Strange Vans At Marple Walmart –Charlie Alexander, who has been driving nuts the powers that be in Delaware County, Pa, posted this video, today, April 22, on X. It’s of two unusual matching vans in the Walmart parking lot in Marple. He asked one driver if he was involved in human trafficking without getting an answer. The other vehicle fled.
The driver could have said many things to ease suspicions.
He could have simply said “no”.
He could have said “go away or I’m calling a cop”.
That would have worked too.
But he just sat there and looked nervous.
The vans were were white, unmarked and had what appeared to be ventilating fans on the roof. One had a Pennsylvania plate, and the other had an Illinois one.
Delco Council Threatened With Tar and Feathering Over Delco Woods Mental Facility — About 150 packed Delaware County (Pa.) Council’s meeting room, last night, April 17, to protest the possibility of a former Don Guanella building becoming a home for mental patients.
The county got the 213-acre property between Sproul and Reed roads in Marple via eminent domain from the Catholic Church in 2021.
The price tag was $22 million and it was to be a park.
About 170 undeveloped acres were zoned residential. The rest was zoned institutional and contained a facility for boys with mental disabilities.
The tract was officially named Delco Woods, April 3.
On Monday, Marple Township, reacting to the county, rezoned the property to all open space. Marple also rejected county requests for occupancy certificates for three buildings. Two would have been for office space and one for the mental patients.
The county says it will sue to keep the institutional zoning.
Executive Director Update
Last night, County Executive Director Barbara O’Malley said other locations for the mental health facility are still being considered but Delco Woods has significant advantages. The county already owns it and it has buildings that might serve as secure housing.
Sandy Garrison, chief of Human Services and Community Support, said the county has funding for a mental health facility but can’t get a program running. She says they have investigated 25 locations with none being satisfactory.
Ms. Garrison said a facility would be staffed 24/7 and have time secured locks. It would be used as a stop for those about to return to community who had been receiving high level care.
There are 25 persons in Delco who need such a place, she said. They range in age from their 20s to their 70s.
Ms. Malley vehemently denied the rumors that the building would be used to house illegal aliens.
Shouts from the crowd showed that many doubted her claim.
“You might not like us because we have a D after our name,” he said.
This angered the crowd even more and hoots of scorn filled the room.
Madden also said that just a “sliver” of the property would be used for the facilities.
Public Comment
Charles Alexander of Marple, whose postings on Chuckles Sports have kept Delco’s illegal alien concerns in the spotlight spoke first during public comments. He brought up Jan. 8, 2020 action in which the county consented to a refugee resettlement program.
He said things are getting worse and the county is ignoring why.
Concerning health facilities, he said that there were 10 hospitals in Delco when he was born. Now it’s down to “three OK ones and a travesty.”
“You have awakened a sleeping giant,” he said.
He quoted Congresswoman Maxine Waters infamous call to harass Trump Administration officials and applied it to Council.
Sharon Devaney of Haverford Township asked councilmembers if they had read the paperwork she presented at the last meeting concerning her auto accident involving an illegal which left her crippled.
“I was a Democrat,” she said pointedly addressing Madden’s earlier claim that the complaints were political.
“We want the truth,” she said. “We want everyone to get a long.”
James Small quoted Edward Snowden regarding conspiracy theories and said he didn’t trust council. He asked that they resign.
Tar and Feathering
Howard Alexander of Marple, Charlie’s father, also said he was a former Democrat. He said the last Democrat for whom he voted was a “Muslim queer“. He wanted to know how many council members had taken money from George Soros. Alexander threatened them with tar and feathering.
Kathy from Haverford said the councilmembers have violated their oaths of office and outright lied about Delaware County not being a sanctuary county.
She noted that the council’s Facebook page prohibits comments in violation of Supreme Court rulings.
The council’s explanation for the policy is to stop “misinformation.”
“You’re a bunch of hypocrites,” she said.
She asked why the county is using the money it received as part of opioid lawsuit at Philadelphia hospitals.
“Why no rehabilitation at the prison?” she asked. “They are human beings.”
Joy Schwartz of Upper Darby noted that while the letter regarding refugee resettlement concerned the Trump Administration, council fails to understand things have changed. It is ignoring the massive influx of illegals occurring under Biden.
Biden is literally flying in illegals, she said. They are not vetted for disease or criminal records.
“They are being staged,” she said. She said even if the county is not directly involved they know about it and can do something about it.
Tax Bomb Looms?
