DNA Testing For Dogs At Proposed Aston Apartment Complex

DNA Testing For Dogs At Proposed Aston Apartment Complex

By Joseph B Dychala

Aston Township held an informal meeting yesterday, Sept. 3, to unveil plans for the Star Hill tract on Route 452 near Mount Alverno Road. The meeting was heavily attended with standing room only. Several, but not all, commissioners were present.

Nancy Bowden, 5th Ward Commissioner, opened the event and opined she would like to have a calm and peaceful meeting. Once public comments were opened to the audience that was not the case.

Representing the developer, Fernmoor Homes, were Jeffrey Fernbach, president, and Carol Gebhart, director of sales. Based in Jackson, N.J. the developers have been in business since 2009. Both Aston and Fernmoor had their engineers in attendance and did most of the speaking.

The initial presentation, received by an unusually quiet audience, erupted into shouts and jeers during the public comment period. Questions asked involved the meeting itself. Why was the meeting scheduled on the night of the first day of school for the Penn Delco District dominated the discussion. Who planned for this day and why? Why was such little notice given to residents? What caused the initial letter of notice from Aug. 19 to many of the Fifth Ward residents to be delayed until after Aug. 26?

Township assistant manager Kelly Pippen responded the meeting was planned informally without a vote and was important to have the meeting after Labor Day when presumably more people could attend. She noted the error in sending notices citing a “software blip” causing incorrect zip codes on some of the letters. When pressed for details she responded they were working with the software vendor, BDS, to determine the cause of the error. She took full responsibility for not proofreading the envelopes before mailing them. No reason was given why the meeting was not rescheduled when many residents received less than a week’s notice due to the software error. One participant retorted how rescheduling the meeting for a week or two later would not affect a project that was planned for over a decade and wasn’t slated to start for several months.

The project includes a single entrance into the proposed development of approximately 80 one-bedroom and 50 two-bedroom apartments with just under 250 parking stalls across four buildings. Building Three will host a gymnasium, kitchen area, bar and common room. The remaining buildings will only have a common room. All access to the buildings will be via electronic key fob. There will be no new traffic light but a left turn lane on southbound Pennell Road for access is proposed. A bollard fence will be installed and evergreen trees planted along Old Pennell Road for privacy. All potential residents of the apartments will be required to pass a criminal background check.

Discussions for rezoning the property, previously owned by Joe Grace, began in 2012 and were finalized and approved in 2018. Fernmoor Group acquired the property in 2022. The buildings will be three stories high, down from four in the initial proposal with a reduction in the total number of apartments. Construction is expected to begin within the next six months and take up to two years to complete.

Other questions involved if pets are allowed and how that may impact surrounding neighbors with dog waste. Carol Gebhart stated all pets will be DNA tested. If something isn’t cleaned up it will easily be able to determine the guilty party who will be fined accordingly. An audience member shouted, “why not install cameras on every corner like in China” in a sarcastic tone. Another participant mentioned this pet DNA in a follow up question and Mrs Gebhart stated she was offended. Her position was they came to meet the community as a courtesy and would not be mocked. Several shouts of “those were your own words” and similar sentiments followed.

In addition to the usual questions such as stormwater management, attaching to the public sewer system and traffic congestion concerns one audience member asked what effect cutting down large swaths of trees will have on the area citing the rise in average daily temperatures observed since the former Mercury Gun Club was turned into a warehouse facility. Acres of old growth native trees were removed. It was suggested “Heatwave Adam” is just the beginning if we continue to lose more trees. Another participant lamented that Penn’s Woods are simply gone. Finally several residents questioned if blasting would be required as the area historically has needed blasting to clear the large expanse of solid rock formations. Many residents on Old Pennell Road and Brakel Lane complained of cracks in their homes from when the nearby quarry restarted and anticipated more problems.

The developers explained they would be both owner and operator of the apartment complex and hire all management for both leasing and property maintenance. Questions asking if the property would eventually be sold and turned into Section 8 housing followed. One question posed was will this be a “Fifteen Minute City.” This caught the developers off guard who stated they did not know what that meant. The resourceful Fernbach, however, looked it up on the internet and replied there are no plans to have any commercial buildings or businesses as part of the development.

