Venezuela Progressive Tragedy

Today’s (Feb. 17) Philadelphia Inquirer carried on its front page a story about someone making a U.S. skier cry, Jimmy Fallon and John Kerry warning about “climate change.”

Not a peep about the oppression and tragedy going on in Venezuela.

The video below explains what is going on.

Hat tip John Sexton at

Visit for Venezuela Progressive Tragedy


Inky Mystery Bid

The New York Post is reporting on the mystery behind the money that is sponsoring a bid by the Newspaper Guild to buy The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Daily News and the website and end the battle between the principles of its current owner, Interstate Media General.

The battling factions are led by one-percenter Democrat big wheel and New Jersey insurance executive George Norcross III, and one-percenter Democrat donor Lewis Katz, the former owner of the New Jersey Nets.

Norcross has acquired 58 percent of Interstate Media General.

The Inquirer and Daily News were purchased by Philadelphia Media Holdings headed by Brian Tierney for $515 million in 2006.

In September  2010, they were sold at a bankruptcy auction to  Philadelphia Media Network for $139 million. This group of socially correct businesspersons sold the Inquirer Building on North Broad Street to developer Bart Blatsein of Tower Investments in 2011 and then the husk of the company on April 2 to Interstate Media for $55 million.

The Inquirer circulation as of May 2013 was 184,827 on the print side, and this includes the Daily News, which once upon a time had a circulation by itself of the much.

In Philadelphia, nearly nobody reads this garbage.

So, where exactly did the Guild find a sucker?

Hat tip Bob Guzzardi

Inky Mystery Bid

Philly Inquirer Smacks New York Times

It’s not often we will give things associated with The Philadelphia Inquirer credit for doing anything right, but that’s only because they so rarely do.

However, when they do we give credit and Jimmy Kempski’s smackdown of a smug, self-righteous, politically correct and otherwise pompous New York Times story by Juliet Macur certainly deserves credit.

Read it here.

Philly Inquirer Smacks New York Times

Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed

Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed
Once upon a time half the residents of the Philadelphia area read the Sunday Inquirer albeit today once suspects that half may not even know the publication exists.

For those that remember its relevance,  former Inky reporter Ralph Cipriano is doing yeoman’s work at covering the saga among the battling Democrats who own the publication regarding the firing of editor Bill Marimow.

It’s fascinating writing and shows that straight reporting can be far more interesting than the entertainment garbage that now passes for news in the dying dinosaurs. Cipriano makes the implicit case that the dinosaur may not be dying — at least as certainly — if they actually did its job rather than be a mere mouthpiece for the union-backed establishment that runs — and corrupts — the City of Philadelphia, and by extension the state.

Did you know that the Carpenters’ Union dumped $45 million of its pension fund into the Inky when it was sold  to a group led by Brian Tierney in 2006? You wouldn’t if you depended on the Inquirer for news. It lost most of it. On the other hand, it kept a crusade from being launched to reform things at the city’s miserable failure of a convention center.

“They don’t hand out prizes for
pissing people off,” Cipriano notes. “And that’s what the job of journalism often is. To
create a newsroom that Ed Rendell wouldn’t feel comfortable in.

For a scorecard as to who is on what side in the Marimow fight — owners Lewis Katz and H.F. Lenfest want to keep him and owner New Jersey Democrat boss George Norcross with Publisher Bob Hall want him gone — visit here. Tidbits include that the rage aimed at Marimow is based on a claim that he leaked a plan to cut the paper’s editorial pages by 50 percent and the paper has lost 24 percent of our readers in the last year. Free clue, maybe normalizing homosexuality is not as popular as you guys seem to think it is.

Hat tip Bob Guzzardi

 Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed

Philadelphia Inquirer Still In Decline

The latest Alliance for Audited Media report puts the print circulation of The Philadelphia Inquirer at just 184,827 with its digital circulation at 67,958 and branded editions at 54,048 for a total of circulation of 306,832. This is a drop of 18,458 from last March.

The area the Inquirer covers has a population of 5.77 million. Even including the digital readers that’s not a real good penetration.

In its heyday, the Inky’s print circulation  was over a half million.