Michael Gowdy of Marple brought up some scary points for taxpayers regarding Delco Woods’.
He asked that it be confirmed that the Philadelphia Archdiocese is challenging the $22 million price set by the county during the eminent domain acquisition.
Solicitor Jonathan Lichtenstein did so.
While Lichtenstein refused to discuss the litigation details such as the price the former owners value the land, Gowdy noted developers had offered the Church $45 million and $35 million for it.
This could mean that county might be on the hook for double what it expected to pay, he said.
That wouldn’t be counting the $2 million in interest it would have to pay if it loses.
Joe Finio of Marple said people of all political views united to save the park. He said the county made a solemn promise that it would be used entirely for recreation. He said the buildings were originally declared unusable and wondered what had changed.
Trish Adams of Delco Skatepark Coalition said the master plan called for a skatepark where the buildings are.
Tom Flocco, citing video posted by Charles Alexander showing HIAS Pennsylvania collecting food and clothes for illegal in Delco, asked the county to address non-government organizations.
He mentioned a rumor about illegals living at the McIntosh Inn in Middletown.
Council Accused Of Disrespect
Colleen Labalty (phonetic) was another who said the council was losing trust.
“I don’t understand how people lose their morals,” she said. “How they sell out.”
She noted her husband was a legal immigrant.
“Stop with the Democrats and Republicans,” she said. “We are all people.”
Denise Manley (phonetic) of Marple said the debate was about safety, not mental health.
She accused council of laughing and “snickering under their teeth” during the comments.
“It’s not about Republican or Democrat,” she said.
She suggested council consider the shuttered Glen Mills School for a mental facility.
Susan Long of Maple dittoed her regarding the disrespect council was showing.
“You brought up the ‘D’, Mr. Madden,” she said.
Republican Chairman Speaks
Delaware County GOP Chairman Frank Agovino of Springfield said that what happened in Marple two days earlier compelled him to speak.
He said he wanted to let the Marple resident and township government that he fully supports them.
Scott Thomas of Marple said that council has no right to be concerned about “misinformation.”
“It’s our government that gives us the most misinformation,” he said.
He noted that one of the big causes of mental health issues is the drugs flowing across our open borders.
Jim Castaldi (phonetic) described himself as one of the “most middle of the road speakers”.
“It’s safe to say the jig is up,” he said.
He said they those who fought for the park thought council would keep its promises.
A man who said he had been an EMT said the safety precautions at mental health facilities often fail. He said noted that he had taken many to the county’s existing mental health facilities and took them back again after they walked away.
A man said the original plans for the building area called for a community hub with recreation facilities.
Proximity To Schools
Sam Lassiter (phonetic) of Marple said he would not bring his young children to a park next to a mental facility.
He had worked in mental health, he said.
“Let it be a park,” he said. “It’s next to two schools.”
Marc Giosa says he has sold real estate for 23 years.
He say it’s not uncommon for someone to pay $50,000 or $100,000 over list price to buy a home in Marple.
He say, however, thathe has seen first hand how a mental facility will cause home prices to plummet.
“This will affect property values,” he said.
“It is within walking distance of two schools,” he also noted.
Gregg Miner of Upper Chichester said he was surprised to learn that Delaware County was a sanctuary county.
He asked council to compile a report showing how many illegals come into Delaware County; their effect on crime; and their fiscal impact.
Liz Piazza Defends Marple
Liz Piazza of Upper Providence, the GOP candidate for the 165th State House Seat which includes Delco Woods, said he was there to support Marple Township.
“What you are doing to Marple is unacceptable,” she said. “They put their trust in you.”
She noted that she grew up in Marple and that her son still lives there.
Patricia Bleasdale of Glen Mills said what the council is doing builds distrust.
Dave Clark of Ridley also noted trust is an issue.
“What is troubling the United States as a whole is the bait and switch tactics used by the political class,” he said.
Joanna of Brookhaven said it was crazy to put a mental institution where a park is.
Demetrius of Marple said there was a group home on his street for those with mental issues and they get out.
Council Response
With public comments over, Lichtenstein angrily took issue with claims that the 2020 letter concerned illegals.
He said it was for legal refugees many of whom had served alongside Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lichtenstein said the motion was passed at a council meeting and not “in the middle of the night.” He noted it had been done at the request of the Trump administration.
Councilwoman Elaine Paul Schaefer repeated what she said at the last council meeting that she opposed any governmental use for the park.
“I truly feel the frustration of the community and share in their goals,” she said.
