted the house and land to Mary rather than putting it in the trust because she wanted to be sure Mary got it.

The sons next step was to seek guardianship and filed a petition for declaration for incapacity. They hired attorney Alexander Chotkowski and on Oct. 30, 2009 a constable served the paper.

This started a process that put Genevieve into a guardianship in June 2011 and  continued until Genevieve’s death in 2021.

While serving the paper constable kindly called the law firm of Reger, Rizzo and Darnall for a lawyer for Genevieve, who naively accepted.

The lawyer, Thomas K. Schindler, told Genevieve that she did not have to appear in person for any hearings despite the state code mandating that she do.

Judge Katherine B. L. Platt declared Genevieve to have Alzheimer’s disease. Mary says her mom was as sharp as anyone. She was still handling her own finances and maintaining the trust.

Judge Platt ruled that Mary and her younger brother be made guardians of the person while her older brother was made guardian of the estate, which meant he handled the money.

Judge Platt also ordered Mary to sign the house given as a gift back to her mother.

In 2013, Judge Platt removed Mary as guardian after a dispute with the younger brother and ordered her evicted from the house. She was replaced as co-guardian by an attorney who would soon quit. Two years later the younger brother was removed from his post after an incident, and Genevieve was taken from her long-time home to the county’s Pocopson Home.

The estate was charged $65,000 for her stay in Pocopson.

Mary found her neglected. She was sitting in her own waste and had visible injuries.

After complaints, Genevieve was moved to Park Lane at Bellingham in West Chester, which charged $14,000 per month.

This was in January 2016.

Mary wasn’t happy with Park Lane either and made complaints. The staff responded by banning Mary from seeing her mom, and told police to watch out for her if she arrived.

When Mary arrived Westtown-East Goshen Police were soon on the scene. They escorted her from the building, and one of the cops stuck his finger in her face.

“I heard about you,” he said. The cop slammed her to the ground and cuffed her. Mary was a 56-old-woman when this happened. Yes, she was injured. She was taken to the hospital.

The small upside is that she sued the police department and won.

However, it was 614 days before she saw her mom again.

“I counted them,” she said.

“She had no idea if I abandoned her or if I was dead or alive or nothing,” she said.

The visits came with conditions, though. It could only be at Adult Protective Services and a deputy sheriff had to be present. Also Mary had to pay for caregiver to sit with Genevieve in the van and Genevieve had to pay for the cost of the van.

And it could only be for one-hour a month.

Mary says her mom was a changed person. She was uncertain and sad.

Genevieve, however, recognized her and could carry on a conversation.

So much for the Alzheimer’s diagnosis, Judge Platt.

The visits stopped when the county authorities said Genevieve no longer had enough money to pay for the van.

This happened in August 2018. It was the last time Mary saw her mother.

Genevieve died June 16, 2021. It was 15 hours after the deed was secured by developers Cameron and Lauren Adams who brought the property for $480,000 cash.

That’s a refurbished Cape Cod on 15-acres in suburban Philadelphia for $480,000.

An autopsy was prohibited.

“My mom never got a funeral. The judge that was involved just threw her in the ground.”

Mary is still fighting. She is asking the orphan court to give the property back as she is the trustee and the trust has never been dissolved.

The attorney for the Adams is asking she be declared in contempt for the act and forced to pay legal fees.

The Adams have also filed charges of harassment and stalking against Mary because she has taken photos of the dumpsters full of things from house.

Mary is not backing down. She has become a national figure in exposing guardianship corruption even speaking at a Free Britney (Spears) event.

“I’m just so determined. As far I’m concerned they murdered my mom for money. For the last seven years, they kept me from Mom,” she said.

Here’s another view Mary Bush at #FreeBritney Los Angeles Sept 29, 2021 (

Mom Had Lonely Death In Nursing Home As Guardianship Industry
Genevieve and Mary Bush before the nightmare started

Mom Had Lonely Death In Nursing Home As Guardianship Industry

70-Year-Old Man Risks Prison To See 99-Year-Old Mom

70-Year-Old Man Risks Prison To See 99-Year-Old Mom — The nightmare for Arthur started in May 2021 when his older sister filed a petition seeking guardianship of his mom, Jane.