The most asked question was how can this project proceed when all the studies — water runoff, geological, wetlands remediation, traffic patterns and calming, sewage removal and other issues — were completed years ago before many other new developments nearby and the pipeline that runs parallel to Pennel Road existed. Township solicitor Michael Maddren essentially said It is what it is and it’s going to happen. He said developers have rights in Pennsylvania.

Makes one wonder if taxpayers and residents still have a right to how their own communities are developed in 21st Century America.

DNA Testing For Dogs At Proposed Aston Apartment
Dogs will be tested for DNA

DNA Testing For Dogs At Proposed Aston Apartment

Upland Tables Vacant Building Fine

Upland Tables Vacant Building Fine — Upland Boro, tonight, June 11 tabled a series of ordinances that would have fined owners of vacant properties after resident and landlord Jim Criswell explained the law would also be applied to responsible property owners.

Criswell owns 10 rental properties in Upland two of which are vacant but undergoing renovations. He noted that the the fee schedule would mean he would be hit $500 fines for each building neither of which is blighted. Obviously, a building under repair cannot be occupied.

He pointed out the law also applies to new home buyers who want to renovate before moving in.

Council President Christine Peterson said the law was aimed at 10 blighted homes in the borough including two on Main Street. She said Criswell made good points, though, and agreed to postpone a vote for the ordinances to be reviewed.

Joy Schwartz of Upper Darby addressed the board as a former Delaware County Council candidate and pointed out that the county has created a “land bank” that gives it first dibs on any property it deems blighted.

Such a policy could give a rogue government a powerful tool for social engineering.

It had been noted earlier by the board that Pennsylvania’s state government is also pushing municipalities to take over properties it deems blighted.

One wonders why code enforcement and sheriff sales can’t address the problem.

Upland Tables Vacant Building Fine

Aston Residents Angry About 37 Townhomes on 3.5 Acre Former Police Station Lot

Aston Residents Angry About 37 Townhomes on 3.5 Acre Former Police Station Lot

By Joseph B Dychala

An informal meeting with Aston residents regarding the sale of 5021 Pennell Road was held May 23rd in the gymnasium at Aston Township Community Center.

The parcel had been site of the Aston Township Police Department and Administration building,

About 40 residents attended which was twice the number that turned out in September to hear about the construction of the new administration building and police department.

Township manager Bill DeFeo said not all residents received a letter of the hearing but a notice had been posted on the township website and social media.

Board President Michael J Higgens, who succeeded James M Stigale last year, opened the meeting. Missing were 2nd Ward commissioner Joseph P McGinn jr. and recently appointed Kevin Tinsley.

Tinsley resigned from the Penn Delco School Board in November to fill the remainder of Stigale’s term in the 6th Ward.

Only board President Michael J. Higgens and 4th Ward Commissioner Frederick T. Prendergast faced the crowd with the rest of the commissioners seated in the back of the auditorium.

Things were cordial until the attendees were told that 37 single-garage townhomes and a limited use office building would be built on the three-and-a-half-acre parcel. The development would be a cul-de-sac with just one entrance.

Township Engineer Joseph J Viscuso recapped the story of how the township had to vacate the building almost overnight after mold was found in it. A resident challenged him pointing out that mold damage like that doesn’t just happen. He said no remediation was ever sought and the building was merely abandoned.

Viscuso said that no re-zoning is required. While the parcel is zoned institutional it is in a mixed-use overlay district.

A resident said they had been told in September that the parcel was zoned commercial. The resident noted that it is in the middle of the part of the 7th Ward colloquially know as the business district.

The board initially denied the claim but  followed with the statement that no promises were made. It was noted the project still needs the approval of several county and state entities including PennDOT as Pennell Road is State Route 452. Also the state Department of Environmental Protection has to address storm water management.

Township Solicitor Michael J Maddren peppered his dialogue with self deprecating humor. He said there were 30 bids for developing the property. The initial winner was Nova Ventures of Maryland. It’s bid was rejected, though, as the proposal did not meet certain criteria. A new grocery store was considered and some in the audience noted they could use one. They lamented that the township once had an Acme, a Shop & Bag and a Giant, and now only the Giant remains.

