Happy Holidays Haverford

The Haverford Township School District is stridently secular but we still want to wish them something in the spirit of the season so with help from former Vice Principal Steven Quinn we — especially Sharon– say Happy Holidays Haverford.

Happy Holidays Haverford

Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest?

Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest? — We’re getting reports — including from a mom — that a long-time Northley Middle School counselor is facing 34 counts of possessing child pornography.

She said parents are posting concerns on social media — which we understand are being taken down, at least on Facebook — and Penn Delco has not responded to questions from them which have been being asked since at least Halloween.

She said a generic statement from the district has been released saying the individual is on leave.

By the way, we could not find any reports of the charges in the Daily Times or any Philadelphia-area media as of 2:23 p.m., today, Nov. 16.

Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest?
A search on the Delaware County Daily Times webstie as of 2:23 p.m., Nov. 16.

UPDATE: The Penn Delco School District released a new statement a few hours ago basically saying it’s not our fault. Remember, this is the district that passed a policy that cuts parents from conversations regarding sexual confusion their child might be having.

Anyway here is their statement:

Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest?
Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest?
Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest?

Secret Northley Child Porn Arrest

IEPs And Perverted Principals Topic Of Educational Town Hall

IEPs And Perverted Principals Topic Of Educational Town Hall — A town hall, last night, Sept. 23, sponsored by congressional candidate Alfe Goodwin addressed Pennsylvania’s crisis in education. It was held at the Media VFW and drew an active and diverse crowd.

By diverse, we don’t just mean Black and White — although it applies. We mean Republican and Democrat, and city and suburb.

The room was full despite attempts by social media censors to hide the event’s promotion.

Alfe is seeking to unseat the wife of the CEO of high-powered law firm Ballard Spahr to represent Pennsylvania’s 5th District. The district is all of Delaware County along with parts of Montgomery, Philadelphia and Chester counties.

Speakers were NaDerah Griffin, and Sharon Devaney. Ms. Griffin is a former Philadelphia School District educator, who is a mental health specialist, and Sharon M. Devaney is a single mom who described her tribulations with the Haverford School District.

Moderator was Joy Schwartz, a retired Penn Wood teacher who still occasionally substitutes.

Many in the audience also shared their experiences with public education along with other institutions in obvious decline such as the military.

Ms. Griffin noted how the misuse of individual education plans (IEPs) has resulted in numerous children being placed on life-long paths of despair.

“When you pull children out they feel they are dumb,” she says.

She said IEPs can be beneficial. The shortage of teachers, however, in the city schools along with the lack of training for them results in children being diagnosed improperly.

She said situations such as trauma and poverty are incorrectly diagnosed as intellectual problems.

Ms. Devaney described the battles she fought with her district to keep her children from being drugged and bullied.

She said Haverford sought to put her son on an IEP but she fought them and won.

She noted the administration’s indifference, if not actual defense, of high ranking officials who should have been dismissed for extremely inappropriate behavior.

Shelia Armstrong, a North Philadelphia parent-teacher advocate, spoke from the audience. She described how she won a lawsuit against the educational establishment’s failure to uphold the General Assembly’s constitutional obligation to provide a “thorough and efficient” system of public education.

Ms. Armstrong also noted that the teachers unions are blocking needed reform. She cited their refusal to allow cameras in the classroom.

“I’m just so tired of the union right now,” she said. “. . .It’s promoting everything else but education.”

She expressed strong support for school choice.

She said progress is being made, however. Ms. Armstrong pointed out that if a child attacks a school employee, the employee can sue the parents.

Alfe Goodwin is a veteran and a retired Philadelphia police officer, who now teaches in Chester at the Edgmont Scholars Academy.

About 180 students at the school now have IEPs, she said.

Del Vann Inspired Media broadcast the event live and is expected to post a video of it.

Alfe’s opponent has cancelled debates with her, apparently out of fear that she can win.

IEPs And Perverted Principals Topic Of Educational Town Hall
Moderator Joy Schwartz with panelist Sharon Devaney and sponsor Alfe Goodwin

IEPs And Perverted Principals Topic Of Educational Town Hall

Panelists NaDerah Griffin and Sharon Devaney

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis — Alfe Goodwin, the sane, working class candidate, for Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District has a Town Hall, 6 p.m., Sept. 23 at the Media VFW, 11 Hilltop Road, Media, Pa. 19063.

Speakers are Sharon Devaney, a mom and children’s book author, who will describe her personal experiences with public schools in Delaware County; NeDerah Griffin, a former Philadelphia Public School Educator and mental health specialist; and Joy Schwartz, a retired public school teacher in Delaware County.