She said she was hopeful that they will find a better place for the mental health facility.
Madden agreed that the issue was trust.
“We’re just doing our best,” he said.
He noted that county’s lawsuit is just to preserve their options and they don’t have any “blueprint in place” on what to do with the buildings.
He said the county would not use all 40 acres that it is trying to keep zoned institutional.
Councilman Richard R. Womack said he appreciated everyone coming out. He said he heard their concerns and would work to find another place.
Councilwoman Dr. Monica Taylor also thanked the crowd and reiterated that nothing has been carved in granite.
Marple Zones All Delco Woods Open Space; Rejects County Request To Use Building To House Mental Patients From Prison — The Marple (Pa) Commissioners voted 6-0, last night, April 15, to zone the 213-acre former Don Guanella tract all open space.
The commissioners also voted 6-0 to reject certificates of use and occupancy for three buildings on the site sought by Delaware County. Two were wanted for office space. The third was to be a secured 28-bed mental facility for patients who would otherwise be housed at the county prison.
As the second vote was a late agenda addition, the board rescheduled another vote for Monday, April 22, allowing proper advertising.
They want to play it safe, 1st Ward Commissioner Joe Rufo said.
Abstaining from all votes was 6th Ward Commissioner Mike Molinaro. He cited a conflict as he is a county assistant solicitor.
The land was acquired by Delaware County in 2021 and has been renamed Delco Woods. Promises were made by County Council to save it as open space despite it zoned residential and institutional.
The property is between Sproul and Reed roads.
About 40 acres on Sproul Road with buildings for a Catholic Church institution for boys with mental disabilities was the institutional zoning.
Attorney Nick Caniglia, representing the county, said his clients had no objection to changing the residential zoning for the woodland but demanded the institutional section stay.
Close to 100 raucous residents filled the meeting room. Several shouted suspicions that the county would raise the number of mental patients at first chance.
The building for the beds in is 60,000 square feet.
The board noting the unanimous support for rezoning suggested public comment be skipped.
There were no objections but some still took the microphone.
One man said he arrived as immigrant from Sicily in 1977. It had taken him two years of paper work. He was responding to the rumors that the county secretly seeks the buildings to house Biden’s border breakers.
A resident suggested the county use one of the shuttered hospitals as a mental facility.
Charles Alexander of Chuckles Sports asked if the county would put probation offices in one of the buildings.
A woman who led a community youth group said that all her teenagers were vehemently opposed.
A Cedar Grove Road woman said the county has created an atmosphere of distrust with the citizens.
Republicans Liz Piazza, who is seeking the 165th District Pennsylvania House, and Alfe Goodwin, who wants the 5th Congressional District seat were there to support the residents.
GOP legislative candidates Liz Piazza and Alfe Goodwin were on had to give residents support.
Discussion continued after the meeting ended. Delco Council might get a crowd Wednesday
Marple Planners Recommend Don Guanella Tract Be All Open Space –The Marple Planning Commission, March 28, voted to recommend that the entire 213-acre county-owned Don Guanella tract between Sproul and Reed roads be zoned open space.
Half the land had been zoned institutional. It was the site of a Catholic Church facility for boys with mental disabilities before the county bought it in 2021.
About 30 people were in attendance due to rumors that it would used by the county to house illegals.
Residents implored the planners to recommend that camping and tents be prohibited on the property.
The Marple Commissioners are scheduled to vote on the matter, April 15.
Pennsylvania State Sen. Tom McGarrigle (R-26) is hosting a panel on cyberbullying, 7 tonight, April 8, at Marple Newtown High School, 120 Media Line Road, Newtown Square, Pa. 19073.
Francis Matarazzo, 67, and his wife Anita Milici-Matarazzo, 54, of Marple were held for a Sept. 13 arraignment in Common Pleas Court following a hearing Thursday before Magisterial District Judge Dave Lang on the charges of corruption of minors. The charges stem from an after prom pool party 2:19 a.m., June 3, at their home in the Crystal Forest Development.
According to the affidavit, Marple Sgt. Mike Johnson and Officer Joe McGettigan responded to a report of a loud party in the Crystal Forest development. While enroute police received a 911 hang up call from the Matarazzo residence. When police called the number back a woman answered and said there was a party at the end of the cul-de-sac but everything was fine.
