Bucks County Now Republican Says Presler

Bucks County Now Republican Says Presler — Scott Presler posted on X at 2:17 p.m., today, July 22, that Bucks County once again has more Republican registered voters than Democrats.

Congratulations Scott.

Bucks County Now Republican Says Presler

Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness

Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness — Arthur Herring was sentenced to 12 months probation by Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh, this morning, July 16, for picketing the New Britain home of David Jaskowiak.

The charge was harassment. Jaskowiak was the court-appointed lawyer for Arthur’s mother, Jane.

Jaskowiak was appointed by Montgomery County where Jane had lived.

Jane died the morning of July 2. That afternoon, McHugh revoked Arthur’s bail returning him to Bucks County Prison.

McHugh had forbidden Arthur to contact Jaskowiak.

Arthur cc’d him, however, in in an email to the court-appointed guardian of the estate.

It was the only contact Arthur, age 70, had with the attorney in a month of freedom since his bail was lowered to what he could afford.

He was arrested for the picketing, April 27. He had spent five weeks in jail on $100,000 bail.

McHugh, today, allowed Arthur a chance to make a statement before sentencing.

Arthur, probably against the advice of his lawyer, did.

Jaskowiak was appointed with the expectation his mother could replace him, Arthur said.

One might expect that to be the case. It’s what we’re taught in civics class, after all.

Not so in guardianship matters, though.

Arthur, tearfully, said that Jaskowiak wouldn’t let his mother to call witnesses such as her doctor and financial advisors in her competency hearing.

And the county found her incompetent, sentencing her to spend two years of wretched misery in poorly managed nursing homes and away form her beloved son.

He also accused Jaskowiak and the appointed guardians of siphoning money from the estate by giving no-work jobs to friends, and billing for unnecessary work.

Arthur slowly lost access to his mom. The last time they saw each other was in December. The courts prohibited him from taking photos and video of her.

Really, what’s up with that?

Arthur also took issue with a claim by the prosecution regarding the sign he held during the picketing. The prosecution said Arthur accused Jaskowiak of being a sex trafficker.

Arthur said he did not accuse Jaskowiak of being a sex trafficker.

He said he accused him of being a human trafficker and a sex pervert.

The human trafficking concerned what he considered to be the kidnapping of his mother, Arthur said. The sex pervert claim stems from video Jaskowiak made for a legal seminar. Jaskowiak explained how opponents can be goaded into getting jailed for contempt of court and this would lead them to a “date with Bubba.”

Arthur reasoned that Jaskowiak was promoting male rape.

McHugh lectured Arthur that disputes must be settled in court and that he most certainly broke the law, which Arthur objectively did.

Calling someone a sex pervert is illegal on a public street.

Judge McHugh made a legitimate point, but one wonders what is the recourse when courts go bad.

There most certainly is something bad in Pennsylvania’s guardianship system.

One story can be read here.

And another here.

Let’s not forget this one.

Or just do a search for Elaine Mickman.

Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Judge Gail A. Weilheimer, who was one of the judges who tormented Arthur, has been nominated by Joe Biden to serve as a United States District Court judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

Arthur Herring Gets Year Probation For Defending Mother In Her Loneliness
Arthur Herring giving it to the Montgomery County establishment

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison — Jane Herring died about 7 o’clock this morning, July 2. Her son Arthur had not been able to talk to her since December and even then only with supervision.

Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh revoked Arthur’s bail sending him back to Bucks County Prison eight hours after Jane’s death.

That’s not much time to grieve.

Arthur is facing a charge of harassment for picketing the New Britain home of David Jaskowiak, who had been the lawyer appointed by Montgomery County Orphan’s Court for Jane. His arrest was April 27. Bail was initially set at 10 percent of $100,000 — remember Arthur is an an American citizen so the breaks illegal aliens get don’t apply to him — and he was hauled away.

After five weeks in the lockup, bail was reduced to 10 percent of $10,000 and friends were able to free him.

Among the conditions of bail set by McHugh, however, were that Arthur have no contact with Jaskowiak.

On June 10, Arthur cc’d Jaskowiak on an email sent to the court-appointed guardian of the estate informing him that their mail to him was being sent to an incorrect address and unfortunately include a few choice words.

Jaskowiak immediately contacted the court and a bail revocation hearing was scheduled.

Arthur had been living in his car. He is 70 years old, weighs 135 pounds and will stay in prison until his pre-trial hearing, July 16.