Alfe is the candidate who is a veteran and retired Philadelphia cop. She’s the one who is not married to the guy who heads one of the most powerful law firms in the country and makes unsanitary hoagies during political pandering.

You can find out more about her at www.alfeforuscongress.com or on Instagram and Facebook @alfegoodwin.

Ruth Moton and Tiffany Vann from Del Vann Inspired Media will broadcast the event live.

Ms. Devaney spoke at the Sept. 4 Delaware County Council meeting and gave a passionate and timely warning about the dangers of unassimilated immigrants, illegal or otherwise, and the tragic suffering she experienced at their hands.

See the video below.

The misery being inflicted on America is entirely the fault of the globalist — like Alfe’s opponent — who are now running things.

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Boys Being Poisoned By Weak Parents

Boys Being Poisoned By Weak Parents — TruthsSeekerJones posted on X, Sept. 8, what might be the best rebuttal to those defending letting males call themselves females and exploiting the necessary privileges — like, well, private bathrooms — given to females.

He referenced a soccer game involving 12-year-olds between Marple and Haverford in Delaware County, Pa. and said:

There are two boys on the Haverford girls team. Number 5 is one of them and he is their best player. This is literally insane. 2 girls didn’t get to play soccer this season because of lunatic parents, that, instead of getting their son the help and care he needs, decided to just affirm and acknowledge anything a child says.

Parents and authorities who deny reality and refuse to say no to delusion are destroying boys and girls.

Despite what our cultural leaders shreik at us, strong, decent men are necessary for a nation’s surival and boys don’t automatically grow into them.

Boys Being Poisoned By Weak Parents

Boys Being Poisoned By Weak Parents

Wallingford Swarthmore Superintendent Is Gone, Gone, Gone

Wallingford Swarthmore Superintendent Is Gone, Gone, Gone

By Bob Small

One of the five demands at a contentious Wallingford Swarthmore School Board meeting was an independent review of Superintendent Wagner Marseille.

It was announced, Aug. 16, “the Board and Marseille . . . have mutually agreed to pursue an amicable conclusion to Dr. Marseille’s service as district superintendent”.

A special meeting was held Aug. 22 to vote on the terms of the separation agreement.

Jim Scanlon, a former West Chester superintendent, is expected to be voted in as the interim superintendent.

As noted in previous articles, parents accused Dr. Marseille of alienating staff members with his high- handed approach, and questionable spending decisions, such as hiring more administrators in lieu of staff, teachers, and repairs on the physical plant.

In the article in the Glenside local, we had some of Dr. Marseille’s backstory. He was a former track star who represented Haiti in the 1996 Olympics. He is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson where he was a Division 1 All-American.

He served at Cheltenham schools from 2015 to 2021. He received the annual President’s Award from the Cheltenham area NAACP Branch in 2012. He is enshrined in Princeton High School’s Athletic Hall of Fame.

See also Wallingford-Swarthmore schools superintendent is out

Possibly a more diverse school board, including both academics and business people (with a history of hiring employees) could learn from each other and might provide a better model than the all-academic current board.

Just sayin.’

Today, the Swarthmorean newspaper returned from vacation (probably down the shore) and had an article which mentioned that, in his first seven months “he paid more than $70,000 for consultants and audits”. It also noted the recent resignations of Strath Haven Principal Greg Hilden; Wallingford Elementary School Principal Gabe Savage; and Assistant Superintendent James Conley.”

The School Board will meet Tuesday, August 27.

This has gotten very little play in local and regional media. Perhaps Swarthmore is not as important as we all think we are. No, I did not say that!


Wallingford Swarthmore Superintendent Is Gone

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

By Bob Small

If we had known the July 22 Wallingford-Swarthmore School Board Meeting would have been so exciting, we would of dropped our normal schedule of watching old westerns.

More than 250 attended. The big item was to announce the hiring of Dr. Sharon Baddick as assistant superintendent. Originally scheduled for the Strath Haven Middle School Library, the meeting had to be moved to the auditorium.

Among the issues the public raised was the failure of negotiations with the union, and the alleged “mistreatment of staff.” Other complaints were issues with the buildings and a general lack of communication.

Much of this has also been discussed on Next Door Swarthmore and other arenas.

