Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness

Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness — Arthur Herring was sentenced to 12 months probation by Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh, this morning, July 16, for picketing the New Britain home of David Jaskowiak.

The charge was harassment. Jaskowiak was the court-appointed lawyer for Arthur’s mother, Jane.

Jaskowiak was appointed by Montgomery County where Jane had lived.

Jane died the morning of July 2. That afternoon, McHugh revoked Arthur’s bail returning him to Bucks County Prison.

McHugh had forbidden Arthur to contact Jaskowiak.

Arthur cc’d him, however, in in an email to the court-appointed guardian of the estate.

It was the only contact Arthur, age 70, had with the attorney in a month of freedom since his bail was lowered to what he could afford.

He was arrested for the picketing, April 27. He had spent five weeks in jail on $100,000 bail.

McHugh, today, allowed Arthur a chance to make a statement before sentencing.

Arthur, probably against the advice of his lawyer, did.

Jaskowiak was appointed with the expectation his mother could replace him, Arthur said.

One might expect that to be the case. It’s what we’re taught in civics class, after all.

Not so in guardianship matters, though.

Arthur, tearfully, said that Jaskowiak wouldn’t let his mother to call witnesses such as her doctor and financial advisors in her competency hearing.

And the county found her incompetent, sentencing her to spend two years of wretched misery in poorly managed nursing homes and away form her beloved son.

He also accused Jaskowiak and the appointed guardians of siphoning money from the estate by giving no-work jobs to friends, and billing for unnecessary work.

Arthur slowly lost access to his mom. The last time they saw each other was in December. The courts prohibited him from taking photos and video of her.

Really, what’s up with that?

Arthur also took issue with a claim by the prosecution regarding the sign he held during the picketing. The prosecution said Arthur accused Jaskowiak of being a sex trafficker.

Arthur said he did not accuse Jaskowiak of being a sex trafficker.

He said he accused him of being a human trafficker and a sex pervert.

The human trafficking concerned what he considered to be the kidnapping of his mother, Arthur said. The sex pervert claim stems from video Jaskowiak made for a legal seminar. Jaskowiak explained how opponents can be goaded into getting jailed for contempt of court and this would lead them to a “date with Bubba.”

Arthur reasoned that Jaskowiak was promoting male rape.

McHugh lectured Arthur that disputes must be settled in court and that he most certainly broke the law, which Arthur objectively did.

Calling someone a sex pervert is illegal on a public street.

Judge McHugh made a legitimate point, but one wonders what is the recourse when courts go bad.

There most certainly is something bad in Pennsylvania’s guardianship system.

One story can be read here.

And another here.

Let’s not forget this one.

Or just do a search for Elaine Mickman.

Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Judge Gail A. Weilheimer, who was one of the judges who tormented Arthur, has been nominated by Joe Biden to serve as a United States District Court judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness
Arthur Herring giving it to the Montgomery County establishment

Lowering Political Temp Not Hard

Lowering Political Temp Not Hard

By Joe Guzzardi

Every day for the last ten years, I’ve given daily thanks that I grew up when I did, in the 1950s, and where I did, Los Angeles County, at the time one of the nation’s leading agricultural producers. Those wonderful days are long-gone and will never return. Compared to today and considering the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, I have difficulty believing that such a time and place ever existed in America. I’ve lived through many presidential elections where hostility between the Republican and Democratic candidates ran high. But the rhetoric that one candidate and his media supporters directed at the opposition never reached the level that the Democrats have attained against Trump. Through his infamous Daisy ad, 1964 incumbent Lyndon Johnson inferred that his opponent, Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, would drop a nuclear bomb to end the Vietnam War. Goldwater’s name didn’t appear in the ad. Johnson’s campaign portrayed Goldwater as an unstable extremist, not only because of his Vietnam position but also for his opposition to the Civil Rights Act and for his support of a voluntary Social Security system. In private, Johnson called Goldwater “nutty as a fruitcake” while, at the same time, he projected himself “as this source of order and calm and composure” who would “keep everyone safe.” Johnson didn’t publicly direct personal attacks on Goldwater’s character.