Last to speak were representatives from the firm with the winning bid, Iacobucci Companies. They won on a second bid that was above the appraisal value for the property. The developers were met with consternation. The majority of questions from the audience were about traffic patterns, traffic signals and flooding from rainwater run off. Many vocally disapproved of the plan to add new residences. When asked if these homes will be Section 8 HUD Housing the developer responded, “that is not our intention” with a retort from the audience member, “but it’s not off the table!” Another person in the audience exclaimed, “NGOs have unlimited cash!” 

It was pointed out by several Richard Road residents the flooding that already occurs there and at Thomas Circle/Aston Court has yet to be remediated. Others were concerned that rainwater would flow not only to Richard Road but to the apartments next door. Topics such as rain gardens, the 100 year flood and sump pumps were discussed. Many did not appear satisfied with the answers given.

The majority in attendance were concerned about increased traffic in an already congested area, pointing out there are already three traffic lights between Pennell Roar at Weir Road up to Five Points and traffic is already difficult to navigate. At least one inquiry was made regarding the disposition of the communications tower currently at the site.

The meeting lasted approximately one hour and ended with little fanfare after an animated question and answer session with the developers. More informal meetings will be scheduled, said Higgins.

Aston Residents Angry About 37 Townhomes on 3.5 Acre Former Police Station Lot

Home For Drug Addicts Would Break Residency Law In Haverford

Home For Drug Addicts Would Break Residency Law In Haverford

By Sharon Devaney

The Haverford (Pa) Zoning Hearing Board, Thursday, April 25, questioned Mary Nolan who is the president of The Savage Sisters which is seeking to use 17 Tenby Road as a community living arrangement for recovering drug addicts.

Many neighbors attended in opposition. While they weren’t giving a chance to testify, they said outside the hearing that their children play outside and fear they may be endangered.

The homeowner of the home in question had passed away and his children don’t want it, and The Savage Sisters are seeking to move in.

Township law allows only three unrelated persons in a home.

This angered Ms. Nolan, who is seeking to have nine, when this was pointed out, and she began yelling threats that she would fill it with 25.

The residents will pay $175 per week to live there.

Among those on The Savage Sisters Board of Directors is Amanda Cappelletti, the Democrat who represents the 17th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.

The board asked about Ms. Nolan’s credentials and she was forced to concede she had no license or training for dealing with addiction.

“I have life education,” she shouted.

Ms. Nolan says she they have acquired a property in Upper Darby and there are no issues with the number of occupants.

She says Delaware County will give them a grant to fund the Havertown home.

Savage Sisters Program Director Melanie Beddis, who is a graduate of The Savage Sisters program, was asked if she was aware of the zoning concerns. She said she was not.

The lawyer for the Zoning Hearing Board produced a letter signed by Ms. Beddis saying she did understand the issues.

She says she didn’t remember signing it.

The hearing was stopped at 11 p.m. and will continue 7:15 p.m., May 23 at the Haverford Township Building.

Show up early.

The fear in Haverford is palpable. On the night of the hearing 6 ABC News broadcast a report of the dramatic increase in crime in the community.

And the idiotic plastic bag ban is not helping the quality of life either.

Home For Drug Addicts Would Break Residency Law In Haverford


Colorado Chooses Sprawl For Earth Day

Colorado Chooses Sprawl For Earth Day

By Joe Guzzardi

From coast-to-coast, concerned citizens have formed “Save our Neighborhood” organizations to protect their communities against relentless, all-consuming development. Politicians at the federal, state and local level demand more growth, residents’ wishes be damned.

Consider Colorado. Because of the Centennial State’s environmental bounty, thousands of disgruntled Americans left home to make Colorado their new residence. But Colorado’s appeal is on the wane. Gov. Jared Polis’ bill, SB 23–213, also known as the “More Housing Now” proposal, will keep Colorado sprawling, especially in already overcrowded metropolises like Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins and Boulder. More Housing Now designated these, and other major cities, as “Tier One,” targeted areas where single-family-only zoning would end, allowing permitting of duplexes, triplexes and add-on housing units. The land-use bill would block established limits on how many unrelated people can live in the same home.

