Mary Bush Trial In Chesco

Mary Bush Trial In Chesco — We stopped in this morning, July 17, on the trial of Mary Bush who is charged with harassing the fellow who purchased the land next to her in West Bradford, Chester County, Pa.

The 15-acre lot with a Cape Cod was acquired for $480,000 from the guardianship of her mother, Genevieve, in 2021, a few hours before she died.

Mary says the title wasn’t clear when the sale was made.

The trial is being held before Judge Allison Bell Royer and is scheduled to end tomorrow.

Regardless of what the jury decides, Genevieve had a miserable, lonely death in a nursing home, and the county powers-that-be kept mother and daughter apart against both their wishes.

Massive reform is needed.

Mary Bush Trial In Chesco
Genevieve and Mary Bush

Mary Bush Trial In Chesco

Truth uncompromisingly told William W. Lawrence Sr 7-17-24

Truth uncompromisingly told William W. Lawrence Sr 7-17-24

Do dn yvibzmjpn oj wz ndixzmz pigznn tjp vmz vgnj nopkdy.
Bzjmbz Wzmivmy Ncvr

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges.
Herman Melville

Truth uncompromisingly told William W. Lawrence Sr
Truth uncompromisingly told William W. Lawrence Sr 7-17-19