Philadelphia Inquirer Still In Decline

Newspaper Guild Buyout Package

Philadelphia Inquirer gossip columnist Dan Gross resigned, Jan. 16, as head of the Newspaper Guild of Greater Philadelphia to take a  buyout package.

“My decision was not based on fear but on opportunity,” he said.

Perhaps he has gotten an offer to captain an Italian cruise ship.

Interstate General Media L.L.C., the parent company of the Inky, Daily News and,  has told the 550 members of the Guild. whose rank and file includes newsroom and advertising employees. that it wants to cut $8 million in wages and benefits from their contract which expires in October.

Those greedy capitalistic war pigs. Look for the union label! Strike brothers!

And welcome to Obamaworld where your pay is less and your costs are more.


Newspaper Guild Buyout Package

Today’s Propaganda From The Democrat Inquirer

The Philadelphia Inquirer, owned by Democrats and wholly out of the closet, has made themselves today’s (Sept. 16) front page lead story with a report of their own poll claiming that “Obama lead widens after convention”.

It also took up a couple of pages inside.
The Inquirer Pennsylvania Poll surveyed 600 likely voters Sept. 9-12 and found that Obama now led Romney 50 percent to 39 percent as opposed to 51 percent to 42 percent in a similar survey in August before the conventions. The story did not provide much in the way of the poll’s internals such as party membership of those surveyed. Regardless, if one’s incumbent candidate drops after the convention one should not take comfort in the fact even if the opponent drops more.
Our own view here is that if Romney-Ryan successfully respond to Bill Clinton’s data dump Medicare scare — and we expect them too — Pennsylvania with most of the rest of the states will vote to fire the incompocumbent.
Meanwhile, the real story of the day — the turmoil in the Middle East — was below the fold in the Inquirer and was without much in the way of information. It was nauseatingly Obama-centric, though, even with headline “Mideast crisis tests Obama’s stewardship”.
How about you just tell us what’s going on over there? OK, stupid question. The details won’t make Obama’s “stewardship” look real good.
For those who may be missing it here’s a report from the U.K. as provided by Cathy Craddock.
Today’s Propaganda From The Democrat Inquirer

Thoughts Regarding Today’s Inquirer

As one of the few remaining who still even occasionally glances at the once mighty Philadelphia Inquirer, here are some observations about today’s, July 25, publication.

— The Democrats who own the paper are really, really, really, really afraid of voter-photo ID
— Disgraced ex-Penn State President Graham Spanier boasts about his  top secret security clearance in connection with his work with the federal government while  Msgr. William J. Lynn is going to serve three to six years in prison.

Dinosaurs And The ’60s

Reader TomC submitted a link to a  Philadelphia Inquirer review puffing the latest acting gig of Jane Fonda, a person about whom many still have bitter memories of her support for the cruel, freedom-hating North Vietnamese communists in the middle of our war with them.

From what I can see, though, the discussion leaves the young with simply two questions:
–Who is Jane Fonda?
–What is the Philadelphia Inquirer?
Dinosaurs And The ’60s

End Of The Inquirer

The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News purchased for $562 million in 2006 was announced sold yesterday, April 2, to the Democrat boss of New Jersey for $55 million.

So, in another six years will the sale price be $5.3 million?

Frankly, one doubts it. One expects it to be killed shortly after Nov. 6 as the only the rationale for that outlay of money is as a sneaky campaign contribution to Barack Obama and the local Democrat parties.
And one doubts that even the Philadelphia and New Jersey unions have that much dough to throw down that rat hole for much time beyond the election.
The new owners, headed by George Norcross — who has been described as the most powerful Democrat in New Jersey — are solely trying to influence the senior citizens who still get the paper to do the crossword puzzle and the sudoku.
They are not going to try to expand its readership by even pretending to be fair. Today’s web headlines, for instance, include “89,000 poor Pa. kids slashed from Medicaid” and “Secret reports on priests’ perversions”.
The only thing more blatant would be to hire the now out-of-work Keith Olbermann.
In the words of Dr. McCoy, “he’s dead, Jim.”
And Norcross is going to find that he has wasted his money even if his intent is to use the broadsheet as a suicide fire ship. Parody makes for bad propaganda.
The paper was purchased for $130 million in 2010 by a hedge fund which scavenged what it could and has now dumped the hulk.
End Of The Inquirer
End Of The Inquirer