The Polis administration’s dream plan would, over the objections of residents and elected officials, allow more dense housing across Colorado’s increasingly expensive metropolitan and resort areas. Traditionally, local governments in Colorado have had the authority to make their own growth decisions; under SB 23–213, that authority would shift to the governor’s office.

Polis’ power grab will put the governor and state legislature on a collision course with cities and counties. Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, who attended Polis’ State of the State announcement, declared the bill “a pretty scary prospect” for local officials who would lose local land use control, as it’s transferred to the state capitol.

The Colorado Municipal League is also critical. In its statement, the League said that the bill would alter more than 100 years of municipal authority over Colorado’s land use and zoning: “It’s a vote of no confidence in local government and in citizens in having a say in how they would like their own neighborhoods and communities to develop.” Although the few Republicans in the legislature will push back, the stark reality is they’re the minority party and have little influence over which measures pass.

Colorado Chooses Sprawl For Earth Day

In Colorado, and in other states, building can never catch up to population growth. Developers attempting to match ever-higher population levels to housing starts are on fools’ missions. Colorado has experienced a population boom that has recast the state’s image as a final destination to get away from it all. Since 2010, Colorado’s population grew 15.1 percent to 5.8 million, more than twice the 7.3 percent national average. The U.S. Department of Agriculture calculates that Colorado, over the last four decades, has turned more than 1,250 square miles of open space, natural habitat and agricultural land into housing, shopping malls and streets.

Demographers project that the state’s 5.8 million population will, by 2050, increase by another 1.8 million. Colorado Springs, Denver and Fort Collins, all Tier One cities, will become a single mega-city. When polled about growth, Coloradans are opposedThey want a future that has fewer arriving people. Nearly three of every five voters, 59 percent, prefer either a complete stop or a decline in the state’s population growth. Population stability is a key issue that few elected, corporate or civic leaders will discuss. To help Colorado reach sustainable population, the state needs manageable immigration, the federal policy that, along with births to immigrants, drives more than 75 percent of all growth.

Coloradans should brace for more housing. Polis is pro-growth, but opposed to immigration limits. During his five terms as a U.S. Representative where his districtincluded the Tier One cities of Boulder and Fort Collins, Polis consistently voted in favor of expanded immigration and less enforcement at the border, as well as in the interior.

Under Polis, Earth Day celebrations will be de rigueur, but meaningless charades. Other Coloradans, now deceased, like former Gov. Richard Lamm and Professor Al Bartlett, who spoke about protecting the Centennial State’s environment, would be disappointed and dismayed about what lays ahead.

As Professor Bartlett said: “The first law of sustainability is that you cannot sustain population growth; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. That’s just arithmetic — it is not debatable.”

Joe Guzzardi writes about immigration issues and impacts.

Colorado Chooses Sprawl For Earth Day

Swarthmore OKs Demolition Of History For Sterile Condos

Swarthmore OKs Demolition Of History For Sterile Condos

By Bob Small

Swarthmore Council’s meeting began at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30 and continued to 2 a.m. the next day.

Although 90 percent of those in attendance at the packed Park Avenue Community Center (PAC) spoke against the demolition of 110 Park Ave. to make way for a multi-floor condo in the heart of Swarthmore, their statements and visual presentations did not sway council’s from approving the demolition by 4-2 vote. One SBC member was absent. The vote closed the meeting by whic h time the original crowd of approximately 100 had dwindled to a hard-core 20.

Most speakers felt that the developers were tearing down a historical building to build an unnecessary condominium. The developers have suggested the project presents a net gain for Swarthmore because it will add both density and “vibrancy” to the town. However this density means more municipal services will be required, possibly leading to higher taxes and more complexity. 

Similar benefits were touted touted with the promotion of  the Broad Table Tavern whose  benefits have been debatable.

The year 2023 is for municipal elections in Pennsylvania, and three of the council seats on Swarthmore Council are up for a vote. If you are interested in becoming a member of council, please consult the county election web site

Petitions to place independent Democratic, or Republican candidates on the primary ballot will be circulated from Feb. 14  to March 7. Be prepared to collect at least three times the required number of signatures, as the Democratic and Republican “machines” will try to challenge and knock off any independent Democratic or Republican candidates. Also, be prepared to make both friends and enemies.