It was two days after Jane’s 96th birthday.

Arthur, now 70, had moved into mom’s sprawling home in Franconia, Montgomery County, Pa., two years earlier, mostly to keep her company.

Jane, a window of 12 years, was independent, active and even still driving.

Arthur was doing the shopping, though. It was the height of Covid and he was hoping to keep her isolated.

Arthur represented himself at a hearing in July. Sis had her own lawyer and the courts assigned attorney David Jaskowiak to represent Jane.

Jane accepted Jaskowiak because she was told he came free, Arthur said.

Spoiler: He didn’t.

Arthur said he suggested that Jaskowiak have Jane’s doctor of 21 years as a witness to her competency, as well as her CPA, investment advisors and hairdresser.

For some reason, Jaskowiak called no witnesses, Arthur said.

His sister dropped out as discovery started and that should have meant Arthur got the job, one would think.

But no.

Jaskowiak said that because Arthur and Sis didn’t get along, the court would have to appoint a guardian. Judge Gail Weilheimer tapped Duane Logie for the job.

Logie turned out to be a friend of Jaskowiak, says Arthur. He would be both guardian of estate, which is responsible for financial matters, and guardian of person who is task for caring for the living conditions and medical things.

When the same person is both there is no check and balance, says Arthur.

Jane stayed in her familiar home for a week after the court declared her incapacitated. Logie said the health care manager wanted to meet Jane at her house. A date was arranged but rather than a health care manager it was local police who showed along with Logie and Arthur’s sister.

Police physically restrained Arthur on the front porch. He said he heard his mother screaming inside. The cops held him as his sister and Logie took the 96-year-old woman in tears to his sister’s car.

Sis sent an email to Arthur warning him not to come to her house else he’d be arrested, he said. She wouldn’t let Jane call him.

Sister kept Jane at her house for 10 days before she fell unconscious and an ambulance had to be called. She spent six weeks in the hospital being treated for starvation, Arthur said.

Arthur said the treatment included sticking a needle 42 times in the stomach to prevent blood clots.

Oh, and while there she finally did catch Covid.

When that ordeal ended Jane was dumped at Manatawny Manor in Pottstown. Arthur describes it as a low-rated nursing home in Pottstown.

Manatawny Manor had just reopened after a Covid shut down.

Arthur says Judge Weilheimer initially allowed him one hour visitation three times a week but soon reduced it to one-hour per month in retaliation for the questions he was asking.

He said his visits started becoming supervised. He was forbidden to take cell phone video of his mom.

What honest reason could there be for that restriction?

Arthur says he now finds it lucky to be able to see his mother. The last time was in December.

He says Jane, who is now 99, was able to recognize him and could still dress herself.

He said he could have spent 16,300 waking hours with his mother between August 2021 and June 2024. As it was, he got but 224 hours.

Arthur says the powers-that-be have a financial incentive for keeping his mom. He says Jaskowiak charges $300 per hour. He said the guardian who replaced Logie — and who he says is also friends of Jaskowiak — got $125 per hour. Further, Arthur says she hired her husband to do legal work on Jane’s behalf for which he got $400 per hour. Further, Arthur says, the hubby hired four other lawyers who also charge $400 per hour.

“When one talks to the other, they charge the estate $800,” said Arthur.

Arthur says the court charges the estate $90,000 per year for the nursing home and accepted the yearly cost — which includes things like insurance and taxes — of Jane living at her home at $16,500.

He says he never see invoices.

Arthur has been in prison three times for defending his mom.

The first one was when he placed a story on his website that included information Weilheimer wanted hidden. Arthur said Jane was fine with what he wrote, but no matter.

Weilheimer sentenced him to six months in Montgomery County Prison or until he removed the material. He says he thinks she expected him serve the full six months as there were no computers in prison to fix it. A friend, though, came to his rescue and removed the offending information which let him go free after 10 days.

