Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

By Sharon Devaney

Jesse Bunch’s article about the proposed community home for recovering drug addicts at 17 Tenby Road, Havertown, ran in The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 12.

It was surprisingly fair. There was some points he left out which I don’t hold against him as space is limited in newsprint and he did provide a link to my full answer here.

One left-out point concerns Savage Sisters President Mary Nolan’s outburst that she would fill the single-family home with 25 persons rather than the eight she said she was seeking in her request for a variance.

Haverford Township law limits non-related people living in a home to three.

Maybe she wasn’t serious but it’s certainly a strong sign she has no plans on listening to the wants of the community.

Another concern was whether the house managers would have training in mental health and substance abuse; and whether they were certified in CPR, first aid , child abuse and child trafficking as all other health professionals are in Pennsylvania.

Apparently, they are not going to be.

Also, because it is a residential neighborhood and children play outside, there would be better options to help place these individuals in recovery. We do all want them to get well and get the help they need in the best place for them. We want to see everyone overcome their shortcomings. This isn’t about left or right, black or white. There is no discrimination here at all just concerns from the community.

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Here’s an update

By Sharon Devaney

Jesse Bunch of The Philadelphia Inquirer emailed me yesterday, May 3, and asked for an interview.

He wanted to know why I was against The Savage Sisters packing 17 Tenby Road in Havertown with recovering addicts.

Here is why Jesse:

Haverford Township law only allows three non-related people to live in a residence.

Savage Sisters president Mary Nolan says she will fill the single-family home with 25 persons.

Further, it appears the person charged with managing the home will not be certified in CPR, first aid and other relevant matters including child trafficking. These certifications are required for every licensed professional in the state. I even have them.

I will send you a link to this story and that way you won’t have to waste your valuable time interviewing me.

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Remember Kayla Mueller

Remember Kayla Mueller
Remember Kayla Mueller

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin, yesterday, Aug. 30, became one of the few old media types expressing outrage over the fate of American Kayla Mueller.

Ms. Rubin even went so far as to call President Obama’s policies concerning ISIS inept and contradictory.

That’s certainly not writing you see every day by the establishment.

Miss Mueller was a human rights activist captured in August 2013 in Syria by ISIS. She was chained in a room and raped repeatedly over the next several months by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  largely because she was an American.

She was killed on Feb. 6 this year. She was 26. ISIS claims it was a Jordanian air strike that caused her death but that is far from an established fact.

During her captivity, Miss Mueller refused a chance to escape as it would endanger the Yazidi girls who were imprisoned — and being abused — along with her and to whom she had become kind of a mother figure. She had smuggled out a letter say she would never give in to her captors.

Let us remember Kayla Mueller. Let us remember Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well.

And for the record just about  any other president except Barack Obama would not be confused about what to do. OK, Hillary Clinton, as she would be listening to Huma Abedin, would also be confused.

Remember Kayla Mueller

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish
Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, of Runnemede, N. J., who died, Aug. 13, at the too-young-age of 63, asked that her death notice read “In lieu of flowers please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Hence it did.

Except in The Philadelphia Inquirer which cut that part out. Death notices, of course, are paid advertisements so they are getting appropriate grief for it.

The Inky neglected to mention it in the obituary as well. Was it just not interesting? Well, it’s what people around the nation are talking about  concerning her passing.

Rather than throw stones, though, at the smarmy “smarter-than-thou” types who populate the old media, we merely ask that you honor this great woman’s last wish.

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Muslim Killer Called ‘Tenn. Gunman’

There are times one just has to shake his head and wonder in what world those in the old media dinosaurs think they are living. Muslim Killer Called 'Tenn. Gunman'

Today’s (July 17) front page of The Philadelphia Inquirer ” screamed Tenn. Gunman Kills 4 Marines” regarding yesterday’s terror attack at a Marine recruiting center in Chattanooga.

The headline on its website initially read “Gunman grew up in conservative family.” It has since been changed to “conservative Muslim family.”

Well  the attacker with the nice traditional Southern name of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and brought here as an infant. He grew up in a devout Muslim home and espoused radical Muslim views on his website.

Pointedly avoiding consideration that Abulazeez theology was a motive for the murders is a laughable rejection of reality. That it is actually done is why it has become almost pointless to use the old media.

To call Abdulazeez “conservative” is perverse in today’s world. Why  do that? Because he believes in some god and follows a religious tradition? Would they call a Unitarian performing a gay marriage “conservative”?

Does Abdulazeez  believe in the sanctity of life? No. Does he respect our military? No. Does he respect the rule of law?  No. Does he agree with the First Amendment regarding religious dissenters? Sorta doubt it.

Does he accept that we are “Endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” Obviously not.

Those who answer yes to these things are to whom the label “conservative” applies in these modern times.

That the Inquirer would label Abdulazeez such shows that they are driven by anger towards their political opponents to such a degree that they resort to lies in headlines.

They must not be taken seriously.

Or trusted.

Political correctness is poison to truth. It is something that must be fought.

 Muslim Killer Called ‘Tenn. Gunman’


Rob McCord Democrat — And Corporate Connected

This morning’s (Jan. 31) The Philadelphia Inquirer has a huge front-page headline about the looming guilty plea of  Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord.Rob McCord Democrat -- And Corporate Connected Philadelphia Inquirer Rob McCord Headline

McCord attempted to extort money during his failed gubernatorial run last year by warning potential donors that they should not make an enemy of the state treasurer. He is charged with violation of federal campaign finance law as it is illegal to solicit campaign funds in exchange for official acts.