Swarthmore is a one-horse town and a blue one at that. A tradition has developed that the uncontested primary serves as the general election, as the GOP avoids running candidates, even though each party needs but 10 signatures to place a candidate on the primary ballot.

Maybe there are other boroughs and towns where the elected officials have ignored the public’s wishes. Maybe the public might want to consider “unelecting “ their current officials?

Swarthmore OKs Demolition Of History For Sterile Condos
Swarthmore OKs Demolition Of History For Sterile Condos

Berggruen Development Sacrifices Last Great LA Open Space And The NYT Likes It

Berggruen Development Sacrifices Last Great LA Open Space And The NYT Likes It

By Maria Fotopoulos

The New York Times has a history of journalistic infractions. Too-cozy relations with government operativesinaccurate reporting and outright plagiarism and fake stories. More recently, there’s been the unhinged writing of columnist Paul Krugman, the embrace of “Wokesters” and the meltdown of the commentary section, with resultant resignation of the publication’s opinion page editor.

With such a rich history of compromised content, it’s unsurprising that “the newspaper of record” would run a pure puff piece on real estate and investment mogul Nicolas Berggruen (net worth: $2.9 billion). The story’s fawning author, Michael Steinberger, who also manages to make himself part of the story, skirts the real story: A billionaire’s push for a vanity project that would sacrifice the last great open space in Los Angeles.

In opposition to the local community, Berggruen plans to plop a George Jetson-looking complex atop a Southern California mountain on a 447-acre holding that is home to rich flora and fauna, and offers respite to Los Angelenos via hard-won open space and public hiking trails. In the more than 3,500-word Times article, Steinberger gave only one line to the controversy: Berggruen “has yet to break ground on the project, which has drawn resistance from nearby residents.”

Architect’s rendering of Berggruen’s proposed SoCal project

Now based in Los Angeles, the Paris-born Berggruen is establishing himself as a philosopher, thinker and benefactor – the gushing Steinberger writes that Nic has been called a “latter-day Medici.” The physical manifestation of the “Philosopher King” and formerly “Homeless Billionaire,” as the Times headed the Steinberger article, is the Berggruen Institute. Created in 2010 with $100 million “to develop foundational ideas about how to reshape political and social institutions,” the Institute currently offices in Downtown Los Angeles in the iconic Bradbury Building.

In 2014, Berggruen purchased property in Los Angeles west of the 405 freeway and north of the Getty Center for $45 million (the NYT piece stated $15 million) to build his mountaintop retreat, which Town & Country described as “devoted to sheltering the world’s elite thinkers in a peaceful yet intellectually fervid sanctuary for reflection and dialogue.” There also are plans for Berggruen’s private quarters. Prior land owner and developer Castle & Cooke had been in a long, litigious battle over the 447 acres with various stakeholders, including area residents, the Canyon Back AllianceMountaingate Open Space Maintenance Association (MOSMA) and others. The end result in 2006 was zoning that allowed for 28 individual homes and unrestricted trail access – in other words, not a development such as what Berggruen desires.

Berggruen’s project “is blatantly illegal and cannot be built under existing law,” wrote the Sierra Club’s Santa Monica Taskforce in a seven-page January 2021 letter to the planning department for Los Angeles and to City Councilman Mike Bonin, who represents the disputed area.

Of the 447 acres, the Sierra Club letter outlines that 424 acres of open space and two historic trails are protected from development through conservation easements held by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, a local public agency exercising joint powers of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, the Conejo Recreation and Park District, and the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District.

In addition to the Sierra Club letter, MOSMABrentwood Residents CoalitionBel Air Skycrest Property Owners’ AssociationCenter for Biological Diversity and numerous other groups have all either expressed problems with the development as proposed or outright opposition to Berggruen’s vanity project at the proposed site. Community activists are prepared to fight.

In January 2018, more than 500 community members attended a meeting at the Skirball Cultural Center, located within the immediate area of the Berggruen development proposal. The audience, largely opposed to the project, listened to a presentation from Berggruen’s people, and opposition arguments. Nic Berggruen did not attend the meeting, nor has he since reached out to community organizations to discuss any compromises, according to an activist close to the issue.