The second incarceration happened after he rewrote and published the story leaving out all names. He did, however, include a link to an archived copy of the original. This prison stint was just a week before his computer friend could fix things.

Both contempt orders were instigated by Jaskowiak.

He said a third contempt attempt in December by Jaskowiak failed. Jaskowiak said one of the those monitoring his visits said he used his cell phone camera to record his mother. A reasonable person would find such a prohibition curious, but nevermind, the judge said it was a no-no.

Arthur, however, did not do this vile transgression and proved it at a March 20 hearing.

Arthur has a new judge, by the way, who is Melissa Sterling.

Now, the most recent battle.

Arthur learned where Jaskowiak lived in New Britain in Bucks County.

He composed a two-page letter concerning his views about guardianship corruption, and put copies under every doormat on Jaskowiak’s street on April 10.

On April 23, he began picketing in front his house. A State Trooper who lived on the street said he was on private property. Arthur said that he was on the sidewalk. The trooper said it was private property and he would arrest him if he stayed.

Arthur was getting tired of jail so he left but went to the township building and confirmed the sidewalk was public.

He returned on April 27. His sign contained Jaskowiak’s name; and the words “human traffic” and “sex pervert”.

The traffic concerned what Arthur considers to be the kidnapping of his mom. He says the “sex pervert” is in reference to a instructional video he found of Jaskowiak reportedly describing strategic use of contempt of court complaints and the threat of being sodomized in prison.

After two hours of picketing, Arthur was arrested and charged with harassment. The judge set his bail at $100,000 of which he needed to raise $10,000 to be free.

Arthur points out that he lives out of his car and receives welfare.

After five weeks in Bucks County Prison, the bail was lowered to 10 percent of $10,000 and friends managed to get him out.

Before he retired, Arthur trained and practiced voice stress analysis, which is a type of lie detection. For 41-years, he tested criminal suspects, potential employees and helped investigate insurance fraud. His clients included the military, police and major corporations. He traveled the nation and the world.

Arthur notes that there are no standards or requirements as to what constitutes an accurate evaluation of a person that will determine incapacitation in Pennsylvania. He also points out that court psychologists don’t record sessions and have no proof as to how a person answered.

Arthur says he hasn’t seen his mom for a half of a year.

“I don’t know what my mother is thinking,” he said. “Does she think I’m dead? Does she think I don’t love her anymore?”

Sick, stupid and cruel people are in charge of America.

Ed. Note: We have left out Arthur’s last name as he fears using it will give the Montco courts an excuse to throw him back in prison.

70-Year-Old Arthur Herring Risks Prison To See 99-Year-Old Mom
Arthur at the March Montco Commissioners Meeting

70-Year-Old Man Risks Prison To See 99-Year-Old Mom

Even-handedness Sought From Delco Domestic Abuse Project

Even-handedness Sought From Delco Domestic Abuse Project — Ulysses Slaughter of Media, Pa. is trying to create an online petition calling for the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County (DAP) to become more circumspect in accepting claims of abuse.

Unfortunately, keeps removing it.


A reader flagged it as “potentially problematic” and said it was “online intimidation.”

As opposed to demanding that commencement speakers being removed? All petitions can be defined as “intimidation”. They are, after all, meant to coerce “change” by mass appeal.

Slaughter was evicted from his home Aug. 4, 2021, by State Police when his now ex-wife falsely accused him of assault.

His four children from another marriage were evicted five days later.

The couple had been officially married for six months but Slaughter says its true start was in 2019 when they exchanged vows in a Quaker ceremony.

Slaughter says he and his ex bought the home in her name to avoid an issue with a tax delinquency in his. The expectation was that she’d add his name to the deed.

That didn’t happen.

The assault allegation did.

The then-wife then requested a protection from abuse order.

A hearing for the PFA happened Aug. 12, 2021 before Common Pleas Court Judge Andrea Puppio.

She ruled for Slaughter.

