Mom Describes Mistreatment In Delco Family Courts

Mom Describes Mistreatment In Delco Family Courts — Delaware County (Pa.) Council, last night, Oct. 16, heard another tale of abuse and injustice concerning its family courts.

Janet Rousse (phonetic) who fled Delco after losing a custody battle says she has not seen her children in a regular way in a year. She couldn’t afford a lawyer, unlike her husband, and represented herself. She asked council to look into ways to make things more fair.

She also said her phone calls have been monitored and that HIPAA violations occurred during her hearing.

A generation ago, it was almost a trope the father would lose a custody battle. That seems to have been turned entirely on its head and it is alleged to have been done with planning.

Regardless, a parent should never lose regular access to a child unless violence is a concern.

In other matters, Linda Emery (phonetic) of Media praised Council for the 3rd Street Bridge project but asked it to address concerns about runoff into Broomall’s Lake.

Olivia Thorne, a past president of the League of Women Voters thanked Council for its satellite voting centers.

Scott Thomas of Marple praised the County’s poll worker training system and lead the room in a Hail Mary in honor of Rosary Month.

At the meeting’s start, Council Chairwoman Monica Taylor noted the crisis being caused by the closure of hospitals in Delco.

Mom Describes Mistreatment In Delco Family Courts -- Delaware County (Pa.) Council, last night, Oct. 16, heard another tale of abuse

Mom Describes Mistreatment In Delco Family Courts

Legislation Would Gut Kayden’s Law

Legislation Would Gut Kayden’s Law –We posted reports a few hours ago that powerful persons in the legal community were seeking to gut Kayden’s Law which was signed into existence  April 15 and took effect Aug. 13.

 Kayden’s Law is named for seven-year-old Kayden Mancuso who was murdered by her father in 2018 during a visitation. It mandates courts to consider a parent’s history of violence when deciding custody.

Why would anyone want to have propensity to violence and abuse not be a prime, if not the prime, reason in deciding custody?

Who could even think of this?

A mercenary attorney seeking to maintain an avenue to making a buck? A child abuser?

Certainly no decent person.

Nor, did we think, a legislator concerned about his standing with his constituency.

We were wrong.

House Bill 2018 has been introduced in the Pennsylvania Legislature and it guts Kayden’s Law.

Prime sponsor is Montgomery County Democrat Liz Hanbidge who represents the 61st District.

It passed the House Judiciary Committee, Sept. 25. All Democrats voted for it and all Republicans voted no.

Why don’t these Democrats care about the safety of children? Why don’t they give a law that’s been in effect for only about six weeks a chance to work?

Feel free to try and answer these questions in the comments.

Legislation Would Gut Kayden's Law

Legislation Would Gut Kayden’s Law

Is Kayden’s Law In Danger?

Is Kayden’s Law In Danger? –– Kayden’s Law was signed by Pennsylvania’s governor, April 15, and took effect and mandates courts to consider a parent’s history of violence when deciding custody.

It’s named for seven-year-old Kayden Mancuso who was murdered by her father in 2018 during a visitation.

We find it puzzling that a history of violence had not been a prime consideration in custody matters in Pennsylvania, and that a law was even needed.

Yes, the old law required it to be listed but there was never a requirement to act.

We are hearing that there are attempts to gut Kayden’s Law. Those behind the subversion are reportedly being made by powerful figures in our legal system — notably in Montgomery County.

And this is despite the obvious will of the legislature, not to mention common sense.

What say you, Judge Daniel Clifford?

Is Kayden's Law In Danger?

Is Kayden’s Law In Danger?

Charlie Alexander’s Story About Delco Child Services Corruption

Charlie Alexander’s Story About Delco Child Services Corruption — We’ve been carrying stories about how the agencies in Delaware County, Pa. tasked with protecting children actually are about protecting the connected, and the power protecting the connected provides.

Here’s Charlie Alexander’s story about how a child’s abuser escaped justice while those who brought it to the authorities’ attention were punished.