Johnson and McGettigan arrived at the home and encountered a large pool party. They spoke to Mr. Matarazzo who was not happy to see the police. He explained that he was hosting an after prom party and that everything was under control. While speaking with Matarazzo, police saw numerous 15 and 16-year-olds fleeing into the wooded area around the house. Police saw numerous juveniles dropping beer cans and red Solo cups both inside the house and in the back yard.
When police reached the rear of the house they located more juveniles scattering into the house and debris from the underage drinking party.
When Johnson told Mr. Matarazzo that it was not appropriate to host an underage drinking party, Matarazzo said it was under control and it was better for him to host the party rather than have the kids out on their own. He also defended his actions by telling police that they were providing a safe location to have the party because the students were going to drink anyway, so it may as well be supervised.
Mrs. Matarazzo said there were between 36 to 40 kids at the Epsicopal Academy Junior after prom party and most of the kids were staying overnight. She also defended the alcohol consumption stating that she invited three friends to chaperone the party.
Surrounding police departments helped round up the juveniles. The chaperones did nothing to help police locate the missing juveniles. Mr. Matarazzo said he had people (chaperones) watching the juveniles at all times. Johnson explained that they weren’t watching too closely, as some of them were missing.
A beer bong was seized
The charges of furnishing liquor to minors and disorderly conduct were withdrawn against the Matarazzos.
The charges of furnishing liquor to minors and disorderly conduct were dismissed against chaperones Michael Taddie, 30, of Upper Darby; Michele Raimo, 32, of Laurel Springs, NJ; and Nicole Branca, 36, of Blackwood, NJ.
A disciplinary letter recommending that Newtown (Pa) Police Chief Dennis Anderson be fired has been filed by Township Manager Mike Trio, the Marple Newtown Patch is reporting.
The letter was sent last week.
The firing of Anderson will require a vote by the Newtown Supervisors.
Anderson was suspended from May 22 to June 22 with pay. Anderson had requested a public hearing regarding the dispute which was posted from July 12 to July 24 then indefinitely.
Paul Willey, 57, of Newtown waived a hearing Thursday before Magisterial District Judge Lee Hunter on the charges of DUI, accidents involving damage to attended vehicle or property, duty to give information or render aid, reckless driving, careless driving, and a stop sign violation. The charges stem from an accident 6:17p.m., March 13, in the 3500 block of West Chester Pike, Newtown, Pa.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Lt. Chris Lunn responded to a report of an accident where the driver fled and was seen turning onto Radnor Drive. The vehicle, with heavy front end damage, was located in front of 47 Radnor Drive. Witnesses, including Marple Detective Barry Williams, followed Willey and called 911.
Willey had an odor of alcohol, was unsteady on his feet and admitted he consumed gin. A portable breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .168 percent. Willey was transported to Springfield Hospital for a blood test.
Willey was released and is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
John Duthie, 25, of Marple, waived a hearing on the charges of possession of drug paraphernalia and a red light violation. In exchange for the waiver the charge of possession of a controlled substance was withdrawn. The charges stem from an incident 11:15p.m., Jan. 16, at West Chester Pike and Route 252.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Officer Joe Vandegrift was monitoring traffic when he saw a black pick up truck go through the red light. Duthie, who was later identified as the driver, turned into the Carriage House Apartments and was stopped.
Confiscated from Duthie were five syringes and some heroin. Duthie admitted that he uses the needles to inject heroin.
Duthie is scheduled for a June 17 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Kenneth Manganiello, 51, of Media, waived a hearing on the charges of DUI, careless driving, and driving on roadways laned for traffic. The charges stem from an incident 11:17p.m., March 13 on Bishop Hollow Road at Campus Boulevard.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Officer Joe Vandegrift stopped Manganiello when he saw him swerving and crossing the double yellow lines on Bishop Hollow Road.
Manganiello said he was on his way home from work and admitted to consuming two drinks. He failed field sobriety tests and was transported to Springfield Hospital for a blood test. A portable breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .182 percent.
Manganiello was released to his wife and is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Valerie Paparo, 36, of Media, waived a hearing on the charges of reckless driving, driving without a seatbelt, and two counts of recklessly endangering another person. In exchange for the waiver the charge of DUI was withdrawn. The charges stem from an accident 11:17a.m., Nov. 22 on North Newtown Street Road.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Officer Joe Vandegrift responded to a two-car accident in the 400 block of North Newtown Street Road near Gradyville Road. Mrs. Paparo’s vehicle struck a tree. She sustained a laceration to her head. The two children in the car sustained minor injuries all though only one child was properly restrained.