Slaughter is involved with a group seeking to stop false allegations for advantage in domestic matters.

He notes that a DAP representative had appeared with his wife at his hearing to give credibility on a claim that was quickly revealed to be spurious. He had hoped to petition the organization to become less knee-jerk. He notes that he had worked with, and supported, DAP. Slaughter recognizes that domestic abuse happens and condemns it. He just wants DAP to understand that false claims have become a common strategy to gain advantage in marital breakups.

Slaughter says he is suing his wife for breach of contract for refusal to add his name to the deed.

We have been writing stories about moms falsely accused of abuse, the claims of which have been uncritically accepted by Delaware County Children and Youth Services.

These moms have lost access to their children for months

Two of these moms were teachers and they can’t work because they are listed as child abusers.

None have been convicted much less tried as such.

Then there is the case of Jody McMahon, who hasn’t kissed her children in five years because the Montgomery County courts think she poses them some kind of danger. Her nightmare started, ironically, with an abuse allegation against her ex husband.

Renee Mazer wrote a book regarding her own nightmare that started in Chester County courts and ended with her losing access to her youngest son for several years.

This also started with an abuse allegation against her husband.

Renee says that fathers are more likely to get custody now than mothers because of the Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act of 1996. She says this incentives courts via federal funds to take the dad’s side.

She recommends Motherless America by Doreen Ludwig to explain this. The book concerns Ms. Ludwig’s nightmare in Lancaster County.

Considering that those coming forward to describe custodial horror stories are overwhelmingly women, we think that perhaps the pendulum has now swung a bit too far.

This shouldn’t be a boy versus girl thing.

If 100 dads out of 100 get custody that might be right.

Of course, so might vice-versa.

Ending the profit incentive for lawyers and court-appointed counselor to keep things going as long as possible could be a good first step.

Yes, family troubles have become a get-rich-quick thing by some rather bad people.

Making divorce a bit harder when kids are involved would also help.

“Hypothetically, I can unequivocally say . . . I would choose a psychopathic, child torturing spouse I haven’t had sex with in years over child torturing psychopathic lawyers and judges who screw me on a daily basis,” Renee says.

Even-handedness Sought From Delco Domestic Abuse Project

Even-handedness Sought From Delco Domestic Abuse Project

Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs

Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs — We just posted the horror story involving Montgomery County, Pa.’s judicial system and then we learn this was just put on Facebook by National Safe Parents.

It concerns Richard Ducote, a litigator on matters of domestic abuse. Ducote, who is based in Louisiana, got a license to practice in Pennslvania in 2009.

Montco Judge Puts Respected Lawyer In Cuffs
Richard Ducote

He is representing noted ophthalmologist Dr. Nicole Gross in her own horror-story divorce case.

Montco Common Please Court Judge Kelly Wall had Ducote arrested and handcuffed, May 8, while he was questioning a witness, according to Danielle Pollack of National Safe Parents.

Ducote had said that Judge Wall should recuse herself as she had engaged in ex parte communications, which is a violation of judicial ethics.

He says his arrest was retaliation for this.

Ex parte is when one of the parties in a legal dispute is not present when an action occurs. Sometimes it’s allowed but usually not.

Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs

Montco Courts Still Won’t Let Jody McMahon See Her Kids

Montco Courts Still Won’t Let Jody McMahon See Her Kids — Maybe the evil was always there and maybe it just seems worse because it’s getting exposed.

Which would be a good thing, we suppose.

Anyway, here’s another story from Montgomery County, Pa.

Jody McMahon’s marriage hit the rocks, and she and her husband, Shawn, separated in 2017.

Jody, of West Pottsgrove, was an English teacher at Owen J. Roberts High School. Shawn was a financial adviser.

There was a custody fight over their four children. An adjudication hearing was held June 4, 2019. Shawn showed up with a team of lawyers. Jody represented herself.

Shawn got complete custody.


A custody evaluation described him as “immature and self-indulgent”. It said he “might go into rage because of poor impulse control.”

Among other things.

So why did he get complete custody?