Among concerns about the proposed development are fire. California has become a tinderbox in recent years. In December 2017, the Skirball Fire burned 475 acres, destroyed or damaged 18 structures and forced 46,000 residents to evacuate. The October 2019 Getty Fire burned 745 acres – blackening some of the Berggruen property – destroyed or damaged 25 residences and forced thousands to flee. On its face, building in a high fire zone seems foolhardy.

The Berggruen site is on top of a former landfill now monitored by the City of Los Angeles for methane. A massive Southern California methane gas leak in a neighboring community in October 2015 should be taken as a cautionary tale for this proposed project.

As the last great open space in Los Angeles, the Berggruen property features wild woodland with ferns, oak trees and sycamores. The natural habitat is home to cougars, coyotes, deer, falcons, great horned owls, raccoons, redtailed hawks and quail, among other animals, who navigate the Santa Monica Mountains. In addition to loss of wildlife habitat, the Berggruen project would bring more light pollution, which impacts the biology and ecology of wild animals. Additionally, the development would eliminate an important animal corridor, including for cougars, under severe pressure in the area. If Berggruen were to gift his land holding to remain as open space, it would continue to benefit area wildlife and help connectthe patchwork of land to support the movement of animals.

Cottontail rabbit in the Santa Monica Mountains

Berggruen Development Sacrifices Last Great LA Open Space And The NYT Likes It
Cougar in the Santa Monica Mountains

Why Berggruen would continue to want to develop in an area when the community is not receptive seems odd, given he could build his think tank anywhere. For a contemplative, meditative retreat, there is plenty of desert in California! Should he continue with his commitment to build on the 447 acres in L.A., “It’s going to become a hotly controversial issue,” said Eric Edmunds, Chair of the Sierra Club Santa Monica Mountains Task Force and President of the Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association.

Edmunds says he would like to see Berggruen “recognize the enormous public value of this land and cooperate with an agency such as the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to donate the land to remain as wilderness and trails.”

Adds Edmunds, “I have no objection to him developing his project – just not here.”

The group Protect Our Woodlands recommends that Berggruen “consider locating his new institute in a part of Los Angeles that is already developed.”

In a state that’s horribly overpopulated and overdeveloped, preserving this intact area of precious wildland, wild animal habitat and trails forever would turn Berggruen – who is shaping up to be the local villain – into a local hero.

Maria Fotopoulos writes about the connection between overpopulation and biodiversity loss, and from time to time other topics that confound her.

Billionaire Development Sacrifices Last Great LA Open Space And The NYT Likes It

Swarthmore Planners Reject Condo Monstrosity

Swarthmore Planners Reject Condo Monstrosity

By Bob Small

I wrote about citizen activists winning in Lancaster County, now I can say they’ve won in Swarthmore.

At least round one.

On April 26, the Swarthmore Borough Planning Commission met to consider the demolition of the historic Celia Building at 102-104 Park Ave along with buildings at 110 and 112 Park Ave. so that developers, William Cumby, Jr. and Don Delson, could proceed with construction of a five-story condominium.

The way these hearings proceed, public comment is followed by discussion among the nine-member panel followed by the vote, usually one of approval.

The various commissions rarely meet a proposal they don’t like.

However as the 35 or so members of the public spoke in the three-plus hour meeting, only two supported the proposal.  The night ended with the planners recommending that Borough Council deny the application.

Save Our Swarthmore has video of the meeting on their website.

The developers have vowed to fight on as they maintain that this will set “a precedent that will  preclude any revitalization of the Town Center”, irregardless of numerous developments like the Swarthmore Inn, the Roundabout, and three establishments in formally “dry” Swarthmore that now sell liquor, all of which were intimated to be part of the “revitalization” effort.

If this doesn’t work, maybe we could try “the Quaker Casino”.

At the Borough Council meeting on Monday, May 2, the developers had gathered 22 supporters against an opposition of 13.  Interestingly enough, Planning Commission Chair Chris DeBruyn who was absent at the April 26 meeting said that he had been there he would have backed demolition.

Walking out after three hours, before the end of the Borough Council Meeting but after all the public comment, none of us felt that a good enough case had been made for how the Condos would actually benefit Swarthmore.

Swarthmore Borough Council will meet May 19 to consider the recommendation from the planning commission.