Note, this occurred more than a decade ago when the Republicans were running things.

Cronyism is bipartisan.

Watch Charlie’s describe what happened here.

Charlie Alexander's Story About Delco Child Services Corruption

Woman Avoids Charges And Keeps Daughter After Montco Custodial Hearing

Woman Avoids Charges And Keeps Daughter After Montco Custodial Hearing — Alexandria, who is facing charges for taking her daughter to California to keep her from the clutches of an abusive ex escaped punishment, yesterday, Aug. 30, after a hearing before Montgomery County (Pa.) Common Pleas Court Judge  Wendy Demchick-Alloy.

Further, she retained full custody.

Among those attending the hearing in support, were Montco good-government activist Sean Connolly; the mother of Kayden Mancuso, whose death at the hands of a violent and unstable ex led to Kayden’s Law; a Delco woman seeking to keep her grandkids from unsupervised visits with a violent and unstable ex; Jody McMahon; and representatives from media outlets including a documentarian.

We understand that Montco President Judge  Carolyn T. Carluccio is beginning to take an interest in these cases.

Something is seriously wrong with Pennsylvania’s system of (alleged) child protection. The women above described objective instances — like hospital reports — of physical or sexual abuse of children with the abusing spouse not only escaping charges but continuing to have visitation rights.

Meanwhile, not so long ago, we attended a hearing in which a rather bratty kid described how his mother left a bruise on him when she smacked him after he kicked her leading to the Delaware County District Attorney to bring charges against her.

No hospitalization or stitches or anything of import.

The DA, however, chose to pursue this rather than protect children who hid in a Springfield sewer to escaped being in the custody of a violent father.

Sick people are in charge and the good judges and police and prosecuters have to speak up.

Connolly, by the way, noted he enjoyed the company of the seven or so sheriff deputies present at the hearing. He also said he had enjoyed a short conversation with the former driver for Mike Vereb, the one-time Montco GOP chairman who became secretary for legislative affairs for Gov. Josh Shapiro until unfortunate matters of legislative affairs compelled him to leave.

Activist Sean Connolly and Alexandria at the Montgomery County, Pa. courthouse.

Justice Coming To Montco Courts?

Justice Coming To Montco Courts? — We hear the looming scandals we’ve been covering concerning Montgomery County (Pa) courts are about to break wide upon.

We’ve been disappointed before but may the truth be revealed and justice prevail.

Meanwhile, some questions:

Why did Dr. Scott Rifkin make numerous visits to Josh Shapiro’s Philadelphia office when Josh was Pennsylvania Attorney General?

Why are right-to-know requests concerning what they discussed being denied?

How did Shapiro go from a net worth of $100,000 in 2000 to $4 million in 2010 to $35 million today?

Why are Amish farmers being coerced into conservatorships resulting in the state takeover of their lands?

Questions, questions questions.

Justice Coming To Montco Courts?
Shapiro, Shapiro, you’re no hero, so how does your money grow?

Justice Coming To Montco Courts?

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery — Had a long phone call, yesterday, with a person from central Pennsylvania concerning a guardianship tragedy with his mother.

He didn’t want a story as of yet but what was described was no different that the tragedies suffered by Arthur Herring, Mary Bush and Jenny Reimenschneider.

This person — don’t assume male as the pronoun is being used in the universal sense to protect identity — is having limited access to his mother and his estate has been drained.

The mother, naturally, was given a guardianship despite having just mild incapacitation.

Pennsylvania’s system for guardianship is corrupt. It is designed to siphon money from vulnerable families to those connected to courts. The corruption includes judges, attorneys and various cronies.

The awareness of this corruption is international, by the way.

This would be an excellent issue for a honest legislator or an ambitious candidate.

Pennsylvania's Guardianship Corruption Misery

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery

CYS Cruelty Spawned Woman’s Crusade Against Shapiro

CYS Cruelty Spawned Woman’s Crusade Against Shapiro — Hadassah Feinberg, who has been a subject here, had a two-hour interview with Ken Matthews, which was posted today, July 27, on Rumble.