In a letter to the Swarthmorean that was read into the meeting’s record, Arianne Allen had five suggestions:

  • A formal, independent evaluation of Dr. Marseille’s performance with emphasis on his ability to create a supportive and collegial work environment.”
  • Designate the District’s top priority to “stopping the bleeding” of the loss of administrators, teachers and staff by setting up meetings to “course correct”.
  • Work with the teacher’s union to approve a contract for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Do the budget and building decisions that are needed for the physical structure.
  • Evaluate the Special Education Team’s needs and help them become successful after their staff departures.

This was also reported in both the Delco Times and Town Talk.

Board Member Wachtman was interrupted by members in the audience” and said they wouldn’t continue “if decorum wasn’t restored”.

We should mention that the nine school board members almost all have a Bachelor’s degree with a number having Masters Degrees. They’re all members Board Members / Overview of a certain class without any “diversity”.

Slightly over a decade ago, four candidates for two seats included “ a police officer, a real estate agent, an investigator and a retired paper company executive. “

Might a return to this type of diversity be helpful? Just saying.

Full disclosure; My Bachelor’s degree, in English, is from Neumann’s night school.

The next meeting is 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 School Board Meeting Calendar

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

Superintendent Reusche Blames State For Not Notifying District Of Lynnewood Teacher Arrest

Superintendent Reusche Blames State For Not Notifying District Of Lynnewood Teacher Arrest

By Sharon Devaney

Superintendent Maureen Reusche, at the Aug. 1 Haverford Township (Pa.) School Board meeting, blamed the state for failing to notify the district of the two arrests of Lynnewood 5th grade teacher Matthew Gagat for masturbating in public.

“The problem is a technical one,” she said she was told.

The district’s policy is for parents to contact the teacher about such concerns, and then the principal before contacting the central office, she said. However, the parents can contact the administration if they feel they are being ignored.

So, were they being ignored? Was the principal told? Why wouldn’t the principal contact the superintendent?

We hear that parents had been expressing concern about Gagat’s classroom behavior for some time.

Lets not forget that the administration defended High School Vice Principal Steven Quinn despite his posting uncomfortably suggestive photos of himself on Instagram.

Perhaps the school district should worry less about diversity and more about character and competence.

In other matters, a few residents continued to push for impractical solar panels at Chatham Park Elementary School.

They argued that state subsidies would make solar energy affordable.

Newsflash: State subsidies are tax money also.

Superintendent Reusche Blames State
Former Vice Principal Steven Quinn on Instagram

Haverford’s Proud Tradition Of Perversion Continues

Haverford’s Proud Tradition Of Perversion Continues

By Sharon Devaney

Matthew Gagat, a fifth grade teacher at Lynnewood Elementary school in Haverford Township, Pa., is facing charges of indecent exposure after he was reportedly caught masturbating March 3 in Whitemarsh Cemetery in Montgomery County and on June 27 in Lenape Park in Bucks County.

Gagat made national news.

The district begged for patience .

“The challenge for a school system in these moments is to appropriately address our community concerns while maintaining the procedures — both in the criminal justice system and as a district employee– that the individual is entitled to under the law,” said Superintendent Maureen Reusche.

This statement by Ms Reusche is quite reasonable. We understand, however, that Gagat has been the subject of complaints for the last two years. These included his removing his shirt in front of fifth graders during class.

These complaints were ignored.

Perversion is nothing new in Haverford Township.

High School Vice Principal Steven Quinn was quietly let go a few years back after he exposed himself in photos on Instagram. Quinn had befriended many students on the site. One photo featured Quinn wearing nothing but Christmas lights. Students angry at Quinn made t-shirts with this photo and wore them to class.

Ms Reuche defended Quinn as long as she could. We hear he is now working in a New Jersey school district.

Former Haverford High Vice Principal Steve Quinn was defended to the end by Superintendent Maureen Reusche until student protests made it lights out. The protests included students wearing t-shirts emblazoned with this photo to class

Grooming At Wallingford School

Grooming At Wallingford School — We hear that Wallingford Elementary School– allegedly the 25th best in the state — is shamelessly grooming children to be comfortable with engaging in sex.

We hear that teachers don’t lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance and some express open hostility to Christianity.

And we were sent these photos on display at the high school.

Grooming At Wallingford School

Grooming At Wallingford School

Rather that telling kids to make their parents use their college savings to have them sterilized, why not teach them to love how they were born and to grow into what they were designed to be?

It’s bizarre that the Wallingford Swarthmore parents are so cowed by fear of shaming they won’t defend their kids. See here and here and here for what’s been happening in the rather wealthy district in Delaware County, Pa.

And we just got sent this exercise in grooming children to accept exploitation at the Haverford Township Free Library.

Grooming At Wallingford School