Jody is an epileptic and prone to seizures. Is that a reason for a stripping a mom of all rights and contact with her children? Only in a place completely devoid of compassion.

A truly monstrous place.

Like Montgomery County.

Jody returned to court on Nov. 19 of that year. This time she brought a lawyer.

Or thought she did. The lawyer didn’t show. Jody says she learned the lawyer was pressured to drop her that morning.

Her American with Disabilities Act advocate, Tina Graham, stood by her, however.

Jody had a right to the advocate because of her epilepsy.

Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy was made aware of Jody’s condition and why Ms. Graham’s presence was needed.

During the hearing, Jody had a seizure.

Did the judge postpone the hearing? Call for an ambulance?

No, she put Jody in leg shackles and handcuffs, and charged her with contempt.

When the deputies lifted her from her chair they dropped her and her head banged the courtroom’s concrete floor.

So an ambulance was called, after all.

Her restraints weren’t removed, though, not even at the hospital.

There is a well-understood protocol for treating epileptic seizures. Unfortunately it can’t be done with one’s hands and feet shackled.

Jody fell again at the hospital, again banging her head on the floor.

This time she fractured her skull.

She also suffered a stroke.

Did Demchick-Alloy schedule a new hearing? No, she awarded Shawn sole custody.

Jody got one-hour-per- week supervised visitation for the first year.

There was no visitation during Covid.

Now, she gets 15 minutes per week with her children over Zoom. She has to pay $90 to the county for someone to supervise.

She says the children ask why she let their dog starve to death.

For the record, she didn’t.

You kind of wonder where they got the idea she did.

The $90 per week to talk to her children is her largest expense, she says. She is well below the poverty line.

Regarding what happened in Judge Demchick-Alloy’s courtroom, you would think the media would have made it a bigger issue.

KWY’s Carol MacKenzie had a story which was followed by crickets. Nothing in Larry Weilheimer’s Philadelphia Inquirer. Nothing on any of the local evening newscasts.

Somebodies and somethings are being protected.

Montco Courts Still Won't Let Jody McMahon See Her Kids -- Maybe the evil was always there and maybe it just seems worse because it's  getting exposed.
Jody McMahon in happier times with her children.

Montco Courts Still Won’t Let Jody McMahon See Her Kids

Elderly Woman Gets Expensive Misery Courtesy Montco Adult Services

Elderly Woman Gets Expensive Misery Courtesy Montco Adult Services — The social services promoted by the caring crowd are appearing more and more to be a money making scam, and a cruel one.

Jenny Reimenschneider has a horror story about the Montgomery County (Pa) Older Adult Protective Services.

It started about 2-and-a-half ago. Her mom, Elsie, then 84, had been living with her 59-year-old  brother, JG. For years they were inseparable and Elsie took him everywhere, then lost an eye after botched cataract surgery by Wills Eye Hospital.

The brother had been recognized as disabled by Social Security since a teen, though he had a business degree and made many of Elsie’s appointments.

They lived in a condo in Mont Clare.

When Elsie could no longer drive, Jenny and her sister Sophia helped as they could but it was not enough.

Friends pitched in to take Elsie to appointments and meals but it was still not enough.

The brother asked the visiting doctor if they could get help. She brought the matter up to the county who turned it over to Adult Protective Services.

An agent visited the home and declared it to be an unfit environment.

Jenny concedes it was not perfect but Elsie had a constant companion and was content.

No matter. Montco assigned Elsie a lawyer she didn’t want. The lawyer began charging her $300 per hour, while ignoring her directions and wishes.

A guardian was assigned.

“Guardians are thought to be good things,” Jenny said. “You know like guardian angels.”

This one though was cold and cruel. She was also indifferent to the wishes of the mother.

She appeared to be in cahoots with the lawyer and it was from her she took directions, Jenny said.

A hearing was held.

The mom was ordered from her home and into Genesis Healthcare’s Manor Care of King of Prussia.

Her children’s visits were supervised. Jenny says Elsie cried at each one asking why they were keeping her there.