Swarthmore Planners Reject Condo Monstrosity
Swarthmore Planners Reject Condo Monstrosity

Less Trees In Swarthmore And More Tension If Condo Plan Passes

Less Trees In Swarthmore And More Tension If Condo Plan Passes

By Bob Small

This has been a time of tensions in Swarthmore. First of all, there’s the proposed five-story Condominium on 110 Park Ave., Swarthmore’s main drag (we only have one main drag) that would displace two main stores, and the tenants above ,  would cause traffic day-and-night mares, and cost $700,000 per Condo, etc. along with demolition of an historic building.  There is the possibility of financial advantages if we can trust the Borough to tax equitably.

At the very same time, PECO is telling the residents of Swarthmore, that they will have 96 less trees because of towers needed for 5G. The state government bowing down to PECO was in a previous post of mine, from late August. Swarthmore has been a 30-year “Tree City USA” , one of only 3,400 in the US and surely one of the smallest, with a 2020 population of only 6,734.  

Less Trees In Swarthmore And More Tension If Condo Plan Passes

In the meantime, there’s also been a grassroots push for affordable housing, which runs counter to the condominium being proposed by long-time Swarthmoreans Bill Cumby and Don Delson, dubbed by some as “the Donstrosity”.  Continually rising taxes for those who have a “fixed income” have forced some Swarthmoreans out of Swarthmore and, just a few so far, temporary residence on the sidewalk of Park Avenue. Others have sold their houses, moving into one of the few apartment buildings still in Swarthmore Borough limits.  

There has been a great deal of organization on all three issues with one of the most successful being the Save our Swarthmore group who organized for the Dec. 15 Swarthmore Planning Commission which had to be adjourned after 15 minutes when over 100 citizens showed up , most in opposition to the proposed condo.  More on that in a future post.  This s a short video clip from that meeting.

We were unable to attend that event because we were 80 miles away in Lancaster at the 30th Annual Bill of Rights Dinner (Bill of Rights Bicentennial Commitee)  which we have attended for at least half those years.  We had been avoiding large crowds due to Covid  but we felt we needed to be here to support this group and to see some persons we hadn’t seen since 2019 ,  It was the right decision and there ‘s a great deal to post on that in the future, also.

Less Trees In Swarthmore And More Tension If Condo Plan Passes

In Praise of Delsonville

In Praise of Delsonville

By Bob Small

There has been a great deal of controversy about a proposed Condo Development at 110 Park Ave. which would house 36 Units and be five floors (plus parking garage) and is being proposed by long-time Swarthmoreans Bill Cumby, Jr. and Don Delson. The Condos would go for a modest $700,000. There has been a lot of opposition because two stores there, HOM and Gallery on Park would be evicted, the small town look of Swarthmore would be blown up, along with other disruptions.

For a long time, it’s been evident to me, and others, that the concept of Swathmore is outdated and needs to be blown up. Why should we live in a town whose archaic name, and many of it’s street names, such as Chester, harken back to England, a country that still has a Monarchy!

No, it’s well past time to end this madness, both actually and conceptually. This new Condo is but the first salvo in a long needed reset, both physically and spiritually.

In Praise of Delsonville

In honor of the re-founding fathers, we must change the name to Delsonville (I already have the t-shirt concession) in honor of one of the old Turks who is doing this, not for money or prestige, but because he sees the need, the want.

Now the College can continue to call itself Swarthmore. It won’t bother us, we won’t bother it. Septa can do what it will. It is of no matter.

This new Delsonville won’t require “cutesyî boutique stores, everything being Amazon now. Nor will we need food stores, as again this will be pick-up or delivery. New beer and wine and more stores, are sketched in, as part of the upcoming Quaker Casino(s).

Who will live here, you ask? Only those who can afford to, which, one is assured, will eliminate any remaining criminal element. We can advertise five minutes from Philly, which will be correct once the bullet trains are in place. A perfect place for the new breed of Professionals, etc.

What of the people now forced to move, you say? Well, they will be setting off on new adventures and we wish them well. They had become too dependent on an affordable Swarthmore, and need to retool and relearn. And pack their bags in the morning,

Tomorrowland is here today. And we call it Delsonville.

In Praise of Delsonville