In part one, Hadassah describes the vicious retaliation by the Dauphin County Children and Youth Services that led her down the rabbit hole to Pennsylvania’s massive and oppressive corruption.

The retaliation came after she complained about the poor response to a report of child abuse by the agency.

She wound up losing her children for 13 days.

What she described is exactly what has been described as occurring in Delaware County.

In part two, Hadassah talks about the connections Gov. Josh Shapiro has to major scandals — including the Ellen Greenberg murder — and how representing oneself in a courtroom might be a better strategy than hiring a lawyer.

She also explained how the lawfare Fulton County, Ga. District Attorney Fani Willis waged on President Trump made her realize she can do the same thing to Shapiro. She says she has filed a RICO complaint against Shapiro and others for obstruction of justice.

Here is part one:

And here is part two:

CYS Cruelty Spawned Woman's Crusade Against Shapiro
Josh Shapiro with Alex Soros

Hat tip Sean Connolly

Complaint File Against Montco Judge Regarding Ducote Matter

Complaint File Against Montco Judge Regarding Ducote Matter — The Montgomery County, Pa. judge who threw a hissy fit and ordered an attorney arrested and handcuffed is in a bit of trouble herself.

Common Please Court Judge Kelly Wall gave the bizarre order, May 8, because she didn’t like how attorney Richard Ducote was a questioning a witness.

Or maybe it’s because Ducote said that Judge Wall should recuse herself because she had engaged in ex parte communications, which is a violation of judicial ethics.

Ducote is representing noted ophthalmologist Dr. Nicole Gross in a horror-story divorce case.

Anyway Ducote filed a complaint against Judge Wall with the Judicial Conduct Board, regarding those ex parte communications.

The establishment media is actually covering it.

Ducote says Wall and the witnesses admitted to the conversations in court.

Regarding the handcuffs, holding a lawyer in a civil case in criminal contempt is improper, say legal experts. Especially, without a hearing.

Hat tip Sean Connolly

Complaint File Against Montco Judge Regarding Ducote Matter

Complaint File Against Montco Judge Regarding Ducote Matter

Mary Bush Convicted

Mary Bush Convicted — Mary Bush was convicted, Friday, of harassing Cameron Adams who bought the land upon which she grew up and on which she cared for her mother until 2013 when she was evicted after a dispute concerning guardianship issues with her brothers.

It’s detailed here.

Mary still lives next to the property in West Bradford, Chester County, Pa.

It’s 15 acres and has a Cape Cod.

Adams got it for $480,000 in 2021 just a few hours before Mary’s mother, Genevieve, died.

Mary, who is 64, may be facing a stint in prison — much as 70-year-old Arthur Herring did — because of the conviction. The harassment included driving slowly past the house, videotaping construction and occasionally shouting at the new owner.

Mary is disputing the ownership of the property and possessions that came with it. She says cases are pending in Chester Common Pleas Court, the Orphans Court, two appeals in state Superior Court and an appeal in the state Supreme Court.

We only watched a little of the trial and won’t comment on whether the verdict was just. We won’t even take a side in Mary’s dispute with her brothers.

We will, however, declare that Pennsylvania’s guardianship system is a corrupt disgrace. Genevieve — just as Jane Herring — was declared mentally incapacitated at a hearing in which her county-appointed attorney told her not to testify. Further, the attorney kept her from calling her doctor and financial advisors as witnesses in support of her acuity.

The ruling allowed the Chesco courts to appoint guardians and lawyers — well-paid by the estate — to control her assets.

Once the court appoints a lawyer, by the way, a family cannot get rid of him no matter how poor a job he is doing.

It’s a scam. It’s dirty. The law needs to be changed.

Mary was prohibited — just as Arthur Herring was — from seeing her mom at the end. This was not the wish of Genevieve. It was certainly not the wish of Mary.

Genevieve died alone and heartbroken.

Extremely cruel people are running our society.

Mary Bush Convicted
Genevieve and Mary Bush