The children were forbidden from saying why.

The county began the steps to take her $200,000 home.

Here, though, is where the plot was foiled.

JG’s disability kept him from being evicted.

Three more hearings ensued. Jenny, Sophia and her other brother Jerald acquired joint custody of Elsie.

Still the county won’t let Elsie leave a “care” facility.


Imagine us rubbing our fingers together while pretending we have green paper between them.

The Reimenschneiders’ battle to get Elsie home continues. So far it has cost them about $15,000 in legal fees — which Jenny says pales compared to others fighting Montco — and the $10,000 apiece Elsie was forced to pay the county-appointed lawyer and the county-appointed guardian.

The county also paid the lawyer $10G and the lawyer continues to bill the county.

If it looks like corruption, swims like corruption and quacks like corruption, what else can it be?

Elderly Woman Gets Expensive Misery Courtesy Montco Adult Services 
Elsie Reimenschneider with her family when she was free
Elderly Woman Gets Expensive Misery Courtesy Montco Adult Services 
Elsie Reimenschneider confined at Manor Care

CYS Blacklist Sans Hearing Violates Rights Delco Told

CYS Blacklist Sans Hearing Violates Rights Delco Told — Rael LaPenta of Upper Chichester again told Delaware County (Pa) Council of atrocities and excess by its Children and Youth Services Department.

“The old issues in my personal case are not only still present but unbelievably continuing to escalate due to violations of the law and regulations,” she said, last night, April 3.

Ms. LaPenta, a teacher, was one of three women who told the board, Feb. 7, of the misery inflicted by CYS. The department removed their children and put them on employment blacklists. The actions were based on the word of angry ex’s.

The others speaking were Ashley Green of Ridley Park, a teacher, and Sharon Poole of Glenn Mills, a registered nurse.

Ms. LaPenta and Ms. Green can no longer teach. State law bans from the classroom those deemed child abusers by child protection agencies.

Ms. LaPenta, last night, again asked council to intervene.

“Not only to stop CYS from continuing to violate the laws and regulations but also to rectify the damage they were allowed to reap,” she said.

She noted that a new investigation was opened by the same caseworker who had been tormenting her. She said that it was based on a claim of an injury to her son that other CYS workers had declared unfounded.

Her son, by the way, was with his mom last night. He seemed pretty well adjusted. He certainly wasn’t fearful.

Ms. LaPenta said she updated all County Council members via email and there had been no response.

Councilwoman Christine Reuther had pledged to keep on top of it.

Ms. LaPenta said the that a Pennsylvania court found, July 11, that the law letting CYS blacklist teachers violated the Constitution. A pre-deprivation hearing was required before a teacher could be put on a child abuse registry, the court ruled.

Ms. LaPenta never got one.

“CYS violated this and it has still not been rectified,” she said.

She asked that Council immediately schedule hearings for every teacher on the child abuse registry as of July 11 as well as “any other teacher being indicated without the constitutional right to a hearing.”

She noted that Council has not followed through on a request for more resources and training for CYS.

Delco Woods

County Council officially christened as Delco Woods the 213 acres of the former Don Guanella property acquired from the Catholic Church. Councilman Kevin Madden said he wanted to call it Nation of Immigrants Park. Probably not the most serendipitous declaration.

Councilwoman Christine Reuther wanted it called Lenape Woods but was concerned it might offend the Lenape Indians.

So we get dull Delco Woods.

It’s like naming your dog, Dog.

Council said the naming committee was also pondering what to call parkland acquired near Little Flowers Manor in Darby, along with the former firehouse it acquired in Darby.

Expect “Parkland Near Little Flowers” and “Former Darby Firehouse.”

Other Matters

Health Director Melissa Lyon updated council about health matters. Council also got an update about the libraries from Anny Laepple, who would be appointed director of library services later in the meeting.

Ms. Laepple said that use of the county libraries is dramatically up. WiFi use alone has risen 288 percent.