Vandegrift detected an odor of alcohol. A portable breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .037 percent, well below the legal limit of .08 percent. All three occupants were transported to Crozer Chester Medical Center for treatment. A blood test revealed the presence of alcohol, marijuana and codeine.
Mrs. Paparo is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Justin Hrebiniak, 36, of Bryn Mawr, waived a hearing on the charges of DUI. In exchange for the waiver, the charges of careless driving and duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle were withdrawn. The charges stem from an incident 7:15p.m., March 14, at West Chester Pike and Bryn Mawr Avenue.
According to the affidavit Newtown Officer Joe Alonso responded to a report of a possible intoxicated driver operating a Subaru. Newtown Detective John Newell spotted the vehicle as it turned onto Bryn Mawr Avenue from West Chester Pike. Newell followed the car with lights and sirens as the driver, later identified as Hrebiniak, was seen swerving and crossing the double yellow lines. Alonso caught up to them near Sproul Road and they were able to stop Hrebiniak near the I-476 overpass.
Hrebiniak said that he didn’t hear the sirens and didn’t see the flashing lights
Hrebiniak had an odor of alcohol, was unsteady on his feet, and a portable breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .159 percent. He was transported to Riddle Memorial Hospital for a blood test.
Hrebiniak was released and is scheduled for a July 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Catherine Rupertus, 40, of Aston, waived a hearing on the charges of possession of a controlled substance, possession of a small amount of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. In exchange for the waiver the charges of driving while her license was suspended, drivers required to be licensed, and a red light violation were withdrawn. The charges stem from an incident 11:05p.m., Feb. 23, in the unit block of South Newtown Street Road.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Officer Bill Moor was monitoring traffic at West Chester Pike and Route 252 when he saw an SUV go through a red light and make a left turn from Westbound West Chester Pike onto Route 252. He stopped the driver, identified as Ms. Rupertus, in the unit block of S. Newtown Street Road. She immediately apologized to police and said that her license was suspended.
Ms. Rupertus said she had been arrested previously for possession of Heroin. She had something in her hand and told police it was methadone pills.
Also confiscated from Ms. Rupertus was a little marijuana, an aluminum smoking device containing marijuana residue, and more methadone pills
A computer check revealed Ms. Rupertus’ license was suspended and expired.
Ms. Rupertus is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Ted Edwards, 59, of Avondale waived a hearing on the charges of DUI for an incident 10:56p.m., March 4, at West Chester Pike and Route 252. In exchange for the waiver a red light violation was withdrawn.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Officer Dan Dougherty was monitoring traffic when he saw a Toyota go through the red light on West Chester Pike onto southbound Newtown Street Road. The driver, identified as Edwards, was stopped at Mary Jane Lane.
Edwards had a strong odor of alcohol and failed field sobriety tests. A portable breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .134 percent. Edwards was transported to Riddle Memorial Hospital for a blood test.
Edwards told police he had two drinks with his dying father who lives at Dunwoody Village.
Edwards was released and is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court.
* * *
Stephen Brown, 32, of Coatesville waived a hearing on the charges of four counts each of theft by unlawful taking and receiving stolen property. In exchange for the waiver the charges of theft by unlawful taking and receiving stolen property were withdrawn. The charges stem from an incident 10:50 p.m., July 5, 2011, in the 3500 block of West Chester Pike.
According to the affidavit, Newtown Detective John Newell investigated a report from the owner of TPM Hardwood Flooring who discovered 10 expensive tools missing from his shop. He also told Newell that a former employee was responsible for the thefts. The business owner said he hired Brown in May 2011 and his last day was June 22, 2001.
Another employee alerted the owner that Brown stole the tools and sold them to a Pawn Shop in Coatesville
Newell checked with the American/Pottstown Cash Traders and learned that Brown traded some of the tools for cash.
The tools are valued at $6,500.
Brown is scheduled for a June 14 arraignment in Common Pleas Court. He was remanded to the George W. Hill Correctional Facility when he was unable to post bail.
* * *
The charges of receiving stolen property and access device is counterfeit were withdrawn against Shane Dubin, 25, of Newtown. In exchange Dubin plead guilty to disorderly conduct and was fined.
The charges stem from incidents Jan. 17 and 19 when Dubin used a Philadelphia woman’s credit card without permission to purchase food from the Upper Crust, 3711 West Chester Pike.
Police spoke to Dubin on Jan. 20 and filed the charges when he hadn’t paid $103. in restitution by Jan. 25.