No where on the front page does it mention McCord’s party affiliation.

In fact, it’s not until the very last paragraph on the jump page that it is noted that McCord’s gambit happened in the Democrat Primary.

Compare that to how The Washington Post covered it.

McCord is from Montgomery County and like fellow Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf is a rich, white guy who made a fortune in the private sector, in McCord’s case as a venture capitalist with Safeguard Scientifics.

McCord founded the Eastern Technology Council in 1998 and ran it through 2007.  We think its safe to say that another spelling for the Eastern Technology Council would be “cronyism”.

What this illustrates is that not all capitalists believe in free markets.

McCord, who on Thursday (Jan. 29) announced that he would resign on Feb. 12, said he will now resign immediately. His successor will be appointed by Wolf.

Rob McCord Democrat — And Corporate Connected
Rob McCord Democrat although you’d have trouble learning that from The Philadelphia Inquirer story

Philadelphia Inquirer Tries, Fails

Today’s front page of The Philadelphia Inquirer featured a rousing, inspiring  article concerning the response by the French to the Jan. 7 terrorist attacks which included the murders of 12 staff members at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

It triumphantly noted that 5 million copies of the first post-attack edition of the magazine — again with an image of Mohammed on the front page — quickly sold out as throngs lined up pre-dawn at newsstands to buy one.

The rousing, inspiring article was missing just one thing. This:

Philadelphia Inquirer Tries, Fails Mohammed Je Suis Charlie Hebdo

Yes, the actual image, which is the only honest way of expressing solidarity with the unbowed.

We have to grade the Inky’s attempt at journalistic courage a failure. Still, we give them a half-point (well, quarter-pointer, OK tenth of a point) for trying.

The Inquirer also carried an interesting article concerning Pope Francis’ take on the controversy which is that speech should be free but used wisely i.e. don’t look for stupid fights, respect the religious views of others etc. and we agree completely.

As we had not heard of Charlie Hebdo until last week, and do not speak French hence cannot fairly put in context images we have seen on the web, we can’t speak to what it had published in the past.

We can, however, say that this week’s cover showing a tearful Mohammed expressing remorse at what was done in his name with the victims saying “All is forgiven” is the epitome of the wise use of free speech.

Shame the Inquirer didn’t have the guts to show its readers.

Philadelphia Inquirer Tries, Fails

Gary Cobb Fights For Fathers

Gary Cobb

Gary Cobb Fights For Fathers

Former Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Gary Cobb is seeking the vacated Congressional seat long held by Rob Andrews in the staunchly Democrat 1st District of New Jersey.

He’s running as a Republican. Cobb, like many, started off as a D went to the GOP  after watching how the policies of the Democrat Party destroyed African American families.

“(They were) an incentive for the man to leave the home, and it’s destroyed African-American families throughout the country,” he said.

“All my brothers and sisters have gone to college,” Cobb said. “The reason we were able to have some success was our dad was there, there was some discipline in the home.”

The 1st District includes Camden County and  parts of Burlington and Gloucester counties..

He will face state Sen. Donald Norcross, who is brother of George Norcross, the one-percenter Democrat power broker who just lost control of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News.

The publications’ parent company, Interstate General Media, is now under the sole control of H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest, who bought out the shares of Lewis Katz following his death.

Gary Cobb Fights For Fathers

Inquirer Owner Lewis Katz Dead

Lewis Katz

Lewis Katz, 72, the co-owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer whose side just won a bitter struggle for control of the paper, is among the seven killed in a plane crash last night, May 31, in Massachusetts.

The crash happened about 9:40 p.m. as  the Gulfstream IV was taking off from Hanscom Field in New Bedford for Atlantic City.

Also killed were passengers Anne Leeds, 74; Marcella Dalsey, the executive director of the Drew A. Katz Foundation and president of KATZ Acdemy Charter School;  Susan Asbell, 68, of Cherry Hill, who was a member of the planning committee of the Boys and Girls Club of Camden County; and three crew members whose names were not released.

Katz was in Massachusetts to attend an education-related event at the home of historian Doris Kerns Goodwin in Concord.

Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell  declined to attend due to a another engagement. He would have been on the flight.

On May 27, Katz and H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest paid $88 milllion  to interests led by New Jersey insurance executive George Norcross III to achieve controlling interest of the Inquirer and its affiliated products.

Inquirer Owner Lewis Katz Dead


Inky Suffers Alien Abduction?

Inky Suffers Alien Abduction? — What we want to know is who took the editorial staff of The Philadelphia Inquirer and what have they done with them.

Today’s edition — and Sunday is the declining daily’s biggest circulation day — featured a double deck extra-large-type, front-page headline declaring how rising uber-lib Democrat star Attorney General Kathleen Kane shut down an corruption investigation started by embattled Republican Gov. Tom Corbett.

Ms. Kane is treated rather harshly in the story, and apparently appropriately so.

Even more amazingly the story contains this paragraph:

with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial
pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted
the payments.
with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial
pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted
the payments.

Sources with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted the payments.

So, has the Inky suffered an alien abduction?

If the Inquirer and their fellows did this kind of work in 2008 and 2012 we might not have had the mind-numbing incompetent we have in the White House.

The peoples of Iran and Syria might free and not living in fear. Venezuelans might have gotten their civil rights back. The Ukraine might not be worrying about an invasion.

And Americans with serious preexisting conditions might not have lost their health care.


Inky Suffers Alien Abduction?