Also appointed were Karen Wilwol as director of soil conservation; Kathy Arim to the Community Action Agency with a term ending April 30, 2025; Siddiq Kamara to the Immigrant Affairs Board with a term ending Dec. 31; and Niole E. Matteucci and Jacquie L. Jones to the Women’s Commission to terms ending June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

Council approved 30 consent items including a renewal for the Tuberculosis Control Grant; a $62,050 grant to East Lansdowne to demolish 58 Lewis Ave., which was destroyed in a fire; a grant not to exceed $75,000 to expand the Delaware County Law Enforcement Memorial Wall in Rose Tree Park; and a grant not to exceed $42,625 for a contract with Mugo Web to make a new website for Delaware County Libraries.

The consent items also included an extension of the Interim Agreement of the Delaware County Prison Employee Independent Union to May 31.

Also approved was amendment to a contract with the City of Chester that will remove demolition of structures at 427-429 Rose St., 2703-2705 Lehman St and 2709 Lehman St and include for demolition properties at 1722 W. 3rd St. and 550-556 Edgmont Ave.

Council also approved an application for a Transporation & Community Development Initiative study for the Highland Avenue Train Station in Chester.

CYS Blacklist Sans Hearing Violates  Rights Delco Told

CYS Blacklist Sans Hearing Violates Rights Delco Told

Delco Concedes CYS Is Poorly Trained And Understaffed

Delco Concedes CYS Is Poorly Trained And Understaffed — Delaware County, Pa. Executive Director Barbara O’Malley, last night, March 6, addressed the horrific stories concerning the county’s Children and Youth Services Department.

Mothers had been separated from their children for almost a year and stigmatized as abusers on the flimsiest of claims.

In at least one case, it was reported that the child, after removal, was placed in an environment in which he was sexually abused.

Further, the rulings by CYS have kept these women from getting jobs — at least two are teachers — or otherwise working with kids.

Ms. O’Malley reported that CYS was extremely understaffed and Delco was having trouble finding workers (see other story). She also noted the department’s training was poor.

Somewhere in her statement was a vague promise to improve things.

Recognizing the problem is a positive but immediate action can and must be taken to end immediate suffering.

First step is to make right the lives of those who were victims of this incompetency.

County Council can do this.

Simply call the person in charge and say let it be so. If this person won’t make these problems go away you make her go away and hire someone who knows what he’s doing.

By the way, we’ve heard reports of retaliation by CYS against a woman who spoke out. We are watching.

Second step is to create policy in which children aren’t removed due to domestic complaints unless a, hopefully, better trained supervisor does a follow up investigation. This is especially true if a judge has awarded custody to the accused.

Third step is don’t hire consultants that hire people implicated in serious scandals involving the removal of children.

That would be you, CAI.

Delco Concedes CYS Is Poorly Trained

Delco Concedes CYS Is Poorly Trained And Understaffed

Delco Council Concedes Problems With CYS; Stymied How To Solve Them

Delco Council Concedes Problems With CYS; Stymied How To Solve Them — Delaware County (Pa) Council, last night, Feb. 21, in a break from its routine had a long back-and-forth with the citizens.

Possibly it was productive but we won’t hold our breaths.

The county’s Children and Youth Services department was the big topic.

Rael LaPenta of Upper Chichester questioned the hiring of CAI, a billion-dollar consulting firm, to review and draft new policies for CYS and to provide training.

Ms. LaPenta was among the parents who appeared before council two weeks ago to tell horror stories of taken children and lost jobs due to unfounded actions by CYS.

Last night, she pointed out that among the consultants CAI plans to unleash on Delco is Paula Griffin who will be among those tasked to conduct candidate searches, and complete screening and employment interviews for candidates.

Ms. Griffin directed Lehigh County’s Children and Youth Services until her retirement in October.

That was when a scandal broke alleging CYS was taking children from parents based on false claims of child abuse. The children were given to Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN). They were put in extended, unsupervised emergency room stays. The families said the hospital would get state agencies to remove custody.

LVHN is being sued.