A lawyer once gave a law lecture about ways an attorney could send an opponent to prison via lawfare. He would get three hots and a cot and a date with Bubba, this lawyer said.

Whoever could this lawyer be?

Arthur very well might miss his mother’s funeral.

This was one contact in a month of freedom.

Does McHugh have an ounce of compassion or is he just lacking common sense?

Or maybe it’s just the backstory that he’s missing.

It can be read here.

Montgomery County’s court system is rife with horror stories concerning family matters like divorces and guardianships.

One can be read here.

And another here.

Let’s not forget this one.

Or just do a search for Elaine Mickman.

Some are saying that what’s happening is simply legal robbery allowing those connected with county legal systems to loot the estates of those in domestic turmoil.

We will reserve judgement.

But we will ask questions.

Why can a mother be prohibited from seeing her son when the son wants to see her and she wants to see him?

Why would a judge prohibit a family member from videoing a person under guardianship?

How could skin cancer not be diagnosed in a nursing home until it became malignant?

That’s what happened to Jane Herring.

A final thought: Why would the subject of a competency hearing be told it was not necessary to call witnesses?

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son

20 New Pennsylvania Republicans Courtesy Of Right For Bucks

20 New Pennsylvania Republicans Courtesy Of Right For Bucks — Right for Bucks held a registration rally, Sunday, at The Trump Store in Bensalem, Pa.

The group’s hard work snagged at least 20 new Republicans.

Kudos Andy Meehan.

20 New Pennsylvania Republicans Courtesy Of Right For Bucks

Judge Says Bucks GOP Doesn’t Have To Follow Charter

Judge Says Bucks GOP Doesn’t Have To Follow Charter — Andy Meehan tells us that Bucks County GOP Chairwoman Pat Poprik is claiming victory because Judge Brian T. McGuffin just ruled the party doesn’t have to follow the rules of its charter.

Meehan notes that McCfuffin says the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has constrained him from ruling as maybe he should:

Judge Says Bucks GOP Doesn't Have To Follow Charter

Andy says his group will be appealing to Commonwealth Court.

Further it will again be contesting Pat’s privilege at the June 22 GOP Reorganization Meeting.

If Pat should prevail in the expected to be rigged election, the remaining option is to create a third party. We suspect that many registered Democrats are starting to wake up to the reality that their party leadership cares as little about them as the Republican leader does to those it claims to represent.

Judge Says Bucks GOP Doesn't Have To Follow Charter

Judge Says Bucks GOP Doesn’t Have To Follow Charter

Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing

Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing — Andy Meehan tells us that the good government guys in Bucks County await a ruling from yesterday’s, April 30, hearing regarding the status of the Bucks County Republican Committee bylaws.

The bylaws from 1972, appear to be followed only when convenient by Chairwoman Patricia Poprik and her supporters.

That is when they are not being out-and-out ignored.

Can a committeeperson be elected in a write-in campaign?

Only when the party approves says Pat.

Call it the Bucks County Banana Republican Party.

Political organizations invariably become groups whose mission devolves from ideals into easy lives via others’ money.

Most Americans believe the antidote is simply using the rules to change the leaders.

Depending on Judge Brian T. McGuffin’s ruling, this might be allowed to happen.

Bucks courts — and those in other counties — have held, however, that political organizations are more like clubs than government despite that the choosing of their leaders during primary elections is via the public dime.

And despite that the bylaws are required to be on file with election boards.

If Judge McGuffin goes hands-off and the Poprik faction continues to interpret the rules at whim, what next?

Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing

Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing

Committee Loss Leaves Bucks Boss Red Faced

Committee Loss Leaves Bucks Boss Red Faced –Bucks County GOP Chairwoman Pat Poprik is probably wishing she hadn’t gone hands on in a committeeman race in the April 23 Primary.

Top-down micromanaging invariably backfires but Pat really wanted Barry Casper out of politics and needed long-time ally and incumbent Wally Rosenthal to keep his post in Hilltop Fairhill’s 2nd Precinct.

So she sent a letter on GOP letterhead to the residents praising Wally and saying all Barry wants to do is “create chaos for personal gain.”

What micromangers never get is that the ones closest to the scene know more about what’s going on. The residents of Hilltop Fairhill know Barry as a coach and neighbor and knew the grief he was putting himself through is for anything but personal gain.

Anyway, when the votes were counted it was Casper 202 to Rosenthal 146.

In other Bucks election news, challenger Mark Houck lost to incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick 39,168 to 22,957 in the GOP Primary for Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District.

Frankly, he did better than we expected.

Houck said at event we attended that he will back Fitzpatrick in the general. Hopefully, he hasn’t changed his mind.

Committee Loss Leaves Bucks Boss Red Faced

Committee Loss Leaves Bucks Boss Red Faced

Republican Battle In District 1

Republican Battle In District 1

By Bob Small

Pennsylvania Congressional District 1’s Republican primary, April 23, features a real contrast between incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick, who has held a seat since 2107, and his challenger Mark Houck.

This District was the 8th District during Fitzpatrick’s first term and then became the 1st due to a court-ordered redistricting.

Houck and Fitzpatrick share a connection with the FBI. Fitzpatrick is a former FBI agent and Houck was arrested by the FBI.

Houck’s arrest stems from an incident outside The Philadelphia Planned Parenthood Clinic on Oct. 13, 2021.

Abortion activist Bruce Love claimed Houck assaulted him.

The Biden Administration filed charges against Houck — which not even Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner was willing to do — and Houck was arrested the early morning of Sept. 23, 2022 by a large contingent of feds in body armor and carrying assault rifles at his rural Bucks County home.

The FBI’s official statement back peddles the bullying, of course.

“No SWAT Team or SWAT operators were involved,” they say. “FBI agents knocked on Mr. Houck’s front door, identified themselves as FBI agents, and asked him to exit the residence. He did so and was taken into custody without incident pursuant to an indictment,”

Houck was tried and declared not guilty, Jan. 30, 2023. The jury took just one hour.

Houck is a co-founder and president of The King’s Men

He has been with the Pro-Life movement for many years. He has a BA from Catholic University in Human Resource Management and a Masters in Education from Holy Family University.

In Houck for Congress, he quotes James Madison “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government are few and defined”. He also wants to defund the Department of Education,

Houck is negotiating a debate with Fitzpatrick as part of the Eagle’s Forum at The Fuge in Warminster on Sunday, April 14.

Republican Battle In District 1
Mark Houck at a meet and greet in Doylestown

The PA 140th Special Election

The PA 140th Special Election

By Bob Small

When Democratic State Representative John Galloway was elected to a judgeship, he resigned as state representative for PA 140 and caused another special election.

PA 140 is in the southeasternmost corner of Bucks County, next to New Jersey.  Prior to this election, the PA House was D 101 and GOP 100.

The candidates were Democrat Jim Prokopiak and Republican Candace Cabannas.

The winner, Prokopiak, ran on more funding for K-12 education, raising the minimum wage, and safeguarding access to abortion.

Prokopiak’s victory gives the Dems a 102-100 margin.   He had served on the Falls Township Board of Supervisors.  A Levittown attorney, he was elected to the Pennsbury School Board.

Ms. Cabanas, was a home health care worker. 

Yet another GOP  Lawmaker, Joe Kerwin  of the 125th, is a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard, currently serving in East Africa. He is still in office but cannot vote on bills. Why a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard is serving in East Africa is another question entirely. Pennsylvania National Guard  However, it seems they are deployed overseas on a regular basis.

Because of Pennsylvania’s importance in the national race, our races are receiving coverage from national websites that they normally would not.

An example is MSNBC.

“Republicans continue to lie about the last election and are intent on supporting an insurrectionist as their nominee, ever since 60-plus legislators signed a letter urging Congress to throw out the votes of Pennsylvania’s voters,” said state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, who represents parts of Philadelphia. “Their current idea is putting the Auditor General in charge of auditing all future elections — a man who himself is an election denier.” 

Couldn’t it just be that the Democrats had a stronger candidate in a district that has been Democrat since 1969?  But then the issue would be local rather than national and would require more insight, rather than the easy payoff.

The PA 140th Special Election

The PA 140th Special Election

GOP Catching Up To Dems In Bucks Registration

GOP Catching Up To Dems In Bucks Registration — Republican activist Scott Presler reported on X, yesterday, that Bucks County, Pa is just 2,651 voters away from flipping back to the GOP.

On Nov. 29, the Democrats had a 4,033 vote lead.

And Centre County is just 1,362 voters away from flipping Luzerne County is but 3,814 from flipping. 

GOP Catching Up To Dems In Bucks Registration