Meanwhile in the UK Tory Election

Meanwhile in the UK Tory Election

By Bob Small

The British Tories, currently in opposition, just elected a new leader. The reason this matters is because the newly elected Labor Government is losing support fairly regularly.

The British Tories emerged in 1679. Earlier this year, they suffered their worst electoral defeat to Labor since 1832. The Tories had their multi-step convoluted election process to elect their new leader. This produced Kemi Badenoch, born Olukemi Adegoke (1980) in London.

She has an LLB, Bachelor of Laws, from Birkbeck, University of London. K

She is married to Hamish Badenoch and they have three children. She has served in the Tory Government in various positions.

She posits herself as a “critic of multiculturalism and a self-proclaimed enemy of wokeness”. In an interview with BBC, she said “I do speak my mind. And I tell the truth”.

She beat Robert Jenrick 53, 806 votes to 41, 388 votes. Only a third of the Tories voted for her. She becomes the sixth Tory leader in eight and a half years, During her campaign she said  “Our first responsibility as His Majesty’s loyal opposition is to hold this Labour government to account. “

She does seem opposed to wokeness.

“I would be congratulating Prime Minister Netanyahu,” she told Sky News following the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in September. ‘She also wrote, in the Daily Mail, that the post-October invasion crowds were protesting against Jews under the guise of attacking Israel,” 

She also opened up negotiations with the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Gulf Cooperation Council describing it as “an enormous opportunity for UK firms.”

The Tories have fallen from 172,000 members in 2022 to 131,000 , a drop of almost 25 percent. She takes over at a time when the Tories lost more than 200 seats in the House of Commons in this year’s general election.

See also Tories already wonder if Kemi Badenoch will last until from the Guardian, a pro-Labor paper.

Meanwhile in the UK Tory Election

By Bob Small

The British Tories, currently in opposition, just elected a new leader. The reason this matters is because the newly elected Labor Government is losing support fairly regularly.

Meanwhile in the UK Tory Election

Swarthmore Environmental Committee Spikes Lawnmower Ban

Swarthmore Environmental Committee Spikes Lawnmower Ban

By Bob Small

Just a handful of citizens attended the June 26 Swarthmore Environmental Committeee Meeting to hear it declare it was not ready to move the proposed lawnmower ban forward at July’s meeting.

Actually, the proposed ordinance would ban all combustion-powered outdoor maintenance equipment (CPOME ). Battery-powered and electric devices remain legal.

Citizens overwhelmingly came out against it at the June 10 borough council meeting causing council to table it and return it to the environmental committee.

The proposed ban would have been the first in Pennsylvania, and received extensive coverage in local media.

Back to the important things in life like the Phillies.

Swarthmore Environmental Committee Spikes Lawnmower Ban

Lamplighter Demolished In Haverford

Lamplighter Demolished In Haverford

By Sharon Devaney

Where did The Lamplighter, 8 Campbell Ave., Havertown, Pa., go so suddenly within 24 hours?

This was a restaurant my parents took us to almost once a week since I was a child.

The staff was wonderful, attentive and the owner took care of his staff .

They had the best bread and menu !

I literally had the best Reuben sandwich before I had my first contractions and went to the hospital to give birth.

I still love Reuben sandwich’s.

Where is the owner of the restaurant? I would like to thank him but his building is suddenly demolished?

Lamplighter Demolished In Haverford

Two Miracles Attest That Jesus Is The Resurrection And Life

Two Miracles Attest That Jesus Is The Resurrection And Life — Christ foreknew His mystery, even before the foundations of the world. It was in the last ages of the world that He arose for the inhabitants of the earth. Having borne the sin of the world, He abolished both it and death, which is its consequence and was brought upon us by its means. He plainly said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” and “he who believes in me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement but has passed from death unto life.”

We will see this fulfilled in facts.

The ruler of the synagogue of the Jews came near and, embracing the Savior’s knees, begged Him to deliver his daughter from the bonds of death. Look, she already was brought down to this and was in extreme danger!

The Savior consented and set out with him. He was even hurrying on to the house of the one who invited Him and was aware thaqt what was being done would profit many of those who followed Him and would also be for His own glory.

On the way, He saved the woman who was the victim of a severe and incurable malady. No one could stop her issue of blood that ruined the art of physicians.

No sooner had she touched the hem in faith that He immediately healed her.

A miracle so glorious and revealed was, so to speak, the work merely of Christ’s journey.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Courtesy of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church of Swarthmore.

Two Miracles Attest That Jesus Is The  Resurrection And Life

Two Miracles Attest That Jesus Is The Resurrection And Life

Jesus Is Lord Of Life

Jesus Is Lord Of Life — How do you respond to the misfortunes of others? In a number of places the gospel records that Jesus was “moved to the depths of His heart.”

Our English word “compassion” is a weak translation of the Hebrew word for “sympathy.”

Why was Jesus so moved on this occassion? Jesus not only grieved the untimely death of a youth, but he showed the depth of his concern for a woman who lost not only her husband, but an only child as well. The Scriptures make clear that God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone (Ezekiel 33:11). God desires life, not death.

Jesus not only had compassion, He also had power- the ability to restore life and make whole again. Jesus, however, incurred grave risk by approaching the bier, since contact with a dead body made one ritually impure. His touch not only restored life but brought freedom and wholeness to the soul as well as body.

This miracle is reminiscent of the prophet Elisha who raised another mother’s son (2 Kings 4:18-37).

Jesus claimed as His own one whom death had seized as prey. By his word of power, He restored life for a young man marked for death.

Jesus is Lord not only of the living but of the dead as well. Jesus triumphed over the grave and He promises that because He lives, we also shall live in Him (John 14:19)

Do you trust in the Lord’s power to give life and hope in the face of misfortune and despair?

Jesus Is Lord Of Life -- How do you respond to the misfortunes of others? In a number of places the gospel records that Jesus was

Jesus Is Lord Of Life

Courtesy of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church of Swarthmore.


By William W. Lawrence Sr

Zbfg zra, jura gurl guvax gurl ner guvaxvat, ner zreryl erneenatvat gurve cerwhqvprf.
Xahgr Ebpxar

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: The Lord your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing


By William W. Lawrence Sr

Esp Wzco jzfc Rzo td ty jzfc xtode, l hlcctzc hsz rtgpd gtnezcj; sp htww cpuztnp zgpc jzf htes rwloypdd, sp htww cpyph jzf ty std wzgp; sp htww pifwe zgpc jzf htes wzfo dtyrtyr

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Truth is in things, and not in words.
Herman Melville


By William W. Lawrence Sr

Cadcq rb rw cqrwpb, jwm wxc rw fxamb.
Qnavjw Vnueruun

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle:  I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade… And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
Ron White