Ms. LaPenta also took issue with the council’s standard statement that the members are available for questions via email. She said that she had contacted them all without hearing back.

Councilwoman  Christine A. Reuther, in a break from protocol, interrupted Ms. LaPenta. She had been in contact — it was in a phone call, Feb. 20 — and Ms. Griffin was among the issues discussed.

She said Ms.Griffin was the one from Lehigh County, but that the lawsuit doesn’t disqualify her and that she passed a background check.

It looks like she’s coming to Delco.

Ms. LaPenta conceded that they talked but noted that she had not heard from the others. She had been trying to reach all for some time.

In the second round of public comments, Ms. LaPenta said she did not mean to be antagonistic. She said, though, she followed the appropriate routes and her life remains in turmoil.

“What is the appropriate amount of time for a person who has lost her children to stop being upset,” she said.

She said that many in her group feared retaliation by CYS.

“It is your responsibility not just as council members but as human beings to act,” she said.

Ms. Reuther said that she believes a lot of what Ms. LaPenta told her.

She said CYS has been given “awesome powers” by the state, and that a bill has just passed the state senate which would give CYS agencies even more.

She agreed that a review of the department was necessary but that she was afraid to intervene in specific cases because she lacked expertise.

Ms. Reuther said there is local state agency at which complaints can be filed regarding CYS, albeit Ms. LaPenta had long been aware of it.

Council Chairwoman Dr. Monica Taylor said that Ms. LaPenta had not received responses because it had been assumed that Ms. Reuther was handling the matter.

Two months ago, we reviewed The Dirty Secrets of Divorce or What Your Lawyer Won’t Tell You by Renee Mazer. The book details horror stories from Chester County concerning her divorce and her involvement with that county’s family courts process. She says collusion between judges, social workers and lawyers was shameless and profitable for them.

She lost access to her son for a very long time.

We suggest that Ms. Reuther not sell herself short. She has the power and expertise to resolve this. Start by considering the incidents where a parent lost lawful custody due to a claim of abuse solely on the word of an angry ex, as opposed to hospital workers or school officials.

Are there commonalities? The same judge? Same lawyers? Could there be money changing hands?

Don’t dismiss that. Read Ms. Mazer’s book.

Further, Ms. Reuther can call in those running CYS. She can tell them to make things right with Ms. LaPenta, as well as with Ashley Green of Ridley Park and Sharon Poole of Glenn Mills, who had similar experiences.

She can give directions that special care be made when dealing with accusations involving exes.

It’s your time to shine, Christine. So there you are.

More stores concerning the meeting to follow.

Delco Council Concedes Problems With CYS; Stymied How To Solve Them

Silence In Delco About CYS And Prison Horrors

Silence In Delco About CYS And Prison Horrors — Capricious cruelty and general incompetence regarding Delaware County, Pa. agencies were revealed to County Council, Feb. 7, and as of, today, Feb. 16, the response has been crickets.

One of the victims of Delco’s Children and Youth Services has let us know she reached out to Delco twice since without a response.

The county would be doing the outreach if those running things actually cared.

A puzzle is the apparent lack of interest from the opposition party.

Where are you Frank Agovino? Dave Galluch? Dave White? Any Republican in party leadership?

We suspect most of those speaking out about the prison and CYS were apolitical if not Democrat, but the job of the opposition is to hold to account those running things.

The Delco GOP doesn’t seem to be doing this.

Good government requires competition.

Where is the outreach to Harriet Burgess of Drexel Hill, who was a sergeant at the prison and says she was fired because she refused to falsify documents?

Or to Rael LaPenta of Upper Chichester who lost custody of her children due to a complaint from a vengeful ex?

Or to Ashley Green of Ridley Park who lost nine months of her child’s life and her teaching certificate because CYS accepted false allegations of abuse from the child’s father?

Where are the public expressions of outrage?

There is nothing stopping you Frank Agovino, Dave Galluch and Dave White.

Imagine what the Democrats would be doing if the shoe was on the other foot.

Pretend you are them.

Silence In Delco About CYS And Prison Horrors