Roughly 40 million Americans saw the “Daisy” ad the first time it aired and that, thanks to replays, 100 million Americans had viewed it by the end of the first week it aired. The spot was a long way from Eisenhower’s 1952 and 1956 tame “I like Ike” spots. In television’s ancient days, only three channels existed, ABC, CBS and NBC. To get the same market penetration today, advertising experts estimate that television stations would have to show Johnson’s ad 1,000 times. Because of lingering sympathy for the assassinated John F. Kennedy, Johnson was considered a shoo-in. But he exceeded expectations. Johnson won the election in a blowout, securing 61 percent of the popular vote and losing only Goldwater’s home state of Arizona and five southern states. The Democrats also gained congressional seats which gave Johnson a mandate to push forward with his war on poverty and his Great Society agenda

Johnson’s success encouraged more aggressive political spots, but again they centered on issues, not personalities. In 1972, with the nation’s citizenry still conflicted about Vietnam, President Richard Nixon’s campaign produced the “McGovern Defense” ad which pictured the Democratic challenger as weak on national defense. Nixon won in a landslide. In 1980, Ronald Reagan ran on “Morning in America” which promised voters that his administration would end rampant crime, high taxes, and double-digit inflation. Reagan’s victory over the incumbent Carter was an electoral vote rout. He tallied 489 votes to Carter’s 49. These were victories achieved on policy, not character assassination.

Significant parallels exist between Reagan and Trump. Both were outsiders, not part of the D.C. establishment, and Republicans. When inaugurated, Reagan was two weeks shy of his 70th birthday, the oldest elected president until Trump, age 70 years, 220 days defeated Hillary Clinton. Both barely survived when would-be assassins shot them. Four months after Reagan’s inauguration, a deranged John Hinckley, Jr, shot the president in the chest.

The presidential elections I’ve observed have been largely devoid of the vicious invective that has been a cornerstone of Biden’s administration and especially his re-election campaign. Long-time observers of Washington are not surprised at the assassination attempt. Trump’s rivals have tried to neutralize him through impeachment and lawfare. For months, politicians, the media and talking heads have escalated reckless rhetoric. That includes claims that Trump is an authoritarian fascist, determined to kill democracy, unleash death squads and make homosexuals and reporters “disappear.”  The media routinely suggests that Trump is a Super-Hitler, the embodiment of everything evil. He must be stopped, demand his detractors. Even Biden’s most patently false statements about the border go unchallenged. At his July 11 press conference, Biden said: “Working with Mexico, border encounters have gone down over 50%. The current level is lower today than when Trump left office.” The truth: in June, CBP encountered 84,000 illegal aliens; when Trump left office, the total was 75,000. But Biden’s raw numbers are only part of the border story. Biden’s totals exclude illegal aliens who entered via the non-congressionally approved CBP One app, and were then paroled, also illegally. As the illegal aliens are processed, they receive notices to appear which are mostly disregarded. Yet reporters didn’t push back on Biden’s false narrative, even slightly.

Biden has stoked rage with his irresponsible oratory. In 2022, Biden delivered a vicious speech in Independence Hall where he vilified 50% of the nation, Trump supporters, as enemies of the people. He said: “MAGA forces are determined to take the country backward…Trump is a clear and present danger to democracy.” Biden recently referenced the Independence Hall speech and has embraced the claims that 2024 could be the nation’s last democratic election. Instead of outlining his vision for America’s future, he’s unrelentingly maligned Trump. The suspected assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was 20 and had been listening to anti-Trump hysteria for half his adult life.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr, no fan of his former boss, said “the Democrats have to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy. He is not.” Toning things down wouldn’t be hard. Journalists should adhere to their profession’s standards of fairness and balance. Candidates for high office should tell the public what their vision for the future is and how they would achieve it. Nearly four months remain until the November election, time enough to change course and embark on civility while campaigning.

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at

Lowering Political Temp Not Hard

Lowering Political Temp Not Hard

Lowering Political Temp Not Hard

One innocent suffer William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-16-24

One innocent suffer William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-16-24

Fdgft gzoaybdayueuzsxk faxp iuxx mximke tmhq ufe dmssqp qpsqe.
Tqdymz Yqxhuxxq 

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: It is better that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffer.
William Blackstone

One innocent suffer William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit
One innocent suffer William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-16-19