Mary Bush Convicted — Mary Bush was convicted, Friday, of harassing Cameron Adams who bought the land upon which she grew up and on which she cared for her mother until 2013 when she was evicted after a dispute concerning guardianship issues with her brothers.
Mary still lives next to the property in West Bradford, Chester County, Pa.
It’s 15 acres and has a Cape Cod.
Adams got it for $480,000 in 2021 just a few hours before Mary’s mother, Genevieve, died.
Mary, who is 64, may be facing a stint in prison — much as 70-year-old Arthur Herring did — because of the conviction. The harassment included driving slowly past the house, videotaping construction and occasionally shouting at the new owner.
Mary is disputing the ownership of the property and possessions that came with it. She says cases are pending in Chester Common Pleas Court, the Orphans Court, two appeals in state Superior Court and an appeal in the state Supreme Court.
We only watched a little of the trial and won’t comment on whether the verdict was just. We won’t even take a side in Mary’s dispute with her brothers.
We will, however, declare that Pennsylvania’s guardianship system is a corrupt disgrace. Genevieve — just as Jane Herring — was declared mentally incapacitated at a hearing in which her county-appointed attorney told her not to testify. Further, the attorney kept her from calling her doctor and financial advisors as witnesses in support of her acuity.
The ruling allowed the Chesco courts to appoint guardians and lawyers — well-paid by the estate — to control her assets.
Once the court appoints a lawyer, by the way, a family cannot get rid of him no matter how poor a job he is doing.
It’s a scam. It’s dirty. The law needs to be changed.
Mary was prohibited — just as Arthur Herring was — from seeing her mom at the end. This was not the wish of Genevieve. It was certainly not the wish of Mary.
Genevieve died alone and heartbroken.
Extremely cruel people are running our society.
We are living in a “Gulag” of evil in these United States! Stand Up! Fight Back! “If your not fighting for your family